BPS Newsletter                                                                                           19 September 2012
To: Firstname Lastname 
Your BPS Membership No:
Hello Firstname
Wednesday 19 September
Kathryn Scorah MPAGB FBPE is our speaker on 19 September – Kathryn is a photographer who has done very well in international Salons and she will be showing us a selection of her images projected; she will also bring some fifty prints to display. Her work ranges from soft dreamy landscapes to sport and people pictures, many of which have won awards in International Salons. Nothing in her work is at it seems.
Wednesday 17 October
There is a change to the published programme for 17 October. Owing to ill health, the speaker scheduled for the night, Sid Clarke, has had to cancel his visit to BPS. Instead Mike Bews has arranged for us to see the 2012 London Salon

Studio Group 
The studio group will begin its Autumn series with the face painting artist Sophie Atkinson. To sign up, please use the link below. There is a limited number of 6 places. Please leave your telephone number and e-mail address: if there are more than 6 people interested, those who are not so lucky this time, will be put on a waiting list and be a priority for future events.
Sign up for the evening here.
Ninety And Counting!

Past Society President, Bob Faris, recently celebrated his 90th birthday. This picture shows one of the few occasions in those 90 years when Bob has not been in possession of a witty reposte, as his daughter, Paula, revealed his birthday cake.
BPS Handbook - Correction
There is a error on page 4 of the 2012-2013 BPS Handbook. The telephone number shown for Peter McCloskey is incorrect and should be: 0117 9241424

Photography Course - Begging Letter!
The BPS Photography Course is now well under way and Millie Spaven, the course organiser, is looking for board to mount course members' work for display on the clubroom display boards. Ideally what Millie would like are all those middles that you have cut out from your 50cm x 40cm mounts and which are slowly taking over the space on, under and around your desk, but which you thought would always come in handy one day. That day has now dawned, so if you can help, please bring them along to a Wednesday evening meeting and hand to Millie. If you need to contact Millie, she can be emailed at photocourse@bristolphoto.org.uk  

Photoshop Elements 10 Training
BPS member, Neil McCoubrey, is running two one-day courses in photo-editing using Photoshop Elements 10. These one-day courses will teach you how to use all the important features of the program:  Elements 10 is an excellent, highly capable photo-editing software and a bloomin' sight cheaper than the full blown Photoshop.
The courses are being held at Photographique, in their "Dome Room" at: 27 Clare Street, Bristol BS1 1XA. For more details, either visit Neil’s website or download the flier here.

Cyanotype & Salt-printing Course
A one day workshop is being held at the Darkrooms, St Pauls Learning and Family Centre on the subject of Cyanotype and Salt-printing. These were first used in the early 19th Century and are two of the oldest photographic processes (some of the more senior of our members probably started their photographic careers using these processes!). The courses are being run on 27 October and 10 November, but early booking is essential to avoid disappointment. For full details, please follow this link.

Ashton Court Walk - St Peter's Hospice
Following last week's appeal for volunteers to photograph the forthcoming charity walk at Ashton Court on 7 October, we haven't had any response as yet. All that is needed is for you to give up a couple of hours of your time to help the Society's chosen charity. If you can help, please contact Neil McCoubrey as soon as possible so that he can let the Hospice know whether we can help or not; it would be extremely embarrassing if we have to go back to them to say that we can't help and that out of a membership of 100+ photographers we can't find 2 or 3 willing volunteers.
You can let Neil know, either by speaking to him at a Wednesday club meeting or by emailing him.You can get an idea of what might be involved by following this link to images of last year's walk.
Many thanks - Pete

PAGB Newsletter
If you would like to view the latest PAGB Newsletter, please follow this link.

The Next Few Weeks .........
..... I'll be on holiday so the Newsletter will operate in a somewhat limited mode as I try to find wi-fi spots in Ireland. If you have anything you want included in the Newsletter please email them at the usual address and I will endeavour to include them (assuming that I can see through the Guinness haze!).

Trumpet Blowers' Corner
BPS members gained the grand total of 25 acceptanves in last weekend's judging of the Northern Counties International Exhibition which included NCPF Ribbons for Val Duncan, Ashwin Chauhan and Keith Wood. Total BPS acceptances were as follows:
Graham Baines (2), Shaun Boycott-Taylor (2), Ashwin Chauhan (5), David Cooke (2), Greg Duncan (2), Val Duncan (4), Ann Mead (1), Barry Mead (3), Sue O'Connell (2) and Keith Wood (2),
If you want to blow your own trumpet or, dare I say such a thing, blow someone else's trumpet for them, then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include it in the next issue.
Items For Sale
If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address.

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk
Missed a copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive

BPS Website - Members' Area "Log in"
To enter the Members' Area of the BPS website you will need the following:
User Name - chatroom            Password - pixel

Bristol Photographic Society, 12 West Mall, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4BH
Web: www.bristolphoto.org.uk                 Email: newsletter@bristolphoto.org.uk