Temple Beth Am Library Minyan
August 2020
LM Update: August 21 |
Dear Friends,
Once again, we hope you, your family, and friends are safe and sound. Here is this week’s Library Minyan Weekly Update for August 21, 2020, temporarily in place of the Minyan Monthly.
If you have suggestions or would like to include something in a future Weekly Update, please email Jerry Krautman at JKrautman@sbcglobal.net or reply to this email.
Shabbat Shalom
Daveners Needed
This week’s daveners are courtesy of the good old days! Please send your ideas for the daveners you would like to hear daven to JKrautman@sbcglobal.net.
Hey What’s Cooking?
 We are calling on all Library Minyan members to supply their favorite family holiday recipe for the creation of the Library Minyan High Holiday Family Cookbook. Please send Jane Willoughby ( janewilloughby4@gmail.com) your favorite recipe with a few words about its origin (humor would be the added ingredient). If the recipe came from your wonderful Great Aunt Rachel or your beloved Uncle Noah, then we would like to know more about them and why the recipe is special. If you can add a picture of the person it came from or a picture of the special dish, that would be fantastic. We want each recipe to fit onto one page, preferably.
Following the creation of the cookbook, we will be hosting a zoom “Ask the Cook,” in September (date to be shared soon), where you can ask the originators (Library Minyan members) for any tips making the dish and maybe more about the story!
The deadline for submissions is August 28th. The book will be compiled and shared electronically with Library Minyan members just before the Zoom “Ask the Cook.”
The Mishnah Study Group will be gathering to learn on August 22 with Henry Morgen and Zwi Reznik.
Enhance your appreciation for the wisdom of our sages in selecting the weekly haftarah by watching the weekly Haftarah Plethora Zoomcast. This week Rick and Larry discuss the fourth haftarah of consolation. Larry tries to wake Rick up and talks about how the haftarah links to L’cha Dodi and to the onset of the Yamim Nora’im. Rick explains how it’s possible to find an interesting message in the text by stringing together similar trope.
Shabbat Schedule
There are no separate online Library Minyan Services for Shabbat.
Please consult the Temple Beth Am Shabbat Email and website for information on shul events.
Library Minyan at Home Shabbat and Shavuot Davening Schedule
Rabbi Jonathan Sacks has made an important point about the need to daven at the same time as the community, even if one is davening alone. We include a Shabbat Davening Schedule that you can follow at home.
Shabbat, Saturday, August 22
9:25 a.m.
Mishnah Study: Henry Morgen and Zwi Reznik |
9:45 a.m. |
Pesukei Dizimra: Bob Malina |
10:05 a.m. |
Shacharit: Cantor Michelle Stone |
10:30 a.m.
Torah Reading: Shoftim Deut.16:18 – 20:10, Joel Grossman
11:00 a.m.
Haftarah for Shoftim, Isaiah 51:12 – 52:12, Joe Nimoy
11:15 a.m.
Prayer for Our Country, Prayer for Israel, Prayer for Peace: Diane & Bob Roosth
11:20 a.m. |
Drash: Mickey Rosen |
11:35 a.m. |
Musaf: Sandra Lepson |
11:50 a.m. |
Adon Olam: Sandra Lepson and our Youngsters! |
12:00 p.m.
Kiddush: Joel Stern |