Reply now via email or call me now (702) 325-9923
***Independent Lab Advisory Committee 07/06/2016 02:00 P.M.   

4150 Technology Way, Room 303 - Carson City
Update: ILAC Attendees in Las Vegas. Due to room scheduling conflict the meeting location for Las Vegas has changed to 1391 S. Jones Blvd. Las Vegas.

***DEA Moves Cannabis To Schedule 2 August 1st

DEA April 16 2016 Letter Outlines Possible Change

***Cannabis Product Reviews / Wholesale Contacts Kandy Pen Gravity, Davinci Ascent, & Arizer Air

Kandy Pen Gravity Concentrate Pen 4.8 out of 5

Davinci Ascent Flower Vaporizer 4.5 out 5

Arizer Air Flower Vaporizer 4 out 5

***Colorado Gummy Bears Days Numbered : Stop making and buying Gummy Bears
Anti-Prohibitionist propaganda are using “Pot Tarts” and “Gummy Bears” against us.  Consider using shapes such as squares, diamonds, and other items that do not appeal to children.  By selling cannabis gummy bears, we are giving our opponents the ammunition they need to oppose Question 2.

“I’m getting calls now from people who voted for legalization thinking it wouldn’t affect them,” says Kevin Sabet, co-founder of national antimarijuana legalization group Smart Approaches to Marijuana. “They’re surprised to see these are sophisticated businesses opening up next to their schools selling things like marijuana gummy bears. And they’re angry.” - Quote from Fortune Magazine article : Has Pot Lost Its Buzz in Colorado?

***Concentrate Sales Growth Colorado
Concentrate sales from 2015-2016 up 101 percent from the year before.

***All Cannabis Employees Must Register To Vote
Consider asking all employees to register to vote so they can vote yes on Question 2 or include a link to register to vote in your email newsletters for your patients.

***Cannabis Question 2 Opposition Watch / Kevin Sabet, head of Smart Approaches to Marijuana (SAM) Interview

Interview of Kevin Sabet (SAM)

Kevin Sabet Media Misinformation : Dispensaries Ran By Heroin Dealers

"With these initiatives, the devil is in the details," continued Sabet. "We're going to help states understand that Big Pot does not have community interests in mind when they write initiatives that allow convicted heroin dealers to run pot shops or when they allow for unfettered access and advertising of pot candies." Today's pot is six to ten times as strong as the weed smoked at Woodstock, and in concentrate form (used to make pot candy and other edibles) it can be as much as 98 percent pure. In addition, a mounting volume of scientific evidence links pot use to mental health problems like schizophrenia and psychosis.  Moreover, legalization rolls out the red carpet for a massive commercial industry that would target and addict the young, the poor, and communities of color.  In Colorado alone, Black and Latino youth pot arrests have increased since legalization, and pot shops are concentrated in poorer communities. "We owe it to future generations to stop 'Big Tobacco 2.0'," concluded Sabet.

Review Journal Editorial 2016: Pot legalization a Bad Bet for Nevada

Review Journal Editorial 2014: Pot Legalization a Good Bet for Nevada
-In 2014 the Review Journal was positive for Question 2.  What has changed in the period of time that they have reversed this previous editorial?  A new owner, Sheldon Adelson, opposed to cannabis.

Forbes & National Media Call Out Hypocrisy

Nevada Appeal Doubling Down on Prohibition Rant Against “Big Pot” Industry

***Nevada Lawyers Involved in Marijuana Misconduct Hearing July 7th

***Over 40% Open Rate On This Email Newsletter PDF Report
Send me an email if I can connect your business with readers.

***Fiber Optics - Bring NV Sun Into Indoor Cultivation - Beta Testers Needed

First place at a recent Arcview pitch event, using light tubes to provide a cheaper option for indoor growing and lowering your carbon footprint.

Podcast Interview:

***Jimi Hendrix : License His Image / Songs For Your Products
Would you like to licence Jimi Hendrix’s image or songs to capture the baby boomer market for your cannabis products? Please hit reply if interested and all songs and images will be sent over.

***Question 2 : Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol
Please connect / contribute to the campaign to regulate marijuana like alcohol.
Please send an email to Scot Rutledge about how you can assist.


WECAN and myself are also going to be doing everything they can from registering voters and getting the word out that Question 2 is how we will decriminalize cannabis and regulate it to protect our community.

***Cannabis World Congress Los Angeles Sept 7th-9th
***Vegas Cannabis Magazine, Elevate, WECAN Please Purchase Advertisement And Support Cannabis Media
Please support cannabis magazines with your advertising dollars.  They are  instrumental in the Nevada marijuana community by informing patients, future patients, and out of town guests who are cannabis patients.  They also normalize cannabis consumption for the Nevada community and the world.   It is going to take a good 6 months of continued advertisement for your brand to really resonate with consumers. Each magazine allows you to reach a different segment of cannabis consumers, so I advise that you advertise in both and WECAN.  
Please contact me if you would like to advertise in Vegas Cannabis Magazine or Elevate.  Rate sheets are below:
***WECAN 702 Please Help Us
Our WECAN facebook has over 150,000 likes.  We want to help connect you with the cannabis patient community.  We can also give you a tax receipt because WECAN is a 501C3 non-profit.   Please assist us in helping more patients get their cards who can not afford them and need cannabis as a medicine.  We always welcome your support and want to help you as well.  
WECAN Rate Sheets

Forward this link to a friend so they can subscribe to this list --->
Click here for past cannabis newsletter archive --->

If I can be of help in some capacity, please don’t hesitate to contact me and always let it ride on green.

Jason Sturtsman, B.A.E., Ed.S.
Nevada Independent Cannabis Laboratory Advisory Committee Member (ILAC)
Nevada Marijuana Legislation Coalition
Wellness Education Cannabis Advocates of Nevada (WECAN) Vice President
Healthcare Options For Patients Enterprises (HOPE) Cultivation / Production
Vegas Cannabis Magazine / Elevate Advertising / Sales