Friday, January 31, 2014
John 1:40-41 Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard what John had said and who had followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, "We have found the Messiah" (that is, the Christ).
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In the spring of 2009, the woman named Susan Boyle took the stage of the English TV talent show competition Britain's Got Talent. When she came onto the stage no one in the hall expected Susan to do well because of her plain appearance. But when she raised the microphone to her lips and started singing, everyone was suddenly mesmerized. Spellbound, the judges were taken with the beauty and power of the voice that filled the auditorium, as the audience stood to their feet cheering with delight. All were shocked that such a rivetingly beautiful song came from such an unlikely source.
Similarly, we are unlikely sources when it comes to the beauty of the Gospel message flowing out from us to others. That's how the Lord planned it! He called common folks like John the Baptist, Andrew, you and me to take turns on the stage of life in front of the world's skeptical audience so that friends, family, and many others who fill the arena of our lives and who hear the beautiful message of the Lamb once slain, may be brought to faith in Him.
We may see ourselves as unlikely sources for such a grand message. We may be tempted to think: "What possible good can God do through me?" "What can He accomplish through my little church?" But as we look at Jesus, who He is, and all He did for us, we are encouraged to proclaim with joy the praises of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. We know He will use HIS message of power to lead many blood-bought souls into His eternal kingdom. So ...
Sing to the Lord a glorious song,
Sing to His name, His love forthtell;
Sing on, heaven's host, His praise prolong;
Sing, ye who now on earth do dwell:
Worthy the Lamb for sinners slain;
From angels praise and thanks from men;
Worthy the Lamb, enthroned to reign,
Glory and power! Amen, Amen.
(The Lutheran Hymnal, 130:5)