Sunday, December 31, 2006
Seventh Christmas Day

John 8:12 "I am the Light of the World."


Many of our churches are now open only one or two days a week. The Temple in old Jerusalem was, of course, open every day. More than that, God designed the temple and its services to proclaim His daily provision for the spiritual welfare of all who trust in Him. And since Christ mediates all such blessings, the Temple's appointments and rites quite naturally spoke of Him -- from the lambs sacrificed each morning and evening, to the daily setting out of the 12 loaves of "showbread", to the gold lampstand that was constantly burning in the Holy Place. Not surprisingly, it was in the Temple that Jesus said, "I am the Light of the World."

Sin, ignorance, and death fill the whole world with darkness. Jesus dispels that darkness with the release from death's curse and sin's power that the free gift of His forgiveness grants. His Word leads us out of the darkness of Satan's delusions and places our feet on the straight path.

Our Christmas lights are small and shine but for a time. The One whose birth they mark gives light for darkness everywhere, every day. He is truly "the light of the WORLD."

Long before Jesus' birth the 24/7 nature of the light He brings was symbolized in Tabernacle and Temple. For when the Lord Himself designed the Golden Lampstand of the Holy Place, He gave it seven branches with seven lamps. There is no day of the week in which our Lord does not beam the very light of life into our hearts and lives.

The Light Eternal, breaking through,
Made the world to gleam anew;
His beams have pierced the heart of night,
He makes us children of the Light.
(Martin Luther)