Finally here is the May PON, a
little late and apologies to all those expecting to have their
notices out by the 1st.
Gwyn's Calendar
Additions to Scotland Island Website
Scotland Island Rural Fire Brigade News
ANZAC Day Address
Gone Fishing Gallery Update
L. Duck Launch Postponed
Asparagus Out Weekend
Scotland island Players
David Wardman Workshops
Local Council
Letters to the Editor
Author Talks
Fireshed Dinner
Census Recruiting
Pump Out
House Sitter Wanted
Local Contact Guide
subscription Information
2011 Calendar
To download
a full version (A4 size) of this months calendar, ready for
printing, just click on the
calendar image.
You can contact
Gwyn Perkins by email at g.perkins@gwyn.com.au
file is quite large and in PDF format. To view PDF
documents you
will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.
download Acrobat Reader please click here |


New on Scotland Island Website!
The website now
displays Upcoming Events on Scotland Island.
Check it out to learn what’s happening on the island:
Anyone holding an event is invited to contact us – see the Upcoming
Events section and click on ‘contact us’.
Coming soon
to the website: A listing of services and trades; SIRA

The Scotland
Island Rural Fire Brigade (SIRFB) is
involved with numerous activities, from responding to smoke sightings
and boat fires around Pittwater and beyond to attending fire calls,
storm damage and assisting with medical evacuations on the
Island. Each month we plan to highlight something of interest
the community and now it’s cooling down we thought we’d start with Winter
Fire Safety.
Winter is when many fires occur in the home. Here are a few
tips to keep your home safe:
- Have suitable smoke alarms installed throughout
your home and test them regularly
- Never, ever leave cooking unattended
- Ensure the chimney is clean, especially before
the first fire of the season
- Check electric blankets for damage or frayed
cords before placing on the bed
- Keep curtains, tablecloths and bedding away
from portable heaters
- Clean the lint filter on your clothes dryer
each and every time you use it
- Never leave burning candles or any other open
flames unattended, and always extinguish before going to bed
- Only use fuses of recommended rating and
install an electrical safety switch
events at the Station – everyone welcome:
- Sunday,
May 9am-12noon
Brigade Training
- Tuesday, 3
7.30pm Public
Meeting about Medical Emergencies
- Wednesday, 4
7.30pm Brigade
- Saturday,
May 7.00pm Winter
Dinner – get Curried Away!
8, 9, 14, 15, 28 & 29 May – Community First Response Ambulance
Also, the fire boat is having a major upgrade and a new motor installed
and will be returning to the Island soon.
For further information, call us on 9999 4404, check the website www.sirfb.org.au
or www.rfs.nsw.gov.au
or pop into the Station.

