AshGPS: Feb 15 2011: NGS Webinar
If you use NAD83 coordinates or have more than a passing interest in ITRF 2008, I would like to reccomend that you attend the NGS Webinar scheduled for Friday Feb 25th 2011.
I have included a link below to the registration.
For preliminary and background information, this [ link ] is excellent.
Webinar Describing New Coordinates for NGS CORS Nework Sites

On Friday, February 25, 2011 at 1300h-1430h EST, NGS will host a webinar focused on describing the forthcoming change in coordinates (position and velocities) for CORS sites from ITRF2000 epoch 1997.0 and NAD 83(CORS96) epoch 2002.0. The new coordinates will be available in NGSTRF08 epoch 2005.0 and NAD 83(CORS96A) epoch 2010.0. The underlying datum for NGSTRF08 is based on ITRF2008, but the positions are calibrated for the impending release of IGS08 (+igs08.atx). In this webinar, we will describe the:

The presentation will be short with an extended period for participants to share concerns and ask questions. This will be the first of a regular series of presentations on this transition.

The presentation will be given by Giovanni Sella and Jake Griffiths, and is open to everyone.
You can use the link below to register via GoToMeeting: