Volume VI, Issue 15                                                         February 1, 2013


In the Spotlight:
Road Runner Railway was added as one of the major new attractions in the Looney Tunes Seaport childrens area, bringing Great Adventure's first roller coaster specifically for kids since Little Thunder was removed in 1983. The coaster along with all of Looney Tunes Seaport was added as part of Great Adventure's "War on Lines" in 1999, where more than 25 new rides were introduced in one season. 

In the Spotlight:

One of the most unique rides to be introduced in the "War on Lines" was the Hand Crank cars. The small cars were completely kid powered. 
In The Spotlight:
The Michigan J. Frog Fun Flotilla offered a slow and gentle ride for the youngest park guests and was added as part of Great Adventure's 1999 "War on Lines".
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