ANZAC Day Address - Church Point 2011
by Peter Hemery
Good morning. As a former resident of the Western
shores of Pittwater, I am privileged to be invited to give the 2011
Church Point Anzac Day address.
In 2010 Ian Leslie OAM, gave us a moving account of his family’s
experiences in a prisoner of war camp in Java for the duration of WW II
and extraordinary insights into his outstanding career in broadcast
journalism in peace time and in war time around the world
Following on from Ian’s address, I wish to acknowledge the work of
Australian War Correspondents and their involvement in reporting on
conflicts, and sadly often sacrificing their lives in war torn
countries. As recently as last Thursday we learnt of the loss of two
senior War correspondents in Misrata,Libya. Over 300 Australian War
Correspondents served during WW2 and I understand only 150 returned, a
50% fatality rate.
Reporting on conflicts began as early as 500 BC. We know the story
about the messenger running from Marathon to Athens with news of the
Athenian victory in the Greco/Persian war. Now we have ‘on the spot
reporting’. We hear and see daily reports from Afghanistan, Libya and
the African continent. War correspondents with great courage, bravery
and passion put their lives at risk to bring us news from the
battlefields around the world
For a small nation AUSTRALIA has produced a significant number of
distinguished war correspondents, commonly known as ‘Warcos’. Amongst
them were Allan Moorehead and Chester Willmot two of the best known
reporters of the Second World War.
My father, Peter Hemery, was also a well known ‘Warco’ in WW
II. He began his career in broadcasting after he joined the
ABC in Melbourne in 1939.
In 1942 he was appointed war correspondent with the army for the ABC
and BBC. En route to Malaysia, he landed in Darwin just 5 days before
the first bombing raid began on 19th Feb 1942. For the next 6 months he
covered all campaigns from the Northern Territory and Northern
Australia. Darwin suffered 64 air raids over 18 months from
the 19th February 1942 to the 12th November 1943,
The government reported that the official death toll during this time
was 243, however the private secretary to the Administrator of the NT
estimated the death toll to be as high as 1000; a figure, now
recognised, to be a more accurate estimate of the loss of life.
For years war correspondents from many allied countries had been
struggling with how best to work with government laws relating to
My father was incensed by the Australian government’s cover up of the
extent of damage and loss of life during the Japanese bombing of Darwin.
In frustration, he returned to Sydney, to expose the sanitising of his
reports, which he believed prevented the Australian public, it’s right
to know the full story of the devastation he had witnessed. This led to
threats of imprisonment for challenging the governments censoring of
his reports.
With the threat of imprisonment hanging over his head, father hitched a
ride with an American Air Force cargo plane to New Guinea where he
covered all major campaigns in the Pacific for the ABC, BBC and
International News Service of America. He took part in every landing
during the South West Pacific Campaign working with the front line
troops. The noise of the guns and the aircraft engines, the extreme
heat and the dust, were a constant challenge to produce recordings fit
to air.
In 1944 he returned to Australia, enlisted in the RAAF and was
appointed Public Relations Officer. His war service encompassed every
major campaign in the Pacific. He was awarded the Asiatic-Pacific
Service Ribbon, by General Douglas Macarthur, for his long and
meritorious service in the South Pacific arena with U S troops.
During his reporting of the South Pacific Campaign with the American
Air force he used a portable wire recorder to record his interviews.
The wire recorder was the forerunner to the I Pod’s of today. After the
war Father ‘borrowed’ this recorder from his US mates and brought it
home. With this new technology he established the Macquarie Newsreel on
Sydney radio 2GB in 1946.
His wire recorder now resides in the Australian War Memorial in
Canberra along with his war time films, reports and
Widely reported in the newspapers was his mission over Tokyo, on the
10th August 1945.
At 8.15 am on the 6th August 1945, the Enola Gay dropped the atomic
bomb on Hiroshima. This was followed by the bombing of Nagasaki on the
9th August which led to the surrender of Japan on 15th August,
My father along, with fellow Australian Bill Meredith, was on board an
American Boeing B29 Super Fortress, on a massed U S bombing
raid of the main army arsenal in Tokyo; one of the most
heavily defended areas on the Japanese main land. He gave a graphic
description of the scenes of absolute destruction of Hiroshima in the
aftermath of the atomic explosion.
Whilst returning to base, the B29 crew witnessed a US Submarine
surfacing in Tokyo Harbour to pick up an American pilot who had been
shot down by anti aircraft fire. While the submarine waited for the
pilot to bring his life raft alongside, they casually shelled shore
installations asking the B29 pilots to describe the fall of their
He relayed his experience as the only RAAF Officer to fly in a B29 air
raid over Tokyo.
Remarkably, my father survived his wartime experiences and went on to
build a successful career in radio broadcasting, and significantly he
introduced “On the spot interviews” and created the Macquarie
News Reel, using the wire recorder. Some of you may recall this
programme; it was the beginning of talk back radio.
Ironically, he was killed in the USA whilst flying his light aircraft
in preparation for the London to Darwin Air Race in 1968 at the age of
In recognition of the sacrifices made by our war correspondents and our
service men and women, and the impact their duties have on them and
their families; I leave you with this thought on courage and bravery
written by Rick Slater in his ‘Voice of Fear’ and I quote,
“When soldiers go to war they don’t fight because they hate what’s in
front of them, they fight because they love what is behind them’
When they return, the defences they created to protect their loved ones
are the same defences they must lower to return TO them.
For THIS, we thank THEM!
Peter Hemery 25 April
Peter hemery's Bio can be downloaded here
These photos and more by June Lahm can be viewed in our Online Galllery here....

