Tuesday, March 8, 2011
2 Peter 1:16 We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Today the church season of Epiphany comes to a close. Throughout these weeks we saw the Babe in the Christmas manger grow to adulthood and revealed as the true Son of God. We saw His baptism in the Jordan where the Father spoke from heaven of His Beloved. We saw Him turn water into wine at the wedding in Cana. We saw John the Baptist's preaching give way to the voice of the Lamb of God Himself. We learned that this was truly the Savior who came to rescue His people from the eternal death they deserved on account of their sin.
But is it all true? It is such a fantastic gospel, after all. Many in Jesus' day did not believe it. Many yet today do not acknowledge that Christ has really been sent from heaven. Some view the words of the apostles and prophets as mere myths, fairy tales no more to be believed than Cinderella or Snow White. Could it be that all these Epiphany revelations of our Lord are nothing more than the imaginations of creative human writers?
Peter says to you, "We did not follow cleverly invented stories ... but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty." His reference was to the time when Jesus took Peter, James, and John onto a mountain and His appearance was changed before them. Those disciples were privileged to see a glimpse of the glory of Christ as His face and garments were changed so that they blazed as the sun (Matthew 17:1-9). This revelation of Jesus' power and majesty as the Son of God simply could not be ignored and would never be forgotten! Peter is your eyewitness. You can rely on His testimony. He speaks to you as one who has seen the Son of God face to face and knows His gospel is true. His birth, death, and resurrection, His payment for your guilt is absolutely real.
Visiting the lone and lost, Steadying the tempest-tossed,
Giving of Himself in love, Calling minds to things above.
Sinners gladly hear His call, Penitent, before Him fall,
For in Him new life began. This is He; behold the man!
(Worship Supplement 2000, 762:2)