Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Isaiah 11:1 There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a Branch from his roots shall bear fruit.
Foretold of old: The promised King Messiah would arise when it seemed impossible. Jesse was the father of King David. God had promised David that his descendants would reign on his throne forever. For over 400 years there was a descendant of David on the throne of Judah; then came the Babylonian captivity. Jerusalem was destroyed and the people taken away. There was no one from David's line that ruled as king in Jerusalem again. For over 600 years Israel was ruled by foreign kings. It seemed impossible that a descendant of David would reign again.
Yet God had foretold through Isaiah that a shoot would come from the "stump of Jesse." That implies that the great tree of David's dynasty would be cut down. There would be nothing left but a stump but God promised to raise a new shoot from that stump.
That shoot, of course, was Jesus. He did spring up from the root of Jesse, from a direct descendant of king David. As the angel told Mary, "The Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob, forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end" (Luke 1:32-33). God kept His promise to David and this promise in Isaiah.
This is an important reminder to us. Even when it seems impossible, God always keeps His promises and does it in ways more wonderful than we could imagine.
Are there times in your life when it doesn't seem possible that God will keep his promises to you? It may seem like God is not keeping His promise that He will never leave you or forsake you. Just be patient, God always keeps His promises.
Some laugh at Jesus' promise to come again and judge the living and the dead. Just be patient, He will keep that promise. He will come again. He will raise all the dead. He will judge the earth and He will take every believer who trusts in Him for forgiveness and salvation to live with Him forever in paradise.
The Advent season reminds us that, just as Christ Jesus the King came to this world when it seemed impossible and many had given up hope, so He will come again. It is also a reminder that our King can and does establish His kingdom of peace -- His rule -- when and where it seems impossible. In a world where there is no peace, even at Christmas time, our King is faithful and true to His promises. He rules in our hearts with true and glorious peace.
Since Christ has reconciled us to God and rules us as our King and Savior we have perfect peace -- well-being as God's dearly loved children.