Fishing Gallery Update

Click the poster download the flyer or click here

Duck Launch Postponed
to the bad weather and high seas we have been having for such
long time, the L. Duck has not as yet flown from the nest. That is, she
is still in Brisbane ! As such, we have postponed the launch. we are
expecting her sometime next week.

Asparagus Out Weekend
The third Asparagus Out Weekend event was held at the Pittwater YHA
over the first weekend in April.
volunteers took up the offer to be bed and fed at the hostel and joined
members of the local Morning Bay Bushcare Group to achieve and amazing
65 bags totaling 800 kg of Asparagus cores were taken out by National
Pittwater Natural Heritage Association (PNHA) activity in partnership
with Pittwater YHA, NP&WS, Pittwater Council &
sponsored by the
Hawkesbury – Nepean Catchment Authority with funding from the
Australian Government’s Caring for Community Programme.

The team |

Pittwater YHA Meal |

Anne Reeve |

Jane's big smile |

Scotland Island Players
LUST - on the ISLAND'
a work of
fiction, and a highly comic farce, concerning:
played by Gordon Floyd
played by Cheryl Wagner
A Bays
couple Robert
played by Matt Bowden
played by Lyn
played by Kez Borthwick
A woman from Mona
Chantelle played by Jessica
Devised and directed by Bob Bolton
play deals with infidelity, it's consequences, (especially
unexpected ones) and the working out of adjustment
strategies. Of
course, there are misunderstandings, mistaken identities, awkward
developments, and lots of fun
Last two weekends in May, Friday and Saturday night in the Hall,
bookings at Scotland Island Lodge, and PMC Hill

Workshop & Watercolour
Painting Workshop
Wardman is holding workshops
in both drawing
29th May and watercolour painting 19th June
Both workshops are suitable for beginners or those wanting to gain more
insight and experience.
one day workshop is an intensive but highly enjoyable process aimed at
raising the skills and confidence of the participant.
refer to www.madparrot.com.au for more information
or phone
9999 5944 or email; david@wardman.com.au a more detailed information
page will be sent to each participant.
There is a limit of 8 paticipants for each
workshop - places are secured by payment in full $95.00 (each workshop)
is a self taught watercolour artist A design graduate (London) he has
worked as an illustrator in architecture for about 30 years, working in
He has given talks at Sydney College of the Arts, UTS and Sydney
There is a large collection of his sketches and drawings in the
Mitchell Library.

Notices |
Events in May
Manly-Warringah-Pittwater Aboriginal Support Group is holding two
events in May in Pittwater.
Monday 9 May from 7.30pm indigenous film-maker Frances Peters-Little
will present her film Vote Yes for Aborigines at Mona Vale Memorial
Frances is a historian and musician and made the film in
2007 to commemorate the 40th anniversary of indigenous people being
given the vote in 1967.
Vote Yes for Aborigines revisits those
involved with the 1967 referendum and the social attitudes and
influences that led to the event, featuring former Prime Ministers,
politicians, historians and campaigners. The campaign culminated in one
of the most overwhelmingly positive votes in any referendum in
Australia’s history, with 99% of voters saying ‘yes’.
The film is approximately one hour long and following the screening,
Frances will answer questions from the audience
Sunday 29 May the Aboriginal Support Group will mark one of the most
solemn dates in the indigenous calendar – Sorry Day – by a
commemorative walk from the Tramshed Community Centre car park at Berry
Reserve North Narrabeen to Bilarong Scout Hall at Bilarong Reserve, off
Wakehurst Parkway.
Following the walk the community are invited to a BBQ with indigenous
dance and music to remember the Stolen Generations.
For more information about both the events please visit the group’s
website at www.asgwp.net
Vanessa Walsh, Manly-Warringah-Pittwater Aboriginal Support Group
Ph: 9970 5456

