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Please order early for Christmas! Allow at least two-weeks to reach you in the Xmas rush and the last day we will mail until New Year will be 20th December. Some orders after this until Mid-January will be delayed. Last wholesale order this year will be 9th December.
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Christmas Beads
Christmas Present Ideas
How to value opal
Turquoise & the birthstone for December
Properties of Gemstones
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Christmas Beads
Beads make great presents. They are small and light, so being easily mailed or tucked in a stocking.. They are also personal, and a necklace or bracelet worn often is hard to forget who gave it. You can even hang them on the Christmas tree. Christmas is the peak retail season too, so don't be left out if you're a seller: Get Listing! It will pay to make as many quality necklaces and bracelets as you can & both to sell and to give away as Xmas gifts.
Turquoise is the gemstone for December, but pearls also make an ideal Christmas present, appreciated by all. Both gemstones have such an air of quality; all recipients will love you for ever. For quality, pearls and silver together, speak sophistication - a small bracelet may be all you need. Necklaces in a nice presentation box are nice too. A matching necklace and erring set is good as well. And all are easy to gift-wrap. If you buy ready made jewelry online, get your supplier to mail your present direct in December & saving you both time and money. To read our site telling you all about pearls and how to make a pearl necklace click
Christmas Present Ideas - Click a direct link on the HTML version for details:
Pearl Necklace, Jade Bracelet, Bead Gift Voucher
Pearl Bracelet, Coral Bracelet, Mala Necklace
Pearl Necklace & Earrings, Agate Bracelet, Bead Book
Jade Necklace, Carnelain Bracelet, Large 11mm Black Pearls
Coral Necklace, Other Stone Bracelet, Mixed bag of Jade Beads
Turquoise Necklace, Jade Ring, Bead Measure
Turquoise Bracelet, Other Stone Ring, Bead Pliers
To see these in our bead store, go to
Turquoise & the birthstone for December
Turquoise is a soft, opaque gemstone & formed by volcanic rock reacting to copper deposits brought by water. Ranging from blue-green, to yellow-green with grey, black or brown veining. Turquoise has been found in 5,000-year-old Egyptian tombs and the Tibetans used it as currency centuries ago. North Africa and the Middle East hold large deposits, but most turquoise today originates from Burma and is carved in China. Turquoise didn't reach Europe until the crusades when the name originated, meaning "Turkish stone".
Ancient doctors thought turquoise prevented injury in accidents and ground it into a powder to cure stomach disorders, internal bleeding, and insect bites. Turquoise has always been used to protect the wearer from danger, attract wealth, and warn as a talisman or good luck charm. Some believe it will fade when danger or illness is near, or a lover is unfaithful. It is also said to protect against pollution and strengthen the body.
Turquoise is porous, so contact with liquids, oils or even perspiration should be avoided. Jewelry should be removed before washing. Turquoise is commonly impregnated with plastic, colorless oil or wax to improve color and increase durability. Untreated turquoise will eventually turn green. As genuine turquoise is expensive, reconstituted turquoise is made today. Crafted from real turquoise chips fused with other stones to cut the cost.
Properties of Gemstones
Each gemstone has a different effect - take this into account when choosing. Your Christmas gift could help your relatives and friends more than any other present!
Agate was highly valued as a talisman in ancient times and has been used as a traveler's amulet for centuries. Believed to bring good fortune, health, wealth and long life. As well as quenching thirst and preventing fevers, Persian magicians used agate to divert storms and athletes to increase vitality. It's also said to bring self-confidence by banishing fear. Some swear that wearing agate heightens spiritual consciousness and balance the body's physical and mental states.
Amethyst is an especially powerful stone, a symbol of sincerity, security, and peace of mind. It protects, reduces negativity and brings spirituality - hence the name "Pope Stone". Although some say amethyst is less powerful than fluorite, which also carries the purple ray, linked with the zodiac it can help psychic knowledge. Healers of times gone by suggest this stone could help dream inspiration if placed under the pillow at night. Legend even says drinking from an amethyst chalice will prevent intoxication.
Aventurine & Amazonite
Spiritualists believe aventurine has the ability to purify the spirit and bring balance to male and female energies. Its capacity to calm and bring inner-peace makes aventurine a very important stone in the spiritual realm. Green is the color of healing - with aventurine the all-purpose healer. Not only good for physical disorders, blockages and migraine, but also healing on all levels. Amazonite, sometimes called Amazon Jade, is a similar stone to Aventurine. Some say Amazonite makes your married life happier.
