trouble reading this newsletter? Visit https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?sira |
October 1,
2009 |
Offshore Residents
of Pittwater, Australia - Volume 10, Issue 429
October 2009
By all accounts Watermarks
Open Studios was a resounding success...Approximately 1000
visitors per
day attended the inaugural event making it one of the most
successful events this community has undertaken. This
number of
visitors taxed our transportation systems somewhat, however the
overall feedback has
been nothing but glowing comments about the community and the
extraordinary variety of art works displayed in some amazing
environments. Jeanne Villani sent us an email
an acquaintance that pretty well sums up the overall
feeling visitors left with following their visit to our
We are also collecting photographs of this
event and have started an album in the online gallery, so if
any photos that they wish to contribute please send them to
me - more on Watermarks below.
Just a reminder that following the dust storm the other day,
residents should consider
water collection
options so that their tanks do not become contaminated, or
ensure that
they clean their
roofs before the next rains. A tank full of contaminated
water can be costly to rectify...
Also please take note of the Pink Water Taxi Notice, as this may well
affect you..
Cartoon of
the Month
Fire risk in National Park
Water Monitors Message
Indigenous Interest Group Meeting
Watermarks Wrap up
Kindy News
Latin Dancing Classes
Wine Tasting
Local Council
Go Get Car Share Update
Mental Health Week
Author Talk@ Mona
Vale Library
Pink Ribbon Month
Personal Training
You Asked...
For Sale
Local Guide
subscription Information

Pink Water Taxis - After Midnight
Service Changes
To comply with Occupational Health & Safety, including the NSW
Maritime regulation of watch-keeping hours for the Masters of
commercial passenger vessels, the provision of service by the Pink
Water Taxis is amended as follows:
The main
Water Taxi phone will be switched off between midnight and 0600hrs.
Trips between midnight and 0600hrs must
be booked prior to 2300hrs
on the night in question. A booking is for a definite time;
nebulous or open-ended timings will not be accepted. If
appropriate, the operator may provide the passenger making the booking
with an alternate mobile phone number to ring when they arrive at their
pick-up point. The alternate number provided will be for
‘one-off’ use and will change from night to night.
The following offshore residents will necessarily be provided with an
emergency phone number: Rural Fire Service watch-keepers on Scotland
Island, Elvina Bay and Great Mackerel Beach, Broken Bay Water Police,
other emergency services workers on call (police, fire, medical),
pregnant ladies (The Pudding Club) and shift-workers known to regularly
return from work in the silent hours.
Residents needing medical evacuation in the silent hours should contact
the Scotland Island Rural Fire Service in the first instance.
SIRFS will determine the appropriate chain of evacuation and the Pink
Water Taxis will provide water transport as directed.
Yours aye
Rod Smith
Partner, Pink Water Taxis

all Residents
FIrebug in
National Park?
The West Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade crew on Saturday found evidence of someone lighting
small fires using matches
in the National Park on the North side of Lovett Bay.
Investigations at this stage believe it to be children playing with
matches (Woolworths brand left at scene) The authorities have
been notified and have expressed their concern that we may have an
arsonist (even an unintentional one) who could set the whole of the
National Park alight given the right conditions.
We are asking parents to keep matches and lighters out of the way from
children, and to let their children and teenagers know the consequences
of what could and will happen if they play with fire and it gets out of
control. We also would like people (parents and children) to
us know if they see anyone lighting fires or anyone playing with
matches either in the National Park or on private land.
The devastation and destruction of the Victorian Fires are still fresh
in everyone's memory. We do not want Lovett, Morning and
Bays to be the Ash Saturday of Sydney. We are heading for
possibly the worst fire season since 1994 and would like to be "FIRE
FREE" until winter.
The penalties for arson are now jail terms combined with very hefty
fines. And if someone is found lighting a fire in the
Park, the Rural Fire Service and the Police will prosecute to the full
extent of the law.
Kylie Stackhouse
Senior Deputy Captain
West Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade
0409 936 281

