Please join us after kiddush on March 7 for our annual meeting. The main topic will be results of the survey and discussion resulting from that. If you have not completed the survey, do it right away by clicking below. Input will close on Tuesday, March 3 at 8:00 pm.
Here is a little preview of survey results so far:
- 57% or respondents were somewhat satisfied and 35% were very satisfied overall with the Library Minyan.
- The most common pluses were community, friends, participatory and variety.
- The most common minuses were too few children and young adults, uneven quality, lack of variety, and too much criticism.
- Satisfaction is higher for Shabbat services, and lower for holiday services.
- 27% think Shabbat services are too long.
There are some seemingly conflicting views expressed. We hope that open discussion at the annual meeting can help us understand these better and find ways to improve.
— Carl Sunshine |
Treasury Tidbits for 2014 |
A belated happy (secular) New Year to all Library Minyan members. At this time of year, I prepare a financial report to "sum up" our outgoing and incoming funds. Here are some of the highlights:
Beginning balance 1/1/14 |
$8,551 |
Income |
$7,261 |
donations to co-sponsored kiddushim |
$4,587 |
miscellaneous donations |
$2,674 |
Expenses |
($8,435) |
Ending balance 12/31/14 |
$7,378 |
I want to thank our numerous donors. Increased donations to the co-sponsored kiddushim have allowed us to offer fourteen such events in 2014 as compared to ten in 2013. I especially want to thank Carl Sunshine who has been doing "double duty" as Rosh and Kiddush Organizer.
For those of you curious about our expenses, most go to Temple Beth Am to cover the co-sponsorship of the kiddushim. In varying amounts, we also support other Library Minyan events, including the Purim Seudah and the Shavuot picnic. Every year we buy luchot (Jewish calendars) for our gabbaim. And this year we helped pay for the Speakers Forum, made a donation to the annual dinner tribute book, and gave a small year-end gift to TBA kitchen staff for their assistance with our kiddushim.
Donations are always welcome. Checks written to "The Library Minyan of TBA" can be sent to me at: Dale Bodenstein, 1121 South Spaulding Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90019. For your convenience, you can pick up a "ready-made" envelope from the table outside the chapel on Shabbat. If you want to make a donation using a credit card, go to, choose "giving" at the top right, and then choose "Donate Online" on the left. When the window opens, fill out the form and be sure to check the box "I would like to designate my donation to a specific fund or department", and then check "Library Minyan Fund". Of course, all donations are tax deductible.
— Dale Bodenstein |
DPL Events: Future & Past |
We hope to see you at the next DPL event: Saturday, March 14, after Shabbat services, at the annual potluck Shabbat lunch will be held at the lovely home of Abby and Larry Harris, just two blocks from TBA. Please RSVP here  by March 9.
This year’s Ice Cream Social and Melaveh Malkah took place on February 14 and was attended by over 90 people. The evening of fun started with Havdalah, followed by dancing, music, and singing. The ice cream bar featured several flavors and plenty of toppings. Thank you to Jackie Weiss and Sandra Braun for their help. Thanks also go to all the talented performers: Sara Tanz led an energetic and creative dance session. Warren Blum led a klezmer-type band of Aliza Benor, Sarah Benor, Sal Litvak, and Daryl Temkin. Sharing their vocal talents were Rabbi Daniel Chorny, Rabbi Hillary Chorny, Rabbi Adam Kligfeld, Mandy Lande, and Michelle Stone. And Corey Wexler came with cast members from Pressman Academy’s Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat: Jamie Berman, Hannah Friedman, Noa Kligfeld, Sarah Lande, Molly Litvak, and Adinah Singer-Frankes. Click HERE for more photos.
The final DPL event of the season will be the shul-wide Shavuot Picnic at La Cienega Park on Monday, May 25 (Memorial Day & the Second Day of Shavuot). —
Dafna Taryle & Rebecca Friedman |
Learn With Rabbi Chorney on Mar. 21 |
Rabbi Hillary Chorny, TBA's cantor, looks forward to teaching on March 21. This will be the final presentation in the "Teach a Text You Love & Why You Love It" series created by the Library Minyan's Education Committee.
Rabbi Chorny will focus on a piece of Gemara from the Babylonia Talmud — B'rachot 31A&B — in which Rav Hamnunah puts forth all the ways in which the biblical character Hannah models the ideal for how we should pray.
Rabbi Chorny will explore connections between this text and the phrase Amidah b'lachash — the "whispered" Amidah. This text is the foundation for the way in which she personally brings herself to private prayer, and also the way in which she teaches about prayer.
Rabbi Chorny’s session will follow Shabbat services and an expanded Kiddush. Everyone is encouraged to put the date into their calendar and plan to stay on at shul after services. With daylight savings time beginning on March 8, there should still be plenty of time for a good Shabbes nap.
— Rachel Green
Purim "Matanot L'Evyonim" (giving to the poor) Operation Survival Kits (formerly Operation PB&J) will take place on March 4 following the reading of the Megillah. Assemble survival kits for the homeless and make sandwiches (NOT peanut butter sandwiches).
March 5 – Deliver kits to the homeless.
JWW Walk to End Genocide
Sunday, April 19, Pan Pacific Park, 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM, Walk and participate in educational activities dedicated to the survivors of mass atrocities in Darfur, Chad, and Congo. Show your support by joining the TBA team.
Mishna study 9:20
Tefillot begin 9:45
Temple Beth Am
Dorff-Nelson Chapel
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd, 90035