When you ponder the huge list of medical conditions (see below) that are alleviated entirely, or greatly improved by simply drinking a couple of glasses of sulfur water per day, its not hard to understand the reason why Big Pharma deliberately broke the sulfur cycle back in the 40s and 50s.
They did this by encouraging the USDA and international equivalents to go to the farmers and say: "You'll make more money and have increased crop yields if you stop using manure as fertilizer, and switch instead to synthetic, petroleum based fertilizer."
(Manure breaks down, putting sulfur into the soil, and they realized that if they could keep sulfur OUT of the soil, they could trigger a huge rise in literally EVERY KIND of degenerative disease, especially CANCER!)
Have a look at this long list of medical conditions? Are you currently taking medication to address any of them? If so, you are being ROBBED!! Great things happen when you reestablish the sulfur cycle in your body allowing proper oxygen transport to the cells, which pushes the toxins out!
- Skin Condition: especially acne, psoriasis, rosacea (red skin splotches), liver spots, and disorders associated with Lupus Erythematosus have been greatly reduced or eliminated. With mild rosacea and acne, sometimes in as little as two weeks! Fine lines, wrinkles, and crows feet disappear! Skin tone, color, softness, pliability and appearance improve after 6 - 8 months of taking this organic sulfur according to the established guidelines.
- Allergies, Asthma, and Emphysema: some people with more serious conditions stopped depending on the bottled oxygen they had been toting around! (When combined with dietary changes that kill candida and re-establish healthy gut flora (see info at) most mild and moderate cases reported 100% resolution for allergies and asthma!) As we start cutting lawns again, and perennial weeds start growing, its a good idea to stock up on sulfur, you'll breathe much easier this spring and summer if you do!
- Addictions and Food Cravings: Detoxification and reduction of addictions cravings and food cravings appears to be accelerated and reduced when people are maintaining abstinence from addictive substances and junk food. We have reports that the detoxifying phase of recovery is shorter and less intense. Ingesting sulfur also helps speed your metabolism, enabling you to exercise more with better stamina, so stock up on sulfur- and get into the gym, or on that bike, or out there walking or running! Spring is here, and you'll fit into that bathing suit much better this summer if you get moving now with sulfur!
- Autism: 26 parents have placed their children and young adults on organic sulfur. In 15 of those cases the parents report noticeable improvement. In two cases there was dramatic improvement. The reported results varied. One parent reported their child was now enrolled for regular school. Two parents reported their child was now talking and participating in their environment. There is still too little information to make any solid reports on this.
- Cancer and Chemotherapy: Study members undergoing cancer treatment who took 40 - 60 g of Organic Sulfur (3 - 4 tablespoons) twice a day had no nausea, diarrhea, or hair loss during chemotherapy. There was also a surprisingly noticeable reduction of cancer cell counts as reported by their oncologists.(I don't recommend chemotherapy or radiation, cancer can't live in the presence of oxygen. I'll probably never get cancer due to all the sulfur I drink, but if anyone I knew had cancer, I'd recommend they drink 3-4 tablespoons of sulfur twice a day, while also using other bioxidative treatments, and taking other supplements such as megadoses of vitamin C for enhanced immunity.
- Hep C / HIV: One person regenerated his liver to a healthy state after 25 years of Hepatitis C with only this specific Organic Sulfur (eighteen months of two table-spoons of organic sulfur twice a day). About a dozen people report blood analyses improving after about a year. Three people report the dark-skin of legs from Hep C going away within two weeks. Please remember that results vary. . Other bioxidative treatments including ozone work great also for deactivating Hep C.
- Constipation/Digestion People consistently report constipation is reduced and digestion improves in response to Organic Sulfur. Rates of improvement vary.
- Lymphomas appear to consistently reduce in response to Organic Sulfur—both in the associated pain and in decreased size of tumors. Several cases of cervical, breast, and prostate cancer have been resolved without any medical involvement (sometimes in two weeks).People with cancer should ingest 2-3 tablespoons of sulfur 3x per day.
- Diabetics are noticeably helped because bio-cellular organic sulfur is essential for the management and production of insulin and sulfur-based amino acids, which are necessary for the metabolism of carbohydrates. All those interviewed (about 35 people) reported less dependance on insulin and several reported weight loss.
- Arthritis: All types of arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, with long-term use of Organic Sulfur, report much less pain and dramatically increased mobility. Many customers reported the straightening of finger joints and the reduction of internal scar tissue around the joints.
- Kidney Stones: one study member reported passing small kidney stones with no pain at all, and only a very mild physical discomfort that lasted one or two minutes. (All pain is caused by the absence of oxygen. A neighbor was able to stop using dangerous, liver destroying pain killing drugs like Vicodin by getting on a regular program of drinking sulfur water.
