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Man, I think I've been making this face for about a week now. It's this "I just ate something sour and im not sure  if i like it but I think I do" face. 
80 of you!!! 80 of you have donated to the Kickstarter Campaign so far - jumpstarting this thing and taking us just inches away from the 30% mark! And my fingers aren't even tired from typing thank you notes! More than anything, I have truly appreciated your comments on the video created to share the vision going forward. Please take a few moments to watch it. It was my best effort to translate all the thoughts racing around in my head :)  To top it off, last weekend I woke up to one of the most awesome notes in my inbox!

Kickstarter is all or nothing, which means we need to hit the total goal in order for any of the donations to count! We've got 70%
of the way to go!!! Back!
By sharing this project, you can help spread the word to a
larger network of people! Share!

New YouTube Channel
Subscribe! Over the next few weeks I will be dropping video sneak peeks of songs from the new album and all things related to the project. Later down the line I will also be sharing snippets from the studio, more in depth behind-the-scenes videos of the recording process, and all things "new music"! First video!
Upcoming Shows
I love festival season!!! By the way, there are limited time 50% off Groupon tickets for this Saturday's Stage AE show! We play at 3pm! Don't say you didn't know!
June 10: Pittsburgh, PA  |  Stage AE - Feed More Festival [tickets][facebook] ***
June 15: Philadelphia, PA  | Burboun & Branch w/ Wylder [tickets][facebook] **
July 8: Willow Street, PA  |  Hans Herr House Music in the Orchard Series [details]***
July 9: Washington D.C.  |  Bossa DC - Second Sundays Supper Club [facebook]***
July 15: Clinton, NJ  |  Black Potatoe Festival  [details] **
July 16: West Chester, PA  |  Turks Head Music Festival - [details] **
Aug 9: Greencastle, IN  | Greencastle Summer Music Festival [details] ***
Band dates *** |  Duo dates **
Thank you for reading and supporting! In an age where everyone and their mom is raising money for something, I definitely don't take any contributions lightly. 
With love and excitement!!!