Community ANZAC Day
On ANZAC Day a brief community celebration of ANZAC Day will be held
next to the memorial stone in Church Point Reserve.
Veterans and all members of the community are invited to attend.
Wednesday 25th April, 11:00am
Church Point Reserve next to the memorial stone.
Calling all Pittwater
High School Families
The Pittwater High School P&C has managed to find some great new
people to fill most roles in the executive but are in desperate need of
a Secretary. The position isn’t too onerous – you just need to attend
monthly meetings to take the minutes then circulate the finalised
minutes to all members. Occasionally you need to deal with in-coming
and out-going correspondence but there isn’t an awful lot of that. If
you think you would be able to help out, please come along to the next
P&C meeting on Thursday 26 April at 7.30pm in the school library or
contact me on if you would like more
information on what is required.
Driven to Abstraction
Corrie & Garry Foye
to the Opening of Driven to Abstraction 6pm
Muswellbrook Regional Arts Centre
Friday, 27 April 2012

Carole Corrie, Hawk's View
2009 mixed media on canvas (top)

Garry Foye, Capertee Deluge
acrylic and gesso on canvas
Images used courtesy of
the artists
Join the artists, Carole and Garry for morning tea as they discuss
their art
The exhibition runs until 10 June 2012
Corner of Bridge & William Streets,
Muswellbrook NSW, 2330
t 02 6549 3880
Further Details HERE
Water Taxi Fares
Yes Folks!
Monday to Friday, 6am to 6pm, Church Point to Bell Wharf (or the other
way) is still $12.
a slow start while the word got around, the Bell commuters put in a
strong finish for March and the Taxis near-as-dammit broke even on the
Bell to Church Point run (compared to $16 fares).
It only takes a few extra trips a week to become regular and we'll be
able to make $12 to Bell a permanent thing.
Well done one and all. Keep it up.
Yours aye - the Pink Water Taxis
PS. Water Taxi phone is being moved from Vodafail to Telstra as fast as
humanly possible. Will advise.
Letter to the Editor
need to look out for one another MORE
the past month or more I have found my boat mysteriously untied from
the commuter wharf at Church Point. At first I thought I must have been
in such a hurry I forgot to tie up. Then it happened a few more times.
HMM maybe I am tying up too short, because I know that is very annoying
for boats that come in a bit later in the I lengthen the
rope, but still I kept coming across my boat retied to the wharf
hastily or not at all or in different postions. My husband was also
experiencing the same problems but we did not think to say much about
it until we had the dreaded phone call we all hate. Easter Friday
someone has spotted our boat stuck under cargo wharf, SUNK. It took a
crane and some friendly locals (thanks Wazza, Larnce), to help
raise it from the murky depths. Our $8,000 engine is fused and soaked.
A huge financial burden, we don't have insurance and we certainly
cannot afford to go out and get a new engine. If the gutless person who
is doing this has a grudge about us they should have the guts to face
us and talk through the grievance. In case you don't realise, it is a
criminal offense to untie another persons boat and set it adrift.
We have alerted the police to this continuing vandalism and If the
perpetrator is caught they will attract heavy fines. If your boat is
also being cast adrift from the commuter wharf I urge you to have it
recorded by the water police please. This is a community where we have
lived happily for nearly 30 years and it is very disappointing to think
that there is someone out there thoughtless enough to vandalise our
only means of transport across the water.
Tracy and Paul
In addition to my last note we are looking after Skip and Betsi's boat
at Tennis whilst they are attending a funeral in the US and someone has
stolen their petrol tank. What is happening to our community? Is it
every man for himself now?
I certainly hope not. We need to look after each other in these hard
times now more than ever, if not we will loose something far more
precious than material things.
Regards Tracy Smith
Scotland Island Winter Fire Shed Dinner
May 5th, 7pm
French Cuisine by Nathalie
Includes Dessert
Live Music Joe's Garage
Adults $20
Children under 12 $5
Left on seat of
Church Point Ferry shed
Black Phillips Cordless Drill Set
On Tuesday 17th April
To the kind soul please call Michael Edols
Mobile 0402 65 69 67

Several commemorative services are planned in Pittwater to mark ANZAC
Day this year.
From 11.30am on Sunday 22 April the Narrabeen RSL sub-branch will hold
its annual march and wreath-laying ceremony along Pittwater Road,
concluding at the RSL Club in Gondola Road.
At 12.30pm on the same day Pittwater RSL sub-branch will hold a march
and wreath- laying ceremony concluding at the club’s cenotaph.
Mayor Rose will attend the Pittwater House Schools ANZAC Day service on
Tuesday 24 April from 9am, where the school’s cadet corps will hold a
solemn ceremony in
Deputy Mayor Ian White will attend the dawn service on ANZAC Day on
Wednesday 25 April at Pittwater RSL Club.
Mayor Rose will attend the traditional Avalon ANZAC Day march starting
at Avalon Primary from 10.45am and concluding with a service of
remembrance and book-laying at
the cenotaph at Avalon RSL Club.
A community service of remembrance will also be held on ANZAC Day from
11am at Church Point
Community Relations Pittwater Council 9970 1119
Pittwater, Warringah and Manly Councils and the Roads and Maritime
Services have joined forces to reduce speed on northern beaches’ roads
through the Local Government Road Safety Program.
The campaign - called Speeding? You’re In Our Sights - will target
drivers on the beaches using flashing VMS signs urging drivers to slow
down, free ‘slow down in my street’ bin stickers and additional police
The campaign starts on Monday 30 April and will run for three weeks
until 20 May.
Drivers will be warned in advance about the campaign, with banners in
key locations across the peninsula as well as bus shelter and press
Senior Sergeant Rick Janssen from the Northern Beaches Highway Patrol
said the key message of the campaign was that police are out to stop
drivers not sticking to the speed limit.
“If you’re caught you’ll face a heavy fine and could even lose your
licence,” he said.
Sgt Janssen said that young drivers are of particular concern.
“Data across the Pittwater, Warringah and Manly local government areas
shows that speed-related-crashes are significant among drivers 25 years
and under.”
Of the speed-related-crashes across the Peninsula, 42% of these are
among the under 25 year olds.
“These statistics are extremely worrying and show that speed plays a
major part in injuries and loss of life on our roads, particularly
among our young people, “ added Sgt Janssen.
Residents can also remind drivers to slow down by obtaining Slow Down
in my Street stickers available from Pittwater, Warringah and Manly
customer service centres.
Michelle Carter, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1196
Peter Wright , Warringah Council Ph 9942 2447
Karen Menzies, Manly Council Ph: 9976 1619
Hi there, l'm looking for a piano for my children to learn how to play.
If there's anyone on the island or in the bays who is wanting to get
rid of one could you contact me.
Thanks so much.
For Sale
for sale
4.1 metre Pale blue
Electric start 40 hp . 4 stroke Yamaha ( less than 10 hrs. running)
Solar panel for battery charge and electric bilge pump
New seats
Just been anti-fouled
Rego to December 12
No nav. Lights or motor guard
Contact Peter on 9986 0172
Cabinet for Sale
In very good condition. all offers considered.
Kelly 0415 900 508
machine to give away
Old LG top loader washing machine that's still working to give away.
Call Mandy 0411 645 389
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)