Plea from your Water Monitors!
Dear Water
We would like to advise that water bookings are starting to get very
full, and as we are looking forward to a very dry summer, we
are recommending that you check the water level of your tanks
Make your booking well in advance.
Please try not to book at the last moment or when your tanks are empty
as the waiting the lists are getting longer by the day !
We do our best to try to fit everybody in, but sometimes it
does get very difficult to accomodate everyone with the limited times
each line is allocated per week.
We would like to thank you in advance for your understanding.
You can contact us on:
Line 1 - Nathalie Muir : 9999 4449
or 0419 432 460
Line 2 & 3 - Cass
Gye: 9997
5853 or 0418 220 107
Indigenous Interests Group - 2009
Third Meeting
Early Communication and
Relationships between Aborigines and British interlopers and colonists
on the Northern Beaches'
Talk by Ian Jacobs who says:
‘In my youth I wondered where the original Aboriginal tribe had gone. I
have taught history for 30 years at Killarney Heights High School and
local history holds a fascination for me’. Ian is the author of a
number of books on the local history of our region and his talk
promises to provide us with fascinating insights!
Friday 9th
October, 7.30pm
Venue: Robyn and Tim’s house – between Bell and Cargo wharves, on the
waterfront. House with green chook shed and curved mud brick wall.
Please bring: Something to eat and drink.
Tea and Coffee will be provided.
These meetings are open to anybody interested in learning and talking
about Indigenous issues.

Studios Wrap up
Photos can viewed at our online Gallery here
Studio Rouge
Studio Rouge in Lovett Bay, represented the following artists Rouge,
Nettie Lodge, Marion von den Driesschen, Michael Greve, Nick Creech,
Dean Hollander, Michelle Ball, Matt Penfold. Showcasing
sculptural works, photography, ceramics & textiles and film by
Michael Edols.
Matt Trapnell entertained the visitors by playing his eclectic style of
Chef Kath Anderson together with our volunteers prepared and served
culinary delights on both days.
For our visitors, we presented both a gallery space showcasing the
artists main body of work and Rouge's working studio where artists
could display additional work and portfolios etc
Half of Rouge's studio was used by Kath Anderson, to coordinate the
Cafe with help from our great volunteers, as they had generously
donated a cake or two to be served with a cuppa. While on Sunday, Kath
and her team prepared delicious BBQ treats.
Our visitors came
from far and wide and locally, they were all lovely, happy to come to a
tranquil place, sit & sip their cuppa & view either the
or the spotted gums - really an interesting experience & a
successful one, considering it was our first attempt.
We the
artists, have only just finished celebrating our Watermarks event, by
having a 'thank you' dinner to acknowledge the efforts of our Studio
Rouge volunteers, as we really could not have coped without their
generous help.
visitors comment
Dear Jeanne,
enormous thank you to you for being so kind as to e-mail me the details
pertaining to last weekend’s Watermark Festival. Michael and
most thoroughly enjoyed our day on Sunday starting at Church Point and
first visiting the wonderful home, “Tarrangaua”, then visiting Sturdy
Lane Studio, Studio Rouge, right at the top of the headland between
Lovett Bay and Elvina Bay and finally walking to the top of Scotland
Island to discover Elizabeth Park Studio on Thompson. Three
contrasting architectural buildings it would be hard to find, but then
the huge scope of exhibited works was unbelievable.
you believe that chatting over the fence with our next-door neighbour
it transpires they have a home on the same peninsula as Sturdy Lane
Studio and a week or so ago he saw a fellow carving a burl into the
form of a fish. We wonder if it was the fish that had pride
place downstairs at this studio?
Without your
kindness there was little chance we would have heard about these
wonderful homes to visit and artwork to admire.
a magnificent day to remember for ever!!! Would such an event
ever be repeated as Sally, our eldest granddaughter, from Tumut, would
just love to have seen the huge array of artworks? And of
we would love to have the pleasure all over again!
aren’t we?
The very
best of good wishes to you,

