Hello fellow Cat Friend,

Today's issue includes information about
the pet food recall, Adopt A Shelter Cat
Month, some cat related web sites, and a couple
of special gifts for you.


The pet food recalls this year have been quite
disturbing, but educational. I think for the first
time ever, more people are learning about pet nutrition!
This is a good thing. The bad part, of course, is that
so many suffered in the process. The FDA isn't going
to admit how many have died and have purposely kept
the number low. But other sources have cited more than
4,000 deaths. It could be even higher by now...

I have been following the situation online, as well as from
other news sources, and have even subscribed to a pet
food industry magazine and web site. I am thus able to
attend their private seminars and learn information
that is not available to the general public.

There is a webinar coming up in July that I will
attend online. (When a seminar takes place online, it
is called a "webinar.")

I will report what I learn, right here in this
newsletter. I attended two webinars last month,
and included information from both events in the
May 19 and 28 issues. If you want to review these
or other past issues, please use the link at the bottom to
retrieve them.


June is national Adopt-a-Shelter-Cat Month, and
now is a good a time to adopt one. Well, any time is.
Bringing cats in off the streets is a kind gesture,
but finding loving homes can be difficult. Still, it's worth
the extra effort to save a kitty that might have
starved or died from outdoor hazards, and find a warm, safe home.
An advantage of adopting from a shelter is that the
cats have been "vetted," that is, vaccinated,
and spayed or neutered. And these cats are usually
very grateful. Please encourage your friends who may be
looking for a cat or kitten to check with their local
shelter first and save a life.



Since more people move during the summer than almost
any other season, I'd like to pass along my ebook
about Moving With Pets. Normally, it's a $17 product,
but since you've been a loyal subscriber, I'd like to
pass it along to you as a gift. Even if you are not
moving right now, perhaps you know someone who is.
A move does not have to mean giving up your beloved
pet. This ebook should help a pet owner make the move
WITH kitty, instead of giving her up. But even if that
is required, I offer some tips for making that work
better, too.


Do a Right Click for the fastest download. If you
Left Click, the book will open... which could take
a little while, and then you'd have to click on Save.
But it's up to you... some folks like to see what
they're getting first.


I need a few people to help me with this one, if you
have a few moments. I just finished this and could
use some opinions. If you'd like to read it and send
me your comments, I'd like to put them on my web
site. Please let me know if it's OK to use your name,
and if you have a web site, and I'll put that up, too.

Get the free introductory report for my Cat Massage
Project, here:


That is the download page for the online sign-ups, so
don't pay any attention to the comment about getting
this newsletter. You are already getting it! Just
right click on the link and you will get the massage
book only.



(If this URL breaks on your screen - that is,
if it shows up on two lines instead of one, you may
need to copy and paste it into your browser's address
bar. It's worth it... it's about a cat that grew
what looks like real wings!)


Do you have any fun stories to share about your
cats? Send them in and I'll put them here in
this newsletter. (Include your name and website
if you have one, and I'll give you a "plug" for
your site. Or, anonymous is OK, too. It's
up to you.)


If you ever want to review past issues,
here is where they are stored:

We will NOT rent or sell your info. You are
subscribed to a free email newsletter from
R.J.Peters, "the Cat Lady."
You can unsubscribe anytime.

If you know someone who would like to read
this newsletter, please feel free to forward
this to them. If they want to sign up to get
their own, refer them to my web site,