Thursday, March 6, 2006

Genesis 22:7-8 Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, "Father?" "Yes, my son?" Abraham replied. "The fire and wood are here," Isaac said, "but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?" Abraham answered, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." And the two of them went on together.


When I was in Sunday School, I always thought the lesson of Abraham and Isaac was both the saddest of all stories and the happiest at the same time. I would be nearly crying as the teacher told about Abraham placing his son on the altar at Mount Moriah (and always secretly hoping that God would never ask my father to do such a thing).

Then, the sorrow would turn to joy! When Abraham was ready to put the knife to his child, the Lord stopped him. He looked up, and there was a ram caught in a thicket. Abraham sacrificed the ram instead, and Isaac's life was spared because God had provided a substitute for that altar. What sighs of relief and thanksgiving must have come from Abraham and his son that day!

The story might remind us a little of another substitute sacrifice once given. There was a time when we were the ones on the altar, our own sins binding us to it -- to the altar of God's justice, the holy One demanding our very lives for the crimes we had done. But before the knife came down, God said, "Stop!" And there was a ram caught in the thicket. Or rather, there was a Lamb caught there -- a Lamb which God Himself had provided. What sighs of relief and thanksgiving come from our lips this day!

He becomes the Lamb that taketh
Sin away and for aye
Full atonement maketh.
For our life His own He tenders
And our race, By His grace,
Meet for glory renders.
(TLH 77:6)