To Firstname

Wednesday 11 July
I trust that you have now all got over the excitement of the AGM, now it's back to proper business of photography with John & Di Tilsley who are visiting us this week all the way from deepest Dorset with their talk entitled Life after Slides.
Life after Slides is just that, the talk is in two parts documenting their response to the challenges and delights of working together but separately in a different medium. To add more diversity to the evening John will deliver the 1st half showing prints and Di the 2nd using projected digital images. Hopefully they will illustrate how they individually interpret their response to places they visit together and how they each draw on the strengths of the other. 

Monday 9 July
Tonight is the monthly meeting of the Digital Imaging Group. I have received the following from Ashwin who is away this week, topping up his rust in North Wales:
“A couple of months ago I had mentioned the interest expressed in an introduction to Adobe Lightroom software, a much cheaper alternative to Photoshop but still covering its major functions. Bob Micklethwaite has agreed to do an overview of Lightroom at the next DI meeting on 9th July 2012.  If there is sufficient interest in going further into the details of Lightroom then we could have separate tutorial evenings covering the basics. I am looking forward to it.
As usual all members of BPS are welcome to attend and encouraged to bring along their images or prints to show, if not this time then at the next meeting.

Exhibitions To Visit
James Ravilious
Nick Ayers has sent me details of an exhibition of images by James Ravilious.
Anyone who is interested in photography and is in the Exeter area should not miss an exhibition of about fifty images by the late James Ravilious.  They were taken in North Devon during the 1970s and 1980s and show rural life at a time when huge changes were taking place in agriculture.
All are monochrome images and are part of James's archive that the RPS has described as "a unique body of work, unparalleled at least in this country for its scale and quality."
The exhibition runs until 29 July and is at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Queen Street, Exeter EX4 3RX and is open from 10am to 5pm Tuesday to Sunday.
You can find more details of the exhibition by following this link.

Clifton Rocks Railway
An exhibition is being held at the Bristol Records Office from 10 July until 28 September. The exhibition explores the history of this Victorian funicular railway (which many Society members might not even know exists, just a few yards from the clubrooms, behind the Avon Gorge Hotel) and how it was adapted for new purposes during the Second World War. Photographs, documents and objects tell the story of the work of the Clifton Rocks Railway Trust to preserve and research this unique site. Many of the pictures were taken by Neil McCoubrey and "yours truly" so it must be well worth a visit! For further details, please click here.
There is a free talk by Peter Davey on July 14 at the Records Office from 2.00 to 3.30. Bookings can be made by telephoning 0117 922 2686 or emailing
The Records Office is at "B" Bond Warehouse, Smeaton Rd, BS1 6XN.
Bristol University Olympic Project
We have received the following from Dr Louise Hughes at Bristol University:
"Dear Colleague,
Please find attached information outlining a blog-based visual project that may be of interest to the Bristol Photographic Society and its members. The project, known as 'My Games South West' invites members of the public of all ages to submit images online that relate directly to their personal experience of the Olympic and Paralympic Games in London this summer. The project is being run by Dr Mike O'Mahony, an art historian at the University of Bristol and author of 'Olympic Visions: Images of the Games through History'. The idea is to establish an alternative visual archive based on ordinary, everyday experiences of the Olympic Games to contrast with the more official record that will be produced. The images will be preserved in electronic form as an online archival record for future generations.
In particular, the project is looking for original, unusual, imaginative and quirky responses to the Games. These might be in any medium, including photography (and painting, drawing or three dimensional media documented in photographs for web display).
We would be most grateful if members of the Bristol Photographic Society would consider contributing their responses to the Olympics to the 'My Games' archive. We would thus very much appreciate if the attached information could be sent to the Society's members. More information about the project and how to contribute / who to contact is attached to this email.
Kind regards,
Dr Louise Hughes (History of Art, University of Bristol) 'My Games' project collaborator"

(Full details, please follow this link.)
Competitions To Enter
Friends of the Earth are running a photography competition with some fantastic prizes available for the winning photos including a year's free electricity.
The theme is renewable energy, which can be interpreted as creatively or imaginatively as you like. The winning and shortlisted photos will appear in an exhibition to be held in the autumn.Full details are available here:
The closing date for entries is 17 August, and photos should be emailed to:
Things to Photograph
If you know of any events happening that might be of interest to fellow club members, please let me know and I will include the details here.

Trumpet Blowers' Corner
 If you want to blow your own trumpet or, dare I say such a thing, blow someone else's trumpet for them, then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include it in the next issue.

Items For Sale
John Hudson has the following for sale:
Contact John: 07973 118959 or email

If you have something photographic that you want to sell, why not let me have details and I can circulate them to a captive audience of photographers through the Newsletter - send to the usual address

Copy required
If you have anything you think other members would like to know about, such as exhibitions, special events etc. please let me know at
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