Calling All Shackleton Fans! 
Antarctica has been in the news lately, what with the discovery of 100-year-old photo negatives, Tim Jarvis' recreation of Shackleton's journey in The Caird, and 52 people stranded on a Russian research ship since Christmas Eve. But do you know the story of epic failure that turned into one of the greatest successes of all time? Shackleton's Antarctic Nightmare, a one-man show created and told by Armchair Adventurer, Lawrence Howard, is a history lesson that will have you on the edge of your seat. 

Shackleton's Antarctic NightmareTickets to Shackleton runs five nights only, January 11, 17, 18, 24, and 25 at Hipbone Studio. Tickets are available now!

Thank You for showing your generous support of Portland Story Theater by attending our shows, participating in our workshops, sharing your stories, and giving your gifts of time, money, and energy. Thank you for believing in Portland Story Theater! 2014 is going to be spectacular and we look forward to bringing you more true, personal stories, told face to face, eye to eye, and heart to heart. 
Happy New Year!
May the narrative be with you, 

Lawrence, Lynne, and Penny 
Portland Story Theater, Inc.

Contact info:
office: 503.284.2226 
mailing: 3333 NE 15th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212
Tax ID - EIN #27-0670834