- Childhood dream fulfilled! Smashing science, live on Blue Peter.
- Our "Just For Graphs" tour continues - are we near you soon?
- Extra BBC Coast content, free songs, new pi pricing for DVD.
- And happy Back To The Future II Day for tomorrow!
Just For Graphs: The Tour Continues! |
Right now I'm a quarter of the way through our biggest ever UK tour with Festival of the Spoken Nerd show " Just For Graphs". We got some rave reviews at the Edinburgh Fringe, so if we're playing near you, you won't regret getting a ticket from here.
In the show there's four things on fire (three of them intentional), a full West End style musical number complete with smoke and spotlights, and I do an electrifying experiment that involves the whole audience. Oh and a fax machine solo. Yes really. It's totally Off The Chart!
**** “Fantastic and funny… you don’t need to be a ‘nerd’ to enjoy this show” (Broadway Baby)
**** “Gleefully geeky… impossible to resist, whatever your level of scientific knowledge” (Edinburgh Reporter)
***** “Bustling with brain-teasing excellence; fun with fire, singing and super awesome experiments” (Mumble Comedy) |
You got this because you signed up for emails, bought tickets for a show or downloaded my songs.
You've only missed a few dates, so there's plenty of time to catch a show near you, wherever you are in the UK from Aberystwyth to Carlisle, Exeter to Margate and beyond. Date map here.
JUST FOR GRAPHS: The 2015 tour October 21 Nottingham - 22 Coventry - 23 Cardiff - 24 Brighton - 25 Salford (part of the Manchester Science Festival) - 28 Newbury - 29 Derby - 30 Newcastle - 31 Leeds - November 4 Swindon - 5 Aberystwyth - 6-7 Bristol - 11 Spalding - 12 Stafford - 13-14 Cambridge - 15 Southampton - 18 Sheffield - 19 Glasgow - 20 Carlisle - 21 Birmingham - 25 Exeter - 27 Solihull - 28 Redhill - December 2 Guildford - 3 Didcot - 4 Margate
Final London shows still TBC - join our Spoken Nerd mailing list to find out the news first. |
My Blue Peter science demo debut: SMASHED IT! |
Last Thursday I got to fulfil a childhood dream... I only went and did a science, live on Blue Peter!
Click the image below to watch me smash a wine glass with the power of my voice (and a very large amplifier) plus help from Greg Foot and encouragement from BP presenters Lindsey and Radzi. Think we're faking all the jumping up and down and celebrating when it works? No way. The glass refused to smash in rehearsals, so I can tell you absolutely straight: the surprise and pleasure of it working on live TV is all completely genuine!
And if you're wondering, yes I did get a badge, and yes I did get to meet Iggy the dog. So cool.
Want more new videos? Try these: Extra feature from my Dark Matter piece for BBC2 Coast.
Things to download: for free, and for a mere pi pounds |
If you're new to this newsletter, you might not know that all (yes, all!) my comedy songs are FREE to download from Bandcamp.
You can even get a PDF of my songbook, and all the songs in it, for zero pounds using this link. Play along any time you like!
If you prefer visuals with your audio, we're relaunching the Festival of the Spoken Nerd Shop next week, with all prices in multiples of pi. Join the Spoken Nerd mailing list to get a reminder.
For just 100 pi pence (£3.14) next week you can get our last tour show Full Frontal Nerdity in standard definition with English subtitles. For a bit more you get it in full HD with 5 hours of extras.
If you want to "try before you buy" here's few trailers. Enjoy! |
And finally... tomorrow is officially the day in Back To The Future II that Marty goes forward to: 21st October, 2015. Congratulations! The future is finally here! Now, where's my hoverboard...?
Thanks as always for reading this, and for sharing.
If you've made it this far, please do hit "reply" and send me your news, I always love to hear it.
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