Attorney Jonathan Emord.........John Hammell With Byron Richards DC Book Expo
IAHF List: Please leave a note to yourself to go to on Saturday at 2 PM Pacific time to tune in Attorney Jonathan Emord's radio show.
His guest will be Byron Richards, Certified Clinical Nutritionist, author of Fight For Your Health- Exposing FDA's Betrayal of America and a regular columnist on News With Views on Health Freedom issues. If you haven't already read Richard's alerts about S.1082/HR 1561- see his most recent one here:
Emord has done more to defend your access to dietary supplements than any attorney in the world and you can trust him when he tells you we MUST amend S.1082/HR 1561 or health freedom will be totally destroyed. You can see transcripts of his legal victories over the FDA on his website at
They'll be discussing The FDA Prescription Drug User Fee Act of 2007 (S.1082/HR 1561) with specific emphasis on how this "must pass" legislation WILL TORPEDO DSHEA (Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act), unless we can get an AMENDMENT into it to specifically protect dietary supplements.
With the so called "Natural Solutions Foundation" once again attempting to DISTRACT the grass roots by misdirecting people to write to the unelected bureaucrats at FDA about the CAM Guidance Document, its VERY IMPORTANT that all of you actively REACH OUT to more people to urge them to tune in this all important radio show so that they can truly UNDERSTAND whats going on, and what to do about it!! Especially urge health food stores to tune in, and to play it loud enough for customers in their stores to hear the broadcast! See specific instructions below on what to do, and get them into every health food store in your area!
NSF is a controlled opposition group operating inside the health freedom movement. IAHF and Allied groups won't give them the time of day because they're actively misleading the public by misdirecting people into dead ends. Once again: we have ZERO LEVERAGE over the unelected bureaucrats at the FDA. You can send them comments til you're blue in the face and they'll just IGNORE them all, but FDA cannot make law, only Congress can!
People who waste their time sending comments to FDA about the CAM Guidance Document are playing right into FDA's hands, because when they do that and FAIL to put ALL their energy into DEFENDING DSHEA by working to get an amendment into S.1082/HR 1561 to specifically protect dietary supplements, they create the situation where FDA can attack us the way they say they WANT TO in the CAM Guidance Document.
Hopefully this painfully obvious truth will sink into enough people's brains that more of you can help IAHF and Allied Groups to COUNTER NSF's Disinformation Campaign which is intended to DESTROY health freedom. Never forward an enemies campaign. If you know anyone who is receiving NSF's so called "alerts", do us a favor and urge that person to unsubscribe and to stop forwarding garbage which undermines our movement. So the FDA has extended their "Comments Period" on CAM Guidance Document? My response: "So WHAT???" Its IRRELEVANT! THE REAL ISSUE IS TO DEFEND DSHEA BY GETTING AN AMENDMENT INTO S.1082/HR 1561
Keep in mind here that this bill MUST PASS congress before August recess or else the Prescription Drug User Fee Act will expire and they're not going to let that happen, so we MUST get our amendment in, and as the summer wears on, it gets HARDER and HARDER to rally the grass roots! Thats why NSF's so called "alert" is so reprehensible, and all of us must work together to overcome their efforts to destroy health freedom.
1. Read this alert
2. At the end of it you'll find this form letter, please send it in to your Senators and Congressman: (hypertext links shown below don't work, go to the News With Views article to read them)
Changes in Proposed Bills
Proposed amendment to S 1082 and HR 1561:
The bills are hereby amended to prohibit the Foundation or Institute from evaluating the health benefit or efficacy of foods, dietary ingredients, and dietary supplements and to limit review of foods, dietary ingredients and dietary supplements to a determination of whether they are safe. In assessing whether dietary ingredients and dietary supplements are safe, the Foundation or Institute shall not compare product risks with health benefits or efficacy. Instead, the Foundation or Institute shall determine whether the product presents a significant risk of illness or injury under conditions of use recommended or suggested in labeling, or if no conditions of use are recommended or suggested in labeling, under ordinary conditions of use.
Health Freedom is on the Line
It is vitally important to send the following message to all members of the House and keep flooding the Senate (as there will be a conference committee). It is also important to send this message to Senators Hatch and Harkin (the original designers of DHSEA) and Kennedy and Enzi (who claim they are not trying to regulate dietary supplements with this legislation). These Senators must hear from the American public as they will determine the fate of this amendment when it reaches the conference committee. Success will require significant support from the people. Thank you.
To get information on contacting Senators, click here.
To contact your House Representative, click here.
Please send the following message.
HR 1561 (senate bill S.1082) - Please Amend to Protect Dietary Supplements
May 16, 2007
The Honorable (Representative or Senator First and Last Name)
Dear Representative (or Senator) Last Name;
The Senate has recently passed bill S1082, commonly known as the FDA Revitalization Act. I am concerned that the legislation, as currently written, opens the door for considerable regulatory confusion enabling the FDA to use this legislation to undermine my access to safe and effective dietary supplements.
There must be no confusing the safety of drugs and the safety of food and food ingredients – which are governed by different laws. I am sure you and other members of Congress are not intending to create such concern among the 150 million Americans who rely on dietary supplements to assist their health, and this matter is easily corrected with the following amendment, which will not in any way stop the FDA from identifying truly contaminated food that poses a risk to human health.
Changes in Existing Law
The following provides a print of the existing statute or part or section thereof to be amended or replaced (existing law proposed to be omitted is enclosed in black brackets, existing law in which no change is proposed is shown in roman):
SEC. 402
(f) –
(1) If it is a dietary supplement or contains a dietary ingredient that –
(A) presents a significant [or unreasonable] risk of illness or injury under—(i) conditions of use recommended or suggested in labeling, or
(ii) if no conditions of use are suggested or recommended in the
labeling, under ordinary conditions of use:
Changes in Proposed Bills
Proposed amendment to S 1082 and HR 1561:
The bills are hereby amended to prohibit the Foundation or Institute from evaluating the health benefit or efficacy of foods, dietary ingredients, and dietary supplements and to limit review of foods, dietary ingredients and dietary supplements to a determination of whether they are safe. In assessing whether dietary ingredients and dietary supplements are safe, the Foundation or Institute shall not compare product risks with health benefits or efficacy. Instead, the Foundation or Institute shall determine whether the product presents a significant risk of illness or injury under conditions of use recommended or suggested in labeling, or if no conditions of use are recommended or suggested in labeling, under ordinary conditions of use. Please help preserve my rights and support this amendment. For part 1 click below.
After Acting on this alert, please forward it to more people and please download the info to get around to health food stores in your area, let me know what you're doing. I will be going to DC to push for an amendment, but I must see a groundswell of grass roots activism because without a lot of you backing me up, I can't accomplish anything on Capital Hill by myself.This is NOT a drill folks! This is for ourselves and for future generations.
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