Watermarks Report
Children’s Centre (aka The Kindy) had a huge couple of days on the
Watermarks Weekend. Through the assistance of many wonderful
people we opened the island café to all those exploring
Watermarks. A relaxing atmosphere was created with comfy
under the trees and the café tables in beautiful Catherine
People were able to enjoy Fair Trade coffee, home baked cakes, cool
drinks and our lunch menu of gourmet sausage with caramelized onions,
Turkish bread and salad or vegetarian antipasto on Turkish bread whilst
listening to the sounds of our local talented musicians.
the café the Centre was open for Children’s art activities and
traditional fair games of sponge throwing, apple bobbing and tin can
alley. As well as a wonderful display of our upcoming artists
the island.

A huge thanks to our dedicated team of coordinators,
who spent many days and hours leading up to the weekend coordinating
the various events, as well as our families who volunteered their time
in preparation and assisting on the days. Also to those
of the community (without children at the centre!) who volunteered
their time serving and cooking on the weekend too. And all
generous and very good cake bakers who donated various cakes which were
devoured and sold out. Along with our talented musicians who
entertained us all throughout the weekend. We had over 50 volunteers
who we could not have done without and for that we say thank

A wonderful event such as this highlights the unique and fortunate
community we live in and the generosity of all our neighbours
Also a huge thanks to the invaluable support of the
following local businesses who donated the produce and supplies for our
Harris Farm, Pittwater Place, Mona Vale
Mona Vale Quality Butchers, Bungan Street, Mona Vale
Thompsons Meats, Pittwater Road, Mona Vale
Russo’s Fruit and Vegetable Market, Mona Vale
Fenners, Waratah St, Mona Vale
Bob & Petes, 100% Yum Bakery, Tempe
proceeds went to the Children’s Centre; which assists in the general
upkeep and maintenance of the centre as well as the purchase of
children’s learning resources and play equipment.
Kind Regards
The SIOCS Committee
Photos can viewed at our online Gallery here

Tango Argentino & Latin
Dancing Classes
For ALL Ages
WHEN: Saturdays 2 - 3.30 pm.
starting next school term
WHERE: Scotland Island Community Hall
PRICE: $15 per hour
If interested please contact Luisa on 9999.4885
or, better, email me on weasonaus@hotmail.com
Note - there will no answer on the phone from 2nd October to
18th October (so please send an email during this time).

Sunday Oct. 18 - 3pm
We're all set for 3 pm SUN Oct 18 wine tasting - to be held at the Purvis Boatshed in Elvina Bay
Remember this is a great opportunity for you to buy quality wine at a
remarkable price, also, that the significant thing about the Wine
Syndicate is that only the grower and the wine maker make any profit
from the sale of the wine - there are no middlemen!!
Please bring a plate of nibblies to share and a tasting glass. And
maybe a printed copy of the order form so that you can make some notes.
There is no need to rsvp - just turn up!
You can download the tasting list (with pricing) here.....
We look forward to having a tasting with you

