Pet Holidays and Observances for July
National Lost Pet Prevention Month July 10 - National Kitten Day July 11 - All American Pet Photo Day July 15 - National Pet Fire Safety Day July 22 - National Craft for Your Local Shelters Day
Survey Results - Next Book
Thanks to everyone who responded to my survey last month about what kind of book you'd like to read next. Nearly 100% of you specifically want to see something about cat health, with other topics filling out the rest of the preferences. Also, thanks to those of you who wrote articles to include in a book. Always welcome! I can use all the help I can get! At this time, there is no deadline set, so if you think of anything else, or want to send something in, please do so fairly soon, so we can start putting it all together. So my co-author, Paul DeCeglie, and I are working on health articles and tips already. We think you will be pleased with the book! Of course, title ideas are welcome, too. If you think of one, let us know and we'll look into using it. A lot depends on whether it's been used already, of course. If you would like a photo of your cat in this book, feel free to send something in. Just know that it will appear in black and white inside the book, even if your original is in color, and it needs to be good quality (in focus, good contrast) so it will print correctly. Digital is preferred, so you can email it and we can also PhotoShop things if necessary. Also, we cannot guarantee it will be used, depending on space and other considerations. Thanks for your understanding.