Carnelian is for confidence. Said to help blood disorders and eliminate toxins from the body. Carnelian is in tune with the energies of the Earth, making you feel anchored and comfortable with your environment. Allowing you to pause and reflect, while feeling settled and more secure. Carnelian also stimulates energy that influences the reproductive organs; hence it's long use as a fertility symbol. It is said to stimulate creativity and have a clearing effect, replacing negative energy with positive. Making it easier to find direction and feel in control of your life. A good stone for people starting new projects or who feel they are going nowhere. It motivates, allowing you to find the energy to make the most out of life.
This yellow color is a natural reviver, and citrine focuses the mind bringing a feeling of self-esteem. In medication it helps re-establish the link between your conscious and subconscious minds. If you are feeling down, try holding citrine to lift your spirit. It's also very good at healing the body and helping people communicate. Citrine has warm energy, promotes optimism, and attracts abundance.
Fluorite brings perceptiveness, peace and calm to a troubled mind. It's particularly useful in medication, because holding even a small piece in the hand brings a sense of inner peace. Those who choose this stone are likely to be artistic and creative, being able to earn money from their talent & as well as self-critical with a fear of failure. Fluorite is considered to be the most powerful healing stone, especially for strengthening the bone tissue.
Travelers wore garnets as they were considered talismans and protective stones, because it was believed garnets illuminate the night and wore off evil. Said to remove nightmares and depression. Today science says the proverbial luminosity of garnet is caused by its high refraction.
Gaspeite was used by Aborigine's to bring good fortune, visions and grant success. It is known to reduce stress and help with gallbladder, lung and heart problems. It's also thought that Gaspeite brings spirituality into everyday life. It awakens illusions, attracts friendship, and removes the veil between distress and ignorance and aids assurance. Gaspeite also helps to reduce emotional ignorance and prevents loss.
Hematite is a protective stone and it's energies help you connect with the Earth and its benefits. Use this stone during meditation to escape the illusionary chains of physical reality and become more connected to your true, spirit self - its been used as an aid to astral projection. It also bolsters low self-esteem, making you feel more comfortable and better about yourself. Its grounding and soothing energies can help you relax and unwind both physically and mentally. Hematite is said to be closely tied to the blood due to its iron content. Believed to aid the kidneys, speed tissue regeneration, and contribute to improving the blood, and so the overall health of your entire body.
It is believed to radiate divine unconditional love and balance the emotions. Held in the hand it can improve judgment - ancient silk traders often held jade while bartering. A small piece of jade worn around the neck was said to dispel illness.
Jasper is known as the "Patron stone of counselors and healers". Being very healing and balancing, it was used for many different medications. Ancient people used jasper to relieve pain, especially childbirth. Jasper is reported to sooth the nerves and to treat the kidneys, spleen, bladder, liver and stomach. Red jasper is an intensely protective stone, stabilizing the aura and bringing contentment - even said to assist astral travel
during meditation. Poppy jasper is thought to heal allergies to animals. Picture jasper helps to evaluate life's issues and develop business pursuits leading to increase. Fancy jasper believed to clear the mind, bring tranquility and eliminate worry and depression. And green jasper is thought to be lucky in monetary trades.
Lapis Lazuli
Through the ages, lapis has been associated with power, wisdom, love, and a stimulant for psychic ability. For many people lapis is a stone of truth and friendship. Bringing harmony to relationships and helping its wearer openly state their individual opinion. While aiding inner vision, wisdom, insight and good judgment. It's also said to be good for treating thyroid problems and helping to get in touch with our inner selves. A powerful gemstone that should not be worn by those who lack strength of character.
The green stripes have the ability to soothe and bring rest - helping sleep, meditation, the circulation and balancing emotions. The copper content helps rheumatism. It's also the guardian stone of travelers who wear it to warn of danger. The magic of malachite is also thought to attract love and wealth and change energies in your life and environment. Some say malachite travels the world in search of energies to change. If your life is in a rut, try wearing malachite - but beware of unstoppable change.
Rhodonite has similar properties to malachite - stabilizing the emotions, soothing and bringing order to feelings. Its steady uplift gradually makes your emotional foundation more solid and secure - allowing body and emotions to harmonize and respond to life's situations.
Moonstone is thought to grow stronger or weaker with the moons cycle. During full-moon it's a very powerful stone for the reconciling of love, and as the moon decreases, is said to allow person to foretell the future. In India it's sacred for lovers. A feminine stone for the inner-child, female issues and nurturing - but also used by men who want to reach their female side and to understand dreams. Moonstone brings confidence and calms the emotions, easing an understanding of spirituality, intuition, and clairvoyance. Also known to protect against fever, dropsy, fluid-retention and urinary problems. Especially protective to seafarers who have been using it since ancient times.