POD Advertisers
Payment is Now
Calling all those unpaid POD advertisers please can payment now be sent
either by cheque payable to the Scotland Island Residents Association
C/- PO Box 222, Church Point or by direct deposit (with names
please) to SIRAs bank account BSB 112-879 Account Number 161070923.
If you have misplaced your invoice please contact Deryn 0412-616152
Notices |
Coastal Holiday
Fun for the Kids
There are still some places available for the October school holiday’s
“Kids on the Coast” program to be held at Pittwater Council’s newly
refurbished Coastal Environment Centre at North Narrabeen.
The program which runs from Tuesday 6 to Friday 16 October offers
primary school aged children a broad range of activities to entertain
and stimulate their young minds.
Pittwater Council’s Natural Environment and Education Manager Mia
Dalby-Ball said the diverse program offers something for everyone and
is run by enthusiastic and experienced educators.
“There is a mix of fun outdoor, craft and cinema activities available
with the focus on learning about the wide variety of plants, animals
and sea creatures that are abundant in Pittwater’s coastal
environment,” said Ms Dalby-Ball.
“We will be holding the popular Junior Fishing Clinic again that
provides an introduction to fishing. Kids receive facts and tips about
fishing as well as some free gear!”
Other activities include “Reptiles Galore” - learning about these
incredible animals; “Fantastic Frogs” - how to look after the many
species of frogs in Pittwater and “Coastal Capers” - an excursion to
Turimetta Beach looking at signs of life and treasures washed up on the
The “Kids on the Coast” program runs every day throughout the school
holidays (though some sessions in the second week are already booked
out). There are two-hour activities available between 10am-12
noon and 1pm-3pm for $20 per child per session. For children
wishing to attend a full day (10am-3pm) the cost is $55, which includes
care between sessions.
The Coastal Environment Centre is located at Lake Park Road, North
For more information or to book a place visit
www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/cec or call the Coastal Environment Centre on
9970 1675.
Media Contact: Sonja Elwood Ph: 9970 1675

New Pittwater
Mayor Announced
Pittwater Councillors elected a new Mayor and Deputy Mayor at its
Council meeting on Monday 21 September.
The meeting saw the election of Cr Harvey Rose as Mayor and Cr
Jacqueline Townsend as Deputy Mayor.
Cr Rose replaces Cr David James who has acted as Mayor for the last two
years with Cr Townsend replacing Cr Patricia Giles who has been Deputy
for the past five years.
As Mayor, Cr Rose’s key role is to act as leader in the community and
spokesperson for the Council.
Cr Rose has lived in Avalon since 1971 and has recently retired from
permanent teaching after 39 years working in the high schools of Manly
Cr Rose describes himself as a passionate member of the community,
dedicated to maintaining and improving the essential character of
Pittwater. He was also the recipient of the Pittwater Citizen of the
Year award for outstanding service to the Pittwater Community in 2005.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said he was looking forward to working
collaboratively with Cr Rose, Cr Townsend and the other Councillors
over the next year.
“I would also like to acknowledge the outstanding contribution from the
former Mayor, Cr David James and Deputy Mayor Cr Patricia Giles for
their term of office.
Mark Ferguson said all the staff are committed to working with the new
Mayor and Councillors to implement the objectives of Pittwater’s
strategic plan.
Cr Harvey also thanked Cr David James and Cr Giles for their fine work
over many years. “It is a privilege to be elected Mayor of a Council
which has a strong tradition of constructive work for our
“I undertake to work hard to keep Pittwater one of the best places in
the world to live in,” added Cr Rose.
Harvey Rose and Jacqueline Townsend will work with familiar faces on
the Council which were elected by Pittwater residents at elections in
September 2008. These include Northern Ward of Pittwater, Bob Grace and
Peter Hock, Central Ward, Bob Dunbar, Patricia Giles and Ian White, and
for Southern Ward David James and Julie Hegarty.
Media contact: Mark Ferguson Ph: 9970 1105

Opposes Council Amalgamations
Pittwater Council has voted to oppose any moves towards amalgamation of
councils on the northern beaches.
Councillors at the 7 September meeting were unanimous in their support
of a motion that resists amalgamation, but backs moves for Pittwater to
continue to work cooperatively with neighbouring councils.
Mayor David James said that the Council motion followed recent comments
in the media that explored the possibility of merging Manly, Warringah
and Pittwater into one ‘super council’.
“There is a view held by some in the community that amalgamation offers
greater efficiencies for ratepayers,” said Cr James.
“However my fellow councillors and I believe that Pittwater has shown
we can work effectively with other Councils and maintain efficient
service levels to our own community.”
“A recent example of this is our partnership with Warringah, Manly and
Mosman Councils to corporatise the Kimbriki Waste Facility at Terrey
Hills,” Cr James said.
“This will generate new sources of income for local Councils
through alternative waste technologies and commercial activities at the
Cr James said that differing priorities between local communities meant
that the case for amalgamation was not a strong one on the northern
“I believe that residents of Pittwater value their Council giving
particular attention to the area’s unique environmental issues,” he
“We also have to manage an influx of new residents over the next ten
years in the Warriewood land release area, unlike Manly Council for
Cr James said that Pittwater would continue to work with its northern
beaches neighbours through the SHOROC organisation, which is a regional
group set up by Mosman, Manly, Warringah and Pittwater Councils to look
at sharing arrangements and cost efficiencies such as bulk purchasing.
Media contact: David James, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1104

