Issue 406                     

                                                  9 October 2020
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:  
Hello, Firstname
Wednesday 16 October
Next Wednesday, 16 October, we see the inaugural round of the "NotPrint Competition". Owing to the current CV-19 restrictions, this replaces the originally planned Print Competition. The round is being judged by Angela Rendell AFIAP, from from Stroud.
Angela is Member of Cheltenham Camera Club, Cotswold Monochrome Club and Tewkesbury YMCA Movie Makers. She gained her AFIAP 2018. 
The talk starts at 19:30hrs but will be open from 19:15hrs.
Zoom meeting details;
  • Join Zoom Meeting, follow this  LINK 
  • Meeting ID: 818 0668 0135
  • Passcode: 956972 
Digital Imaging Group
Next Monday, 12 October, you are invited to join the monthly meeting of the Digital Imaging Group and as usual all members of BPS are welcome to join the zoom meeting, especially if you have some of your images to show as well. We have had some very exciting speakers recently and I am sure many of you will have been inspired to produce your own images.
Please send your images to me by Sunday 11 October, 6 pm. As usual the images should be in JPG format, sRGB colour space and keep the size to 1600 X 1200 pixels (same as competitions). The size limit is not strict but allows me to receive the attachments within the 20 Mb limit per email. You may prefix your images by 01, 02, 03 etc. if you wish to show them in that order.
Ashwin Chauhan
The meeting starts at 19:30hrs but will be open from 19:15hrs.
Zoom Meeting Details:
  • Join Zoom Meeting, follow this  Link 
  • Meeting ID: 811 4550 4315
  • Passcode: 529726 
RPS News
Follow this link to read the monthly email from the RPS. The page includes articles on:
  • How to start a collection
  • Tom Stoddart HonFRPS marks 50 years in photojournalism 
He has documented conflict zones and historic moments across the globe for half a century. Now acclaimed photojournalist Tom Stoddart HonFRPS is celebrating the extraordinary women he has photographed as they face poverty, war and hardship with great courage. 
  • Frans Lanting HonFRPS and Steve Winter illuminate our fragile planet 
Explore imagery from five acclaimed photographers working at the intersection of humanity and nature. 
  • Paul Joyce - How I made a splash with a David Hockney photo shoot 
He had 10 minutes to photograph the artist David Hockney at his California home. Paul Joyce reveals how he created the intriguing Pool series that captured Hockney’s playful side.
Follow this link to see what else is going on at the RPS.
PAGB eNews
Read Issue, 81, of Photography News by following this link.
Download the latest issue of the FIAP News here.
We urge you to read this PAGB newsletter as it contains a plethora of interesting articles, news and photographs. Download it here….
PSA Anniversary
As many of you will know, BPS has been affiliated to the PSA (Photographic Society of America) for a number of years, mainly so that we can use their facilities, and more importantly, official recognition of the Salon. I knew that we had been a member for a considerable time because my father had instigated our membership of the PSA when I was but a child (well, almost), but I was pleasantly surprised to see this certificate drop through my letter box this week. 
Xmas Approaches - Together With Attendant Scammers!
I received the following from Barry Mead - be warned!
For Sale
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in"
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following:
Username - Your Membership Number            Password - Created by you
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:  
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE