Dear Heart-Time friends, liebe Herz-Zeit-Freunde…
This is the first Heart-Time-News for our English Suscribers, congratulations!
Diese englischen Sommer-Herz-Zeit-Nachrichten sind auch an die deutschen Suscriber gerichtet, da die meisten von Euch ja Englisch verstehen, danke für Euer Verständnis.
For private reasons our Summertour to Europe has been cancelled.
It is an honour to welcome you on our magic mountain from 14-16 October in our Meditation Retreat with a special lifechanging 8-days 2012 Consciousness Training Trip through Mexico (program upon demand).
New: Heart-Time TV / Herz-Zeit TV
We are overhelmed with blessings, service and healing-work here in Mexico and these days we are tayloring an amazing Spring Tour "2012 Maya Heart Time Work". It will be a total new and strong training for people who really want to prepare for end 2012 and enter the frecuency.
Time is going fast and the tour will be short with 5 destinations only. As the clear message is to work with big groups and we are collecting funds for our Charitable Project of the Healing Monastery here, we are still open to new proposals of potential Coordinators among you.
We are working hard to finish the English Translation of the new Site It is Heart-Time (and a resumed Czech Site too!). Thanks for your patience, you might want to have a look at the Spanish or German version for chapters that are not yet translated...
With Love and Determination, be happy from deep within!
Pascal y Victorina
Be an active Member of the Heart-Time Group.
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To Receive the last News of the Blog in English, German and Spanish, on top where it says "Suscribe to this Chanel" choose Microsoft Outlook and you will receive our news in your RSS-folder of Outlook.
14-16 October, 2011
Malinalco, Mexico, Meditation-Retreat
Our Retreat-Centre is
2 1/2 hours from Mexico City, easy to reach. Mexico is one of the Places in which vibration you should bring your physical body in this lifetime!
Mexico really makes the difference. Don't think about the cost, decide now and the Universe will do the rest, create your abundance 2012 now. You buy a cheap flight to Mexico City and we help you with the rest...
If you do not know our magic mountain in Malinalco, clic here for a walking tour (in this VIDEO I speak Spanish but what counts here is the beautiful landscape).
The distance doesn't matter!
Healing, Coaching, Regressions...
with intro-price$ if you decide now
"Today I woke up with sore throat, it scratched me to speak, and just like this Pascal said, close your eyes and relax your shoulders. I did not know what he was doing, but in 3 minutes, my throat was fine, fine."
Nuria Vela, Social Educator, Barcelona, Spain