An Australian aboriginal healing stone that bestows strength. It helps heal wounds and regeneration. Useful in stabilizing health and in fortifying the immune system, Mookaite also purifies the blood in the liver and the spleen and can help with the glands in general, the stomach, water retention and with hernias. Mookaite encourages the desire for variety and new experiences. It makes thoughts more flexible and enhances decision making. It also helps us to recognize that there could be several possibilities for the outcome of any issue, and helps choose the best solution to that issue. It also celebrates new circumstances and helps dealing with negative situations. Mookaite helps us to be kind to others and to ourselves. It is a very protective stone, and is particularly good as an emotional protector.
Obsidian is a nurturing stone that can help you to accept the changes that are a part of everyone's live. Its energy has a grounding, stabilizing influence, and can help dispel negative energy. But for healing, it's recommend to balance obsidian with a lighter crystal, like smoky quart. Also used to improve vision, relieve digestive problems, and clear the mind. And is sometimes gazed into like a crystal ball, to obtain images and help find inner spiritual vision.
Although regarded as protective, onyx has a reputation as a stone of discord. Onyx was worn to cool the ardors of love, probably because it helps to balance the mind and emotions. Not only avoided by lovers, but also at night, as it provoked nightmares. However, it does improve concentration and devotion, hence many onyx rosaries. Onyx is a strength-giving stone, aiding confidence and useful for athletes or people under stress. Its energy is a mental tonic and can help you cope with fears and worries, making you feel in harmony with your surroundings.
The ancients esteemed the opal highly, and attributed to it an influence for every possible good. This belief outlasted the Middle Ages, and in the early part of the seventeenth century the opal is recorded as being as highly valued as ever. Then arose a superstition that the fiery stone was unlucky, and this became prevalent everywhere until Queen Victoria gave opal to each of her daughters at their marriage. Today opal is again regarded as a lucky, if not expensive, stone.
Peridot is recommended for insomnia, digestive problems and to stimulate the mind. Some say peridot has the power to drive away evil spirits, intensified when the stone is set in gold. And it's also said to strengthen the power of any medicine drunk from peridot goblets.
The ancients all knew the magical powers of quartz. Using it to strengthen the sun's rays to bring heat, and Chinese Feng-shui teaches that arranging crystals around the home retains positive energy. Crystals were important to these people because of the belief in their capacity to store and amplify any power source fed into them - physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual. Today's crystal therapists say that the stones' ability to work as a conductor allows energy to be focused via a person's thoughts to stimulate healing. And many people use crystal to focus attention on what they want. With a little imagination, you too can use crystal's energy to access a higher level of consciousness and turn a desire into reality. All types of crystal have this power, but individual color crystal is believed to have other uses too. Rose quartz, the stone of unconditional love, is great for emotional healing. Red, yellow, and orange stones are said to produce energy; clear and aquamarine stones are healers; and lavender and blue-violet are calming stones.
Sodalite & Unikite
Especially valuable for those in mental confusion & it helps rationalize decisions and calms the emotions. It also encourages self-expression, by uniting logical thought with the spirit and helping you realize that you don't have to do things the way you always have. And it's been said that a piece of sodalite under the pillow can help you remember dreams. Unakite is famous for finding the root cause of an illness & useful for conditions where the symptoms can't otherwise be treated. It works by allowing the gentle release of long-term energy blocks, leading to an emotionally calm state. Also believed to stimulate the reproductive system, encourage pregnancy, and helping the healthy development of the baby in the womb. Some people even say Unakite can neutralize the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from television sets.
Tiger's-Eye is good for those worried about health as it's said to guard against hypochondria. It builds will-power and inner-strength, and has traditionally been used to heal wounds, eyes, and the lower legs and feet. It's also said to bring spiritual well-being and psychic protection & as well as attracting beauty and abundance.
Turquoise & Howlite
Ancient doctors thought turquoise prevented injury in accidents and ground it into a powder to cure stomach disorders, internal bleeding, and insect bites. Turquoise has always been used to protect the wearer from danger, attract wealth, and warn as a talisman or good luck charm. Some believe it will fade when danger or illness is near, or a lover is unfaithful. It is also said to protect against pollution and strengthen the body. Howlite has similar properties.
For the full list of meanings and properties of gemstones click
Xmas Gift - Pearl & Earrings Necklace Box Set - Click here - only US$18, and we can mail gift-wrapped anywhere in the world!
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Sample our beads with US$8 discount in our MrBead bead store, just key in "november" at the checkout (without the inverted commas) and click "Redeem Coupon". Offer valid until 4th December only - so act now! Only for use in our store at the checkout and not valid with any other offers.
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