Scotland Island Residents Association(SIRA) ISSUES
March 2005
1. Insurance Director’s and Officers’ insurance has been effected.
2. Water Supply 2.1 New water line: Renewal of all old waterlines in progress
2.2 Repairs & Maintenance: Broken line repaired; standpipe to be fitted to fire tank western end of Elizabeth Park
3. Waste Strategy 3.1 General Waste: Pittwater Council to let new waste tender within next few months SIRA has held discussions with waste contractor re operational problems eg prompt waste removal from SI after collection
3.2 Hazard Reduction After the successful mulching service last year Pittwater Council are now undertaking the next stage of the hazard reduction program, clearing vegetation rubbish from road reserves on the north western side of the island. They are currently working on Fitzpatrick and the unmade section of Thompson Street
3.3 Clean Up Australia Day Sunday morning 6 March Areas covered include Tennis, Bells and Carroll’s precincts Colin Haskell coordinating Tennis Coordinators needed for Bells and Carroll’s
4, Community Vehicle Vehicle costs exceeding grant monies Lease expires late 2005 SIRA to explore ways to increase grant for new lease and economise on vehicle management costs
5. Church Point Precinct Master Plan SIRA to request Pittwater Council to consider car parking separately to master plan as a whole to enable the plan to proceed while car parking issues in dispute
6, Car parking at Church Point Pittwater Council have approved Dept Infrastructure, Planning & Natural Resources’ proposal to reclassify majority of Church Point car park as parkland, allow only 70 short term parking spaces and build an underground parking area for long term parking. Estimated cost to residents for each parking space approx. $50 000 for 20 year lease.
SIRA have sought legal advice on this matter – response expected within next couple of weeks
Special General Meeting of island and offshore residents to be called to discuss offshore strategy to fight potential car parking losses once legal advice received.
6. Roads and Drainage SIRA is taking action to arrest runoff damage down Fitzpatrick Avenue. Sleepers have been obtained and a contractor engaged. Residents at top of island (western end) will be asked to volunteer to help out in working bee.
Issues relating to the experimental resurfacing of Thompson Street have been raised with Pittwater Council City Engineer.
7. Envirofund Envirofund monies being used for bush regeneration equipment and assistance re Pathilde, Elizabeth and Catherine Parks, with particular focus on asparagus week, eharte grass and boneseed weed.
8. Public wharves 8.1 Background: Pittwater Council (PWC) and Dept Infrastructure Planning & Natural Resources (DIPNR) have held discussions on “duty of care” compliance; subsequently leading to a decision that PWC would be responsible for a management zone of 10m around all island and bay wharves. Some question as to whether this covers Cargo wharf. Management zone responsibility to be gazetted March 2005.
David Lyall (ex PWC) has been contracted by PWC to facilitate changeover and operational issues.
8.2 Activities: PWC are writing a report on how this will be put in place.
SIRA to call a Special General Meeting to facilitate consensus on residents’ needs and desires for inclusion in the consultation process with PWC.
9. Communications SIRA has an official email address:
10. Pittwater 21 Information on Pittwater 21 is available on PWC website. SIRA will be making a submission.
11. POD 2005The Pittwater Offshore Directory is due for a new edition. If you are willing to help, please contact Shar (99991346) or Deryn (9979 9141)
12. Barbecues SIRA is investigating the feasibility of obtaining permanent barbecues in Katherine Park and Harold Reserve.
14. Master Plan for Sewage and WaterA SIRA sub-committee has been formed to discuss the future of sewage and water on the island. Greg Roberts will coordinate the sub-committee.
15. Hall ManagementA sub-committee has been formed to discuss the management of the community hall. The committee coordinator is Kerry Borthwick, and members are: Bob Bolton and Gillian Unwin (SI Players representatives) Trudy Engler (Ballet representative), Claire Atkins (Festival and Preschool representative), David Wardman (SIRA & SIRFS representative), Anne Palmer (commercial users representative) and Colin Haskell (community representative)
16. Population demographicsCensus data has been obtained for Scotland Island and Pittwater LGA to enable comparison and provide bases for planning.
17. Historic Photos Shar Jones will be seeking grant funding on behalf of SIRA with the aim of mounting historic photos of Scotland Island in the community hall.
18. Storage There is an identified need for permanent storage for materials on the island, eg storage of water line and associated equipment.
19. SI Vision/Strategic Plan There is a need to develop a long-term vision for the island together with a strategic plan to achieve this.
20. Ferry Service The ferry no longer stops at Cargo. It is understood that the reason has been stated as problems with the rating of the wharf and associated insurance problems. SIRA is supporting Margaret Holly’s campaign to resolve these issues.
20. Church Point Post Office Residents have expressed concern about the limited Post Office opening hours (ie normal business hours Monday – Friday) and the access difficulties for working residents. SIRA is looking into this matter with the aim of trying to have at least one extended day or a Saturday morning opening.
21. SIRA Committee Meetings: Committee meetings are held the second Monday evening of each month except January. The next meeting will be held on Monday 14 March 2005.
22. SIRA Committee 2004-2005Shar Jones (President) Greg Roberts (Vice President) Paul Purvis (Vice President) Kerry Borthwick (Secretary) Deryn Vokins (Treasurer) General members: Claire Atkins, Pam Bradbury, Trudy Engler, Rosemary Haskell, Sharon Kinnison, Colin Monger, Annette Ritchie, Guyren Smith, Gillian Unwin, David Wardman
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