(L-R)Whistleblower True Ott,PhD;......................... John Hammell in the IAHF Office
IAHF List:
True Ott, PhD, is a naturopath in Utah and owner of Mother Earth Minerals http://www.meminerals.com/ His doctoral thesis was titled Harmonic Resonance- a Theorem and it was a brilliant effort to understand the work of Royal Raymond Rife who used resonant frequencies to cure diseases. When Ott set up a clinic to research this further in which he was advising MDs who were working with him, a massive effort was made to shut him down. He was put on trial and an attempt was made to charge him with "Practicing Medicine Without a License" (even though he wasn't practicing medicine, he was merely conducting research and in a totally lawful way), but they did not find him guilty due to the courageous intervention of James Dussault, ND http://www.wnho.net/drdussault.htm.
Shortly after assisting Dr.Ott as an expert witness in court in which he testified that the court could not legally proceed against Dr.Ott due to the Nuremberg Code, Dr.Dussault was murdered by the CIA in Arizona where he was shot on February 19,2002 and his office was firebombed. He was the founder of the World Natural Health Organization, and the Global Martial Arts Federation. Obviously, Dr.Ott's research went directly against the New World Order's societal control and population control agendas.
Dr. Ott has just done a great job of exposing the (so called) "Natural Solutions Foundation" (Rima Laibow, MD and Major General Albert Stubblebine) on Rebecca Carley MDs radio show called "Whats Ailing America?" and I urge you to listen to the archive of last Saturday's show which can be heard here: Ott has some particularly interesting facts to relate about General Stubblebine and his involvement with CIA black operations pertaining to "Silent Sound" technology which was used during the first Gulf war to cause thousands of Iraqi troops to surrender en masse.
I will be building on his information with an ADDITIONAL expose of the "Natural Solutions Foundation" tomorrow on Dr. Carley's web based show which you can hear tomorrow (Saturday December 20th from 3-5 PM Eastern time (Noon-2PM Pacific) via http://www.republicbroadcasting.org/index.php?cmd=listenlive This is a call in show, and I encourage you to participate and to forward this alert to others because unless we successfully thwart NSF's efforts to hijack the health freedom movement, we won't have a chance of stopping the Pharma driven agenda to defend our access to dietary supplements! (If you MISS the show, it will be archived at http://www.republicbroadcasting.org/index.php?cmd=archives.year&ProgramID=36&year=8&backURL=index.php%3Fcmd%3Darchives
If you aren't familiar with the immense problem of NSF being a controlled opposition group, please see http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/page/page/3312735.htm http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/page/page/3112930.htm and especially this enlightening article by Paul Taylor of the Dr. Rath Health Foundation http://www4.dr-rath-foundation.org/THE_FOUNDATION/Events/codex-moderngeneral.html (and read the links from this article about General Stubblebine).
In tomorrows radio show you will see just how NSF has been trying to steer unwitting vitamin consumers and alternative practitioners into dead ends and into superfluous courses of action and phony fundraising intended to divert our efforts in many ways so that we won't be able to successfully stop Codex. General Stubblebine and Dr.Laibow are highly skilled manipulators, and Dr.Carley and I will build on Dr.Otts efforts to expose them in the hope of successfully countering their efforts against us.
I'd like to preface my remarks by urging you to first watch this short video: The Second American Revolution http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKFKGrmsBDk
Barrack Obama, who is on record supporting the (so called) "Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America" ("SPP") (a precursor to the planned North American Union) http://24ahead.com/blog/archives/007494.html is deeply committed to the ongoing dismantling of America and the ushering in of a North American Union dictatorship modelled after the EU.
This is not a matter of conjecture, its an indisputable FACT- and I will prove it to you right now for the benefit of those who purport to care about health freedom while simultaneously blindly endorsing this globalist member of the (Rockefeller controlled) Council on Foreign Relations who has no respect for our Constitution or our individual rights.
Obama had this op ed piece published in the Dallas Morning News in which he clearly expresses his total support for the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (North American Union) http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/opinion/viewpoints/stories/DN-obama_20edi.ART.State.Edition1.464da8e.html
Here is Obama's bio on the CFR website http://www.cfr.org/bios/11603/barack_obama.html
The notion that there will ever be any "transparency" regarding meetings intended to force us into a North Ameican Union is patently absurd. Consider my experience of pushing for Congressional oversight on FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter via which FDA is in a process of harmonizing the food and drug regs between Canada, US,Mexico as if a North American Union were already in place.
Congressman Ron Paul took a letter I wrote, put it on his letterhead as a "Dear Colleague" letter to raise awareness on the need for oversight on FDA's TCC, I got some signatures, but got NONE from ANYONE from EITHER PARTY who were members of the (Pharma dominated) Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee of the House Commerce Committee because they're all awash in Pharma PAC donations....
By suing film maker Kevin Miller, General Stubblebine and Dr.Laibow of the (so called) "Natural Solutions Foundation" blocked him from being able to come out with an updated version of his film "We Become Silent" (see at www.welltv.com ) which would have urged people to assist IAHF in pushing hard for congressional oversight on FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter.
Miller was sued because he refused to allow Stubblebine/Laibow to control the contents of his film. They wanted nothing going into it that would have opposed the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) (even though it ropes us more into Codex via its SPS (Sanitary Phytosanitary Measures) language. This SPS language is found simultaneously in NAFTA, GATT, WTO, and CAFTA- its like a virus that ropes us into harmonization with CODEX.
Together we can TRANSCEND these interlopers who seek to subvert our movement.
Together we CAN get more people and groups assisting IAHF in pushing for Congressional oversight on the FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter (see http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/page/page/3113337.htm
Together we CAN beat back the anticipated upcoming attack on DSHEA and the legislation that Waxman and Durbin will attempt to ram through Congress and put on Obama's desk expecting his signature.
I urge you to read this Blog which reflects on several aspects of this upcoming battle- especially take note of the views of activist Peter Barry Chowka- I share his concerns: http://theintegratorblog.com/site/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=508&Itemid=93
We will need to impress upon HHS Secy Daschle the need for Obama to focus on alternative medicine as a means of cutting healthcare costs by ushering in prevention. We will have to work very hard to get that message across due to the Hill crawling with pharmaceutical lobbyists. Daschle did sponsor the Access to Medical Treatments Act, and thats a good thing- but we'll have to work VERY hard to offset the fact that Obama is a CFR member and committed globalist who is hell bent on dismantling this country and forcing us into a North American Union Dictatorship.
Please forward this alert widely after remembering to delete the unsub link at the bottom so no one clicks on it which will unsub you.
Your donations will assist me in returning to DC to continue mounting the pressure necessary to defend DSHEA from the coming attack, and to push for congressional oversight on FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter: PAYPAL http://www.iahf.com/index1.html or please send a check to IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd. Point Roberts WA 98281 USA
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