Monday, December 12, 2005
Luke 1:48 For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
Around this time of year our local homeless shelters are calling for donations to support them through the winter months. They tell us on the television and radio that the people whom they serve are the forgotten of society, the ones nobody seems to notice anymore.
But your God notices everyone, including those who are weak and lowly. In fact, He has a long history of using plain, ordinary folks to carry out His majestic plan of salvation.
When it came time for His Son to be born of a woman, the woman He chose was not a member of the nobility. Mary was no queen or princess. She was not a topic of household conversation around Galilean dinner tables. Precious in the eyes of her betrothed, but beyond that she was no doubt passed by often without so much as a nod or glance. Yet God gave this poor woman a gift she would never forget. Nor would any generation after her forget it.
So it is with us. Not many of us are rich. Not many of us are of high standing in the world. We are lowly hand-maidens of the LORD even as Mary was, and still God has regarded us. For when He looked upon Mary of Nazareth, He also looked upon you and me. The Child He gave to her He also gave to all the humble and despised of all time -- a Savior to bring them to the very mansions of heaven.