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October 2018  IN THIS ISSUE:
 Business Presentations series:
  • How to Open Outstandingly, Engage them Instantly!
Look at these 2 images. How do your openings affect your audiences?
Find out  how to AVOID the first reaction, and ACHIEVE the second!
  • Also, check  OTHER RESOURCES page on my sitescroll down to  Speak and Prosper Academy of Craig Valentine and if you wish to invest in your speaking and become 3x the speaker you are today, you will receive HUGE Discounts which he allows for my subscribers!! 
   You will receive: 
  • access to all 8 courses which are instantly downloadable +
  • the upcoming MICs (Monthly Implementation Calls) +
  • admission to the private community for only   
  • Apply  the special 121212 code to receive the $300.00 discount       (reg.price)$797 $300 DISCOUNT  for only  $497.00!
 You have nothing to lose and everything to gain as a speaker!
Click on my OTHER RESOURCES  link and check out all 8! 
Below are examples of 3 of the 8 home-study courses which will give you an EDGE over the average speaker! 
Click on link above and check out the other 5 titles of courses!

Quotations of the month:
“Good communications, written or oral, begins with an understanding of the audience.  If you can get inside their heads, you can find a way to connect.” - Debra Bennetts

"It's what you prepare in private that will be rewarded in public." - Dale Carnegie
Business Presentations: Big Bang Openings!
I’m sure you realize that the higher up the corporate ladder you go, the more important your presentation skills become. A superior job title along with an increase in pay mandate added responsibility. If this is your goal, get ready by setting yourself above the rest... NOW!!
It’s very natural and normal to be nervous when presenting to our colleagues, to our subordinates and even more so, to senior management. That said, though they cannot see how you feel within, they can hear what you say, how you say it plus your body language behaviour.
In this series of  newsletters on Business Presentations…we'll examine common errors and how to remedy or even avoid them so you can Talk your way to the Top!
Weak Openings:
  • stating unpleasant pleasantries (weather, ... nice to be here…etc)
  • starting with a joke, an apology, a long-winded story
  • verbally waffling around not getting to the point,
  • physically shuffling around the floor appearing confused, indecisive or anxious
  • what else have you seen or possibly done as a weak opening?
Please note: you have fewer than about 42 seconds to make a first and lasting impression- 7 seconds to determine if they like you and the next 35 seconds if they want to listen to you! The Law of Primacy states that people remember what they hear and see first  

Strong Opening:
  • walk up confidently and  then stand grounded with feet planted firmly on the ground
  • start strong… state what’s it in for them…BENEFITS…i.e. “For you this means…” ensure the benefits are readily obtainable
  • followed by a roadmap “And this comes to you in the form of… i.e. a 4 Step Formula3R’s , the A B C Guide to Greatness, etc.”
  • open with your conclusions. Don't make your group, especially senior level audience, wait to find out why you are there. If you give your conclusion first, they know right away what the most important take away message is and that the rest of the presentation (the secondary points, facts and examples) is built on that main premise

 Great business presentations are not mystery novels- don’t hide the major objective/points of your presentation and keep them waiting for it (especially when presenting to senior management!)
I invite you to join me again next month; we continue discussing Business Presentations.
The topic next month will be: Business Closings: common errors and remedies
Until then, powerful presentations to you!   Wink
Individual Speech Coaching or Group Instruction
  • if you're a toastmaster wanting a competitive edge over average speakers
  • if you wish your group to be more effective presenters to successfully sell their services, products or ideas and increase profit margin
  • if you're in business and need to confidently address a group with a powerful, professional presentation but don't know how to create and deliver it
call 416 489 6603 (Toronto) Leave a message with phone number; I'll respond within 48 hours
We work together via SKYPE, phone and emails and me sending you work sheets. 

Let's first discuss your needs or those of your group
 (no fee for consultation) 
Kathryn MacKenzie,
Presentation Skills Instructor/Author
  Keynote Speaker/Coach

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