Law Week 2011 -
Tuesday 17 May

to the Editor
To Pittwater
Councillors, SIRA & Scotland Island Cyclists,
the quest for secure bike parking at Church Point my attention has been
drawn to the presently derelict Bennetts Boatshed at the eastern end of
Church Point car park. I note that it was about to be demolished in
November but an objection from the Church Point Reserve Association
stopped this. I am sure they wouldn't object to it being rejuvenated
into a secure bike parking facility on similar lines to the one
provided by Manly Council in the Whistler Street car park. This is a
large cage within the car park (under cover) with key access for
cyclists who pay a deposit for the key plus a quarterly rental charge.
Inside the cage are 30+ bike racks so cyclists have double protection
if they choose to chain their bikes to the racks. The last I heard
there was a waiting list for the Whistler St facility and Council were
considering enlarging it. Pittwater Council could recoup the cost of
renovating the Bennetts Boatshed from key rentals. We had 26 Scotland
island cyclists who indicated their willingness to rent the proposed
RTA lockers at $50 per quarter. It appears the present boatshed is 7.5M
x 3.6M & I'm not sure how many racks it could hold but probably
least 20.
The shed is ideally located adjacent to a bus stop.
Many SI cyclists have told me they would use their bikes much more
instead of their cars if they had secure bike storage on the mainland.
Think of all the greenhouse gas that would save. Some of us might even
sell our 2nd car.
How about it Pittwater Council?
John Thixton
President Manly-Warringah/Mosman Bicycle User Group
Spokesperson Scotland Island Cyclists (self-appointed!)
Funnel web

found one of these Funnel-web Spiders in my front yard this
afternoon. If you are able to SAFELY put one of
LIVE SPIDERS into a sealed container with some moist cotton
and a breathing hole in the lid....please deliver to
Ant-eater Pest Control,
32 Roger Street,
9939 8208
They will then transport the spider to Gosford
Wildlife Reptile Park, who will regularly milk it for it's
and then send on to the appropriate laboratories to make
anti-venom serum for sufferers of this spider's bite.
.......Phillippa Thomas

Calling All
Caterers, Purveyors of Fine Foods and Refreshments Vendors
Watermarks is on
again this year!
September 24th
and 25th.
Mark it on your calendar…
Would you like to get involved?
- Hold
your own food and/or drinks stall?
- Help
out with serving at other people's stalls?
- Make
some delicious treats and deliver them to another site for sale on the
- Open
your home as a one - off local restaurant?
- Help
out as a volunteer?
September 2009 the first Watermarks event was a big success, with
around 2000 people attending. This year the turn out is expected to be
even bigger, so if you think you would like to be a part of the
catering this year, please email Kath Anderson on kathando@yahoo.com,
or call me on 0405 097 424.
And remember that there are a few
well experienced chefs and caterers around the Pittwater who will be
most willing to help out with suggestions and advice.

Author Talks at
Mona Vale Library
My Heart Wanders
By Pia Jane
The author takes us on her journey as she leaves a comfortable life in
Sydney to follow her dreams, living firstly in Paris, and then on a
houseboat in Amsterdam.
This is a reflective memoir that speaks to the ‘wandering heart’ in all
of us.
Pia Jane Bijkerk is an internationally acclaimed stylist, photographer
and author specialising in interiors, still life and food.
Click Flyer to download PDF version
Thursday 26 May 2011
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Mona
Vale Library 1 Park Street, Mona Vale
Cost: $7.50 Adults $5.50 Concession - Pensioners and Students (passes
must be shown)
Phone: 9970 1600
Bookings essential!
Payment within 3 days of booking