Pittwater Wins
State Award for Disaster Planning
Pittwater Council has won a NSW Government award for its disaster
management plan.
In one of his first duties as new Mayor, Cr Harvey Rose accepted the
award at a presentation at Parliament House in Sydney this week by the
Emergency Services Minister Steve Whan.
Pittwater received a ‘highly commended’ award in the 2009 Safer
Communities Awards for its disaster management plan which was revised
by the Council in August this year.
The Safer Communities Awards are sponsored by the state government and
recognise ‘outstanding practice and innovation by organisations
involved in emergency management and protecting the community.’
Out of 13 recipients, Pittwater and the Hills District were the only
local government areas recognised in this year’s awards. Other
recipients included Surf Life Saving Australia, the NSW Police, the
Australian Red Cross and the University of NSW.
Pittwater’s highly commended award was for its revised disaster
management plan, which would ‘enable an effective response to disaster
and emergencies’, according to the award citation.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said the plan had been revised this year
in the light of the bushfire disaster in Victoria in January and to
ensure that a coordinated response would be put into action in the
event of any large-scale emergency in Pittwater.
“We have a number of naturally occurring hazards such as landslip,
bushfire and flooding and this is the reason for prioritising our
disaster planning,” he said.
Speaking after receiving the award, Mayor Rose said while he was
honoured that Pittwater had received recognition for its disaster
planning, he hoped it was one plan the Council never had to enact.
“I’d like to take this opportunity to remind residents that with summer
approaching, it’s time to ensure your properties are ready to withstand
the threat of bushfire.”
Media contact: James Payne, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1188

Get Car Share Update
$50 offer for
new members
After a year of Go Get car share at Church Point we have 31 drivers, in
25 households.
Four have sold cars, one more intends to sell one, and at least 5 have
deferred buying another car. That’s a significant contribution to
reducing the pressure on the car park and the overflow into surrounding
Many members use car share as their ‘second car’.
Paul Purvis,
Elvina Bay:
“We gave our 20 year old gas-guzzler four wheel drive the flick. With
car sharing, people have got to get over the shock of thinking ‘this
trip might cost me $30’. But if you add it up over a year, our old
second car was probably costing us about $150 a week, especially with
the maintenance. We haven’t needed to use Go Get much, so we’re on the
lowest membership plan. But it’s good to know it’s there if we need
Lisa Atkins,
Elvina Bay:
“We’ve sold our second car and having Go Get at Church Point means
there hasn’t been any inconvenience at all.”
Adams, Towlers
Bay: “A two-hour trip into Mona Vale costs me about $12. We’re on the
highest membership plan and the car is nearly always available when I
need it, and if not, I juggle my schedule. I’ve never even had to fill
it with petrol. (You have to fill it only if it’s less than ¼ full –
and Go Get pays for petrol). All up for the year Go Get has cost me
$731—that’s less than our insurance and CTP green slip on our own car
(total $787), let alone rego, maintenance, petrol…It’s miles cheaper
and easier than owning a second car. ”
Of the 25 current households, 21 have been members for more than 6
It hasn’t worked for everyone, of course, and 7 households have tried
it during the year and resigned or not renewed their membership.
With only one Go Get car at Church Point, it can be frustrating if it’s
booked out when you want to use it. (Members should let Go Get know any
time that happens so they know the full demand). Once we get a second
Go Get car back here, and hopefully more over time, we’re confident the
service will be much more flexible. We’re apparently close to that
threshold, and we want to encourage more usage so we achieve it.
You can try the Go Starter plan with no upfront deposit if you want to
see if it works for you. At the Church Point ferry and commuter wharves
there are postcards with a $50 driving credit offer for new members, so
grab one while they last and give it a try.
There have been occasional problems with people parking in the
designated Go Get spot in the car park, especially late at night, and
we’re working on ways to stop this. We ask locals to respect the
dedicated spot and never park there. Go Get really DOES help reduce the
pressure on the car park by giving people a viable option to keeping a
car (or buying another one) which is seldom used.
For further information please contact Go Get on 1 300 769 389 or
Or locally: Caroline Adams (Towlers Bay) on ph 9979 6390 or email
caroline@davidadams.com.au or Lisa Atkins (Elvina Bay) on ph 9997 5466
or Alan Hill (Elvina Bay) on ph 9997 6973 or 0419 012 640 or email:

