Holidays for December
Dec. 10: National Animal Rights Day
Dec. 15: National Cat Herder’s Day

Variations of black cat holidays are
listed on different calendars throughout the year. We think black cats are pretty awesome, so go ahead and celebrate them on whichever day you see fit!


Is your cat's food on a recall list?

Keep up to date on recalls, latest developments (and
findings) with pet food:
About the Newsletter
We would love to hear from you!
Published on the first of the month. Submissions, stories, suggestions and questions are welcome.

hi_paws @

If you would like to see past
issues, or are having trouble
viewing this one, you may
find them at this link:
GDPR Notice
Here at the Kitty times and The Problem Cat, we do not share, rent, or sell your personal data with any person or company, and do not save any personal data if you purchase anything. Proceeds, if any, go to feeding the shelter pets.
We guarantee the privacy of your data by using accredited services for our email processing, such as this newsletter. You don't need to do
anything for your data to be protected by the GDPR (General Data Protection Requirement); these changes apply automatically.
Natural Pet Care
For a comprehensive care regimen for your pets, this website contains information, educational courses (many are free), and product advice to help you treat your pet naturally.

Thanks to Paul DeCeglie for submitting articles used in this month's newsletter. An American writer now based in Thailand, he has three gorgeous black cats he rescued from the indifferent streets of the city.
pauls cats

December 1, 2021     
Are your cats part of your holiday plans?
Here are some things to consider:

People Food as a Pet Treat
We love to pamper our pets with tasty treats. So what's more natural than sharing a tidbit or two from our own plate? Although a nibble of chicken or steak is usually fine, go easy with giving pets people food. A well-balanced pet food contains the nutrients your pet needs for good health, and should make up 90% of your pet's daily calories.
Traveling With Your Cat
Speaking from experience, it can be done. When I moved across 4 states, I brought 20 cats with me, and it took 3 days.
If you would like detailed advice on traveling with one or more cats for the holidays, please contact me at the email address on the left and I will send you my book, Moving With Pets, as a holiday gift from all of us here at the Kitty Times. It sells on Amazon at this link:
Take a look and if it can help you, let me know. Free for the holidays until Jan. 1, 2022.

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!
winter cat
Best gift for the holidays: a permanent home!

Interesting Stories and Links

Cats can track their owners with their ears.
A new study out of Japan found that a stationary cat can track its owner's location using audio cues -- specifically, the owner's voice.

Does your cat recognize its own name?
Researchers in Japan say they do. If they don't respond, yes, they are ignoring you.
The cat person's dating app:
(Note: There's a dog person's dating app, too,
called Dig. Find it onTabby Dates.)

10 Fascinating Facts About Cats

Get your cat to love you (Or at least like you):
How to Make Your Cat Adore You

Health, Wellbeing and Behavior Issues

Ringworm: A Serious but Readily Treatable Affliction

Ringworm is among the most frequently occurring skin disorders affecting the worldwide cat population.

14 Strange Cat Behaviors

Perplexing and Curious Cat Behaviors Explained

How to find a lost cat
They're probably closer than you think!

Get the Cat Emergency Guide
via @alleycatallies

How to Report Animal Abuse on Social Media
[YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok]

Do Something Nice for Your Cat Friends

It may not too late to think about holiday shopping and gifting, despite
shipping and delivery delays affecting stores everywhere, as well as delivery services such as UPS, FedEx and even the Post Office.

Some of my books listed at Amazon would make great gifts for friends and family who love animal stories and information.

For a full list, please visit