Fireshed Dinner - Curry Night
May 7 from 7pm

Knocks - Census Team Recruiting

The next national Census of Population and Housing will be conducted on
the night of Tuesday 9 August 2011. The Census aims to accurately
measure the number of people in Australia on Census night, their key
characteristics, and the dwellings in which they live.
To assist in the preparation and operation of the Census, the
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is recruiting an army of over
29,000 Collectors nationally.
Quality Collectors are vital to the success of the Census and the ABS
are looking for people from all cultural backgrounds who are passionate
about their local community and want to earn some extra money as well.
Collectors, particularly those with bilingual skills, help to capture a
full and accurate picture of
Australia’s diversity.
If you are interested in a flexible short-term position, please apply
online at www.abs.gov.au/census
or call 1800 420 182.
Applications open 9 April and close on 5 May 2011.
Collectors undertake the delivery and collection of Census forms from
all houses in their allocated area, including helping householders
complete their forms where necessary. Most Collectors will be
responsible for around 500 households in cities or about 200 households
in regional areas.
Collectors must work from home, use their own telephone or mobile phone
for Census purposes and have use of a car which can be securely locked.
Collectors must provide secure storage in their home for up to 6 packs
of Census material (less than 1 cubic metre).
Collectors need to be available from 1 July to 8 September 2011. During
the peak collection and delivery phase, Collectors must work weekdays
and weekends, including evenings up to 9 pm.
Collectors earn around $18 an hour and could expect to earn a total of
between $1,300 and $2,800depending on their area. Travelling,
incidental and motor vehicle allowances are also applicable.
Applications for Collector positions will be assessed against the
following criteria:
- Australian citizen or a permanent resident of
Australia, who is at least 18 years of age
- Availability to work during the period 1 July
to 08 September 2011
- Hold a current driver’s licence, have use of a
secure vehicle and a home telephone
- Good
communication and liaison skills with the ability to apply strong
Interpersonal skills in potentially challenging situations
- Ability to read a map and perform clerical
- Physical ability to walk for extended periods,
negotiate stairs and difficult terrain
- Ability to maintain the security and
confidentiality of information collected
- Ability to represent the ABS in a professional

Place to Rent
Family with two young girls (1 and 4) returning to Sydney from the
UK after 6 years abroad. We would like to experience living
Scotland Island before buying and becoming part of the off shore
Ready to rent from mid June and the only requirement is a preference
for 3 bedrooms.
Please contact karaegerton@gmail.com or
Help Wanted!!
Anyone with a few hours to spare on a Tuesday morning to help sort
fruit n vege service on the island
is desperately wanted!
Your time will be rewarded with a standard bag (3-4 persons) of fresh
and delicious fruit and veg.
Anyone interested should contact Justine 0413 724 113 or 9997 8364.

Site Sewage Pump Out
Its time for our on-site sewage to be pumped out and we are looking for
fellow islanders who wish to do the same.
We hear the costs reduce significantly the more houses they do at one
Please give us a call if you are interested. The more the merrier....if
such a thing exists in regards to poo!!
Johnny from 68 Thompson Street MB: 0418 408 894

& Cat Sitter Wanted
looking for someone to house-sit and look after my two cats for four
weeks from end May. Suitable for couple or single, no kids or
pets. Near Carols Wharf.
For more info call Jen 0411405335 or email jabawoc@bigpond.net.au

Free Metal
shelving system suitable for workshop, 1,23mt high x 2.4
mtrs long, it does come apart in 3 sections if desired, Free to good
home, collect from Morning Bay
Also Pine cladding for
internal building projects, 5 mtrs long approximately 10
sheets, price negotiable,
collect from Morning Bay,
Rowena 0404 046 256 or 9979 5466