Health Week (4 - 10th October 2009)
at Mona Vale
Free Meditation
Class for Beginners 
Benefit from the relaxation, clarity and rejuvenation
that meditation can bring.
Come and enjoy the peace and calm of meditation with a local
experienced instructor.
Especially beneficial for HSC students.
Date: Wednesday 7 October
Time: 11am
Meet: Mona Vale Library
1 Park Street Mona Vale
click image to download flyer
Can Your Passion
Become Your Volunteering Opportunity
Shopping - Music - Art - Crafts -
Gardening - Food - People - Environment - Animals - Community
Find out about the many volunteering opportunities in our community
Join our FREE information session
11:00pm – 12:30 pm
Friday 9th October 2009
For more information and to book your free seat
CALL 9931 7777
click image to download flyer
Note : There is a misprint on the
Volunteering Session flyer it should be 11am rather than 11pm!

Talk@ Mona Vale Library
Events September - November 2009
Thursday 8 October – Author - John Robson “Captain Cook's War and
John Robson born in Country Durham, England in 1949, is the pre-eminent
Cook scholar who was the historical consultant for the James Cook –
obsession and discovery documentary shown on the ABC in 2008. He moved
to New Zealand in 1981 and is now the Map Librarian at the University
of Waikato in Hamilton.
Other books include Captain Cook’s world, 2000 and The Captain Cook
Tuesday 17 November – Author – Susan Duncan “A Life on Pittwater” to be
published in November
Bookings essential on 9970 1600 and payment within 3 days required to
confirm bookings.
Cost $7.50, $5.50 – concession (Friends of Mona Vale Library/
Pensioner/student cards must be shown. Friends’ subscription
needs to have been paid. Light refreshments provided.
All talks will be held at Mona Vale Library, Park Street, Mona Vale at

is Pink Ribbon Month
Every October the world joins to celebrate the courage and spirit of
those touched by breast cancer, present and past - and to raise
awareness of the disease and the need for early detection.
The Sydney Breast Cancer Foundation supports breast cancer patients
through their journey in very practical ways.
Support Her
During Chemotherapy - for $19 you can give a Chemo Package
to a woman starting treatment including a digital thermometer, notebook
and pen; we've even added organic peppermint tea to help ease nausea.
Support Her
Through Surgery - this October, and every month, many
women will face breast surgery, including mastectomy. Make it a little
less traumatic for one of them, for only $41. The In-patient Welcome
Package contains toiletries, pink ribbon hand towel, sleep eye mask and
shirt from Blue Illusion, designed to be gentle on the painful wounds
after surgery.
Support When
Her Hair is Lost - For $125, the cost of one of our Wig
Packages, you can give a woman much more than just hair... you can give
her back her self esteem. The package also includes an under-cap, wig
stand and wig care products.
Help Us Save
Lives in the Future - early detection is the key to
survival. Our Breast Check Shower Hanger encourages women to be "Breast
Aware" and take the action that could save a life... or a breast. We
distribute tens of thousands every year to encourage early detection
and save lives. You can sponsor 500 for only $200.
DONATE NOW to these and other initiatives including our Breast Care
For more information or to donate by phone mail or fax, download the
full version of the Pink Ribbon Appeal or call us on 02 9515 6045.
I know times are tough right now. But just imagine how much tougher
they are for women with breast cancer.
Even if you can't donate right now, please forward this to to as many
people as possible who may be willing to help breast cancer patients.
Send a message of hope to our breast cancer patients and we will print
it inside one of our special Hope Cards and display it in the waiting
rooms and wards at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.
Sincerely yours
Deborah West, President
P.S. All donations over $2 are tax deductible. We will send you a

