Photos: Liquid Rubber Europe (LRE Coatings BV)
Waterproofing floor-wall connection
A waterproof construction is a must in many industrial areas. In this area, the floor-wall connection was not waterproofed anymore due of aging. Liquid Rubber HBS-200 was used to solve this problem.
Liquid Rubber HBS-200 was applied on the connection between the concrete floor and the steel wall panels. Geotextile was placed in the HBS-200 to ensure a good bridge between those two surfaces. Thanks to Liquid Rubber HBS-200, the connection is waterproofed again.
Photos: Liquid Rubber Europe (LRE Coatings BV)
Waterproofing parking garage
At this project, for construction company BAM, a new underground parking garage was build and connected to an existing parking garage. The connection of the top deck needed to be waterproofed so that no water could penetrate into the underlaying garage. This top deck includes a concrete deck and two dilatations that needed to be sealed.
First the Liquid Rubber HBS-200 was applied combined with Geotextile to seal all the detail connections. Afterwards the entire surface was coated with the Liquid Rubber BelowGrade B-250. This product ensures a seamless and flexible sealant of the entire concrete deck. Liquid Rubber prevents the water to leak into the underlaying garages.