Local Guide
in Pittwater - Self Editing
Event Calendar |
click to
go to the Calendar |
Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 |
Number, Usage & Charges |
Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 |
http://www.sirfb.org.au |
Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795 |
www.westpittwater.rfsa.org.au |
Gallery |
http://picasaweb.google.com/offshoregallery/ |
Island Residents Association
(SIRA) Membership Application - click
here to download |
West Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA) - http://www.wpca.org.au |
Island Water
SI Emergency Water Contacts and Guidelines for water: click
here for information and contacts
Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' - click
here to download |
Island Children's Centre - (SIOCS - Scotland Island
& Offshore Childrens Services)
Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 8.30am - 4.30pm (Tues,
Weds & Thurs)
Playgroup @ Children's Centre every Monday, 10.00am - 12 midday
Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility &
Equipment Hire
For information call 02 9979 7856 or email: siocs@comcen.com.au |
Island Community Hall
Bookings: Kez on 9999 4092 or kezborthwickbolton@gmail.com |
Real Estate
Services, Clubs &
Traders - On-line shopping
from your computer, through your door on Scotland Island. Contact
Graeme on 0419 460 331 or click
here for full details
Justice of the Peace
- Bob Bolton - 9999 4092 |
Justice of the Peace
- Paul Purvis - 9979 6017 |
Justice of the Peace
- Paul Burchall - 0414 975 793 |
Justice of the Peace
- Bob Mitchell (Mackeral Beach) - 0419 745 628 |
Community Arts Inc. - Enquiries Lorrie Morgan
9997 8079 lorriemay@bigpond.com |
Point Yacht Club - http://www.wpyc.com.au
commodore@wpyc.com.au |
Prince Alfred Yacht Club - 02
9997 1022
http://www.rpayc.com.au/ |
Motor Yacht Club - http://www.royalmotor.com.au/
02 9997 5511 |
Island Lodge - Bed
Breakfast - 02 9979 3301 or
http://www.scotlandislandlodge.com.au |
Elvina Escape - B & B at
Elvina Bay - Alison Newham 0423 598 760 |
on Towlers Bay - 02 9332 2611 info@walkabouttours.com.au |
Youth Hostel - 02 9999 5748 www.yha.com.au/hostels/details.cfm?hostelid=31
Chambers - Celebrant (marriages, funerals etc)
Discount for all offshore residents. 9999 2445 |
IT Computer Services - Contact Robert
0427 890 357 or 9999 2942 |
Handy Service - "No
job too small" - Call Alan 0447 775 541 |
Island Classes
Dance, Art etc)
Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0406
483 036 patrice.corrie@gmail.com |
Anusara Yoga
- Thursdays - 0421762236 dominiquemarill@gmail.com
or floydcbg@ozemail.com.au |
with Max - Watercolour classes. Phone Max on 9997 4527 |
Art Classes- drawing
and painting in oils, acrylics and mixed media- Marion 9979 3993 or
0431 457 431 |
Nathalie's Table - Cooking Classes - Mediterranean
cooking fortnightly - Nathalie - 9999 4449 |
/ The Forth Way - Call John on 9979 5584, Marion on 9979
3993 or Anne on 9999 3478 |
Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins
on 0405 330 781 |
WOW - Women on Water
- second Wednesday of the month - contact Nila on 9999 2445
& Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS
- email Emma trysemz@tpg.com.au |
Scotland Island Players
- contact Bob or Kez on 9999 4092 |
Catherine Park Bush Care Group,
2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @ 9997 6017 |
Elizabeth Park Bush Care Group,
1st Saturday @ 9 am, Bob Bolton @ 9999 4092 |
Thinking Group - Roy
Baker, 9999 6891, roybaker99@yahoo.com |
Offshore a capella choir
– Saturdays at 2:30 pm, SI Community Hall. Call Gordon on
9997 2035. |
Buses and Railways
Island Tides,
Moon phases, Sun rise & set
weather for Sydney (128k circle)
Contact Numbers
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Island Rural Fire Brigade |
9999 4404 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
132 090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the
page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
Please NO CASH.
Contact SIRA at sirapittwater@gmail.com
To join the
Western Pittwater
Association, contact Michael Wiener at m2wiener@bigpond.net.au |
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://ymlp.com/archive_gesgjgm.php or
by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au

If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor (editor@scotlandisland.org.au) or by clicking here.
Type your
contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off
this newsletter, click
here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
To change your
address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this
newsletter or send an email to the editor@scotlandisland.org.au

Online Local Contact Guide
HERE to load
views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)