Personal Training
Expressions of
Samantha and I have recently Joined Scotland island and having a
fantastic time.
Due to the relocation Samantha had to finish up with her last role as
senior trainer at a personal training studio in Norwest.
have recently put up dome flyers (attached) for expressions of interest
in relation to residents (all around the Pittwater area) that would be
interested in personal training or group sessions locally or
in the privacy of their own home. These flyers where put up at all the
wharfs & Church point however although some people have put
names down it appears the registration boards in some instances have
gone missing and we don’t want those who put their names down to miss
Anyone that may be interested can contact Samantha on 0415543131 or via
email at Sammy.moore11@gmail.com
the flyer to download

House Sit over
My father and his wife are interested in a house-sit on the island or
in the bays over the Christmas period
from 20 December until 2nd Jan. (can be just part of that time if
A very house-proud couple they would be willing to water plants, or
look after pets over that time.
- 3 Bedroom home with 2 bathrooms, 2 lounges,
dining room, kitchen/bar facility.
- Located in Cambridge one of the most
picturesque towns in NZ in the heart of the North Island.
- Close to Lake Karapero, it is ideal
for swimming and summer family fun.
- A beautiful area renown for its green pastures,
it is home to 13 Melbourne Cup winning horses.
- 20 mins from Hamilton and international airport
- Just 1 hour from Rotorua, the tourist and
cultural capital of NZ
- 3/4 hour to Raglan Surf Beach on the West
Coast, one of the best surf beaches on the globe.
- 1 1/4 hours to pristine Mount
Manganui for white sands and surf
- 1 3/4 hours to Auckland.
It's a great time to holiday in NZ with airfares so cheap and free


Please contact Jen Cudmore for more information.
PHONE 0425 212 849 OR 9999 4605

For Sale
If you have something for sale that
you think locals would like - let us know and we will put a
SINGLE line entry in the PON at the beginning of each month...
Please call Maria on 99797678 for;
- For free – children’s bunk bed, white wood,
able to detach into single beds.
- 2 x Phillips coffee percolators in good
- For sale $50 – fish tank with filter
and light, only 1 year old
Phone Nathalie Muir on 9999 4449 for;
- Two seater sofa bed with new spring mattress.
Converts into a very comfortable double bed. $350.00
Phone Nigel on 9999 4885 for;
- Cello 3/4 size Skylark made in China,
good condition $350 with soft case and bow
- Violin 3/4 size Hoeffner made in china with
hard case good condition $150
- Violin full size made in Germany $ 450

The Local Guide

Contact Numbers:
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Island Rural Fire Brigade |
9999 4404 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
132 090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
Buses and Railways:
can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the
page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address: The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
2105. Please NO CASH. Contact SIRA at sirapittwater@gmail.com
WPCA To join the
Western Pittwater
Association, contact Michael Wiener at m2wiener@bigpond.net.au
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?sira
or by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au

If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor by clicking here.
Type your short
contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming it is of general
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive to your neighbours, it will
appear next month.
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. To change your address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this
views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA) 
![Newsletter Design:Paul Purvis [0403-442-764]](https://ymlp.com/https.php?id=www.scotlandisland.org.au/newsletters/New_nletter_header.png) |