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                                                                                        July 10, 2009
IRRIGATION FOR THE HOMEOWNER free workshop this Sunday
Learn some simple, affordable ideas from the nursery's experts,  and  keep
your garden and vegetable patch green during these summer months.
(Bring water and a chair.)
Mulch, mulch, mulch -  this is the way to get your plants through these rough
summer months. This weekend we offer discounts on mulches:
$1 off every bag. 

 celebrity by you.                    
                   Notes from the Tomato Patch
                                        by Chris Winslow

It may sound a little crazy, given the weather, but this month is the perfect
time to plant your second crop of tomatoes.
It takes 100 days for most tomatoes to grow and produce ripe fruit. If you
count back from estimates of the first winter frost, that puts you in July and
early August.

Why plant tomatoes for the fall garden? Some serious gardeners feel that
fall tomato gardening beats the conditions of spring.
Although they will have
an intensely warm start, the weather should be cooling down as the tomatoes
reach flowering stage.

Screening: Fruit set with the cooling days and nights should be much more
successful. A temporary shade screen on the west side (afternoon sun) of the
tomato seedlings should be enough to help them along.
Screening material can be light cloth such as cheese cloth or row cover used
in the winter for frost protection.

Location, Pick a place that gets at least 6 hours of sunlight and is well drained.

Fertilize: They love compost so liberally mix in as much as you can. I also
recommend an organic fertilizer complete with beneficial bacteria and  micro-
rhyzae fungus. This will help to feed the tomatoes as well as feed and nurture
the soil. These non fertilizer additives increase the root mass of the plants and
increase the absorption of nutrients. Plants grow bigger and faster.
Look for
Espoma brand fertilizers. The have Garden Tone, Tomato Tone, and Bio
Tone –  all with these non-fertilizer ingredients. This is a big step in successful

Determinates only: Since we only have so many days till the first frost,
pick a variety that has a determinate growth characteristic. Determinates
ripen over 3 to 4 weeks on bushy, compact plants, whereas indeterminate
varieties grow a larger bush over a longer season.
The following is a list of some great, proven fall varieties:
Celebrity: a 72 day, disease resistant determinate. Celebrities average 8
ounces in size. This has been the most popular tomato since its debut in the
mid eighties. (see photo above)
Solar Fire: one of the best for setting fruit in hot temperatures. Solar Fire
has been planted extensively in Florida in the commercial fields. This 6 ounce
fruit is firm and glossy red, best eaten fresh on salads and sandwiches.
Valley Girl: has a reputation for heat and disease  resistance, and for taking
off like a rocket. Its fruit averages 8 to 10 ounces and is a perfect blend of
 acid and sugar.
Sun Master: loves hot days and nights. A tough heat resistant tomato that
yields 7 ounce fruit. It has a reputation of setting fruit in 90 degree night temps.
Excellent for sandwiches or salads. Flavor is a good balance of acid and

Happy gardening everyone. Take advantage of the cool morning hours and
plant your fall crop of tomatoes. You’ll be glad you did.
The annual Austin Chronicle's "Best of Austin" awards are
 upon us again. Will you please take a moment to nominate your favorite garden
center? Vote online under the title 'shopping': gardening store
        ItsAboutThyme_logo[1] by you.Visit the website at  Visit the
 nursery at 11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, TX 78748 Tel. 512 280 1192