- Heart and Heart Surgical Procedures: 54 cases of scheduled surgery were cancelled when the individual's EKG returned to normal within as little as six weeks of ingesting Organic Sulfur in a fairly high dose twice a day. About 45 participants reported other heart conditions like murmurs, flutters, palpitations, and erratic heart beat being reduced or eliminated.
- Blood Conditions and High Pressure: All study members, who participated over the long term, report high blood pressure returning to normal (over 200 cases), the breakdown of calcium plaque in the arteries, and on their own decision, eventually going off all related medication. Blood conditions like 'black blood' or 'sticky blood' were resolved in 6 - 7 months. Regarding Live Blood Analysis: several members report going from poor to very good results (top 10%) in 3 to 6 months of drinking sulfur.
- Sexual Response: Those female members of the study who chose to discuss this report an increase in vaginal lubrication during arousal. Male participants report stronger and more stable erections. Some customers in nursing homes have developed a new found interest in sex due to the increased energy levels and new found feelings of vitality from ingesting sulfur water twice a day!
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: About 50 people with CFS or mild, chronic lethargy report significant improvement in alertness, motivation, energy, and general health.
- Chemical Sensitivities: Extreme or complex chemical sensitivities, sometimes referred to as environmental illness—being allergic to or having a strong, sensitive reaction to many things: perfume, pets, soaps, many foods, spices, fabrics and lotions all at the same time. It’s onset is mysterious and often related to repeated, ongoing trauma and an often unconscious belief that the world is dangerous. Clear CAW (Willard Water) and organic sulfur have, in about a dozen cases, been reported to noticeably reduce or eliminate these. Recovery is slow and gradual due to complex cell repair and immune system healing. For this, follow carefully the Acclimatization Process. No one thus far, over 2,000 participants, is allergic to organic sulfur. It is NOT related to 'sulfa" drugs. MSM has no protein component, so you can't have an allergic reaction to it.
- Menstruation and Menopause: Over 90% of the women interviewed have reported fewer cramps, less PMS, and general reduction of discomfort during menstruation. About four dozen women experiencing menopause and perimenopause report life was noticeably more pleasant with fewer and much less intense symptoms. In over a dozen reports, including thyroid conditions , hormonal imbalances were gradually eliminated. In many cases all prescription medication was discontinued (at the member’s own initiative). In four cases women in early menopause reported feeling much younger, less "stressed", and began to menstruate again with little discomfort.
- Toxin Removal and Chelation: One specific purpose of organic sulfur, through the enhancement of amino acid production, is detoxification and chelation of toxins and heavy metals, i.e. individual cellular health. This is especially true for organ and brain detoxification. It appears to be the most effective of the various methods the director has encountered. About 70 participants report going from moderate or severe heavy-metal toxification to negligible after 12—15 months. They was on no other protocol. The cellular oxygen-nutrient transfer protocol and amino acid production associated with organic sulfur are the basis for this natural, gentle detoxifying process. It appears to be safer, less intrusive, and less expensive than other chelation protocols.
Many of my customers have variously reported going off anti-depressant medications, canceling surgical procedures, general pain reduction, more energy, clearer thinking, increased sense of well-being, dramatically improved skin tone, skin texture, and color, the reduction of skin wrinkles in the face, and the reduction of skin wrinkles in the face, and the gradual reduction of facial and body scars (after 2 - 3 years use, scar reduction is the acid test for MSM, only the best sulfur will reduce scars to the point where they almost disappear.). Many members with grey and white hair report their hair darkening or returning to natural color, and skin liver spots diminishing. Note: About ten participants report that tattoos will noticeably fade after a year or so. The body "interprets" the tattoo ink as a foreign toxin and will detox itself from it.
Organic Sulfur is a food that the body requires on a daily basis to be healthy. Because of chemical fertilizers, preservatives, and processing, the food available today does not provide the quantity of bio-available sulfur our body needs to be fully healthy. MSM products sold through retail outlets or other on-line sites have demonstrated less effect, we believe because of processing and additives.
With the world ruling elite making a concerted effort to cull the human herd via chemtrail spraying, theres no better way to detoxify ourselves than by ingesting sulfur! It pulls all the heavy metals being sprayed on us out of our bodies! Sulfur is a reactive element containing 16 electrons and protons in its outer shell. About the only thing it won't combine with is iodine. We're being sprayed with billions of tons of aluminum oxide that is causing a huge rise in Alzheimers. We're being sprayed with barium, strontium, arsenic, and other heavy metals that are causing a huge rise in Cancer! Protect yourself by drinking sulfur twice a day!