History Corner
For some
time, early settlers in our area could reach Sydney only by
water and Pittwater became their port. But communication by land
was necessary and a road was soon made all the way to the banks
of the Hawkesbury.
The Green
Hills, as the settlement on the Hawkesbury was first called,
soon began to produce wheat, potatoes and other vegetables for
the little colony, and in 1803 it was found necessary to make
stringent regulations regarding the carrying of produce in
rowing or sailing boats which were, at first, the only
transport. One regulation warned the settlers that " any person
sending grain to Sydney in an open boat or a boat not
trustworthy could expect no protection from the magistrate".
Another said, with great solemnity, "If the ship's master should
take more grain than he can carry in safety, he shall forfeit
five pounds to the Orphan Fund!"
regulations, designed to preserve the much-needed wheat from the
danger of overloading, led to the building of sloops or, as they
were commonly and all-embracingly called, "vessels" for the
transport of produce . By 1804 no less than 16 were employed on
the Hawkesbury and the Coal Rivers. Four of these were built on
the Hawkesbury, probably at Pittwater where shipbuilding was
certainly carried out a little later in the century. The others
were built at Coal Harbour, at the mouth of the Coal River ,
which about this time was given its present name of Newcastle..
But boats
continued to be the common carriers of the smaller settlers, and
during 1804 prizes were offered to those who kept their boats in
good condition. Owners were warned that their boats must be
registered, so that they might be inspected, and that they must
be locked up at night. If anyone saw "persons" in a boat after
dark, he was to hail the boat and report. These regulations were
no doubt necessary at that time for, in the Sydney Gazette of
1808, we read that five bushrangers, who had been captured at
Parramatta and were being taken to Sydney in a boat, overpowered
their soldier captors. They then landed at Lane Cove and walked
to Pittwater which, by this time, had become a busy farming
district. This is proved by advertisements for farm workers in
the Gazette and runaway men from Sydney found regular employment
there. Later, in 1819, it was found necessary to station a
constable there and , in the Gazette of that year, there is a
notification that a Robert McIntosh had been appointed to the
position to uphold the law.
Next issue:
The natives complain and concentrate in Pittwater.
Clean up
Australia Day Sunday March 6th 2005
We would now like to have the names and telephone numbers of
everyone who wishes to help on a major clean up on march 6th. Please
email your details to
crhaskell@bigpond.com asap.
Once we have got a list of all the people involved we will be able
to plan and advise more details .

Obviously the more volunteers we have the more we can achieve.
We will be targeting abandoned vehicles, boats, and cleaning up the
foreshores at the wharves and the reserves. We will also be
targeting all items which can not be picked up in the general clean
up such as batteries, paint tins, etc..
There will be more information on the clean up in further bulletins
and on posters around the island and at the wharves. We hope that
everyone will get involved and make this year's clean up a really
successful event.
SIRFB Annual General Meeting
The Scotland Island Rural Fire
Brigade would like to extend a warm invitation to all
members and residents to join us at our AGM to be held at
the Station on Sunday 6 March 2005, commencing at 2pm.
This is a great opportunity
to meet your local Brigade and find out what we’ve been up
to for the past year so come along to the meeting and have a
look around. Membership subscriptions are due and payable
at the meeting – still just $10 per year.
Fish Stories
(from the 1955 edition of the
Scotland Island Residents Association Newsletter)
Congratulations to Mr. Jack Cooke on his exploit, in
catching a shark with a broom. Jack literally swept the four
foot monster -out of the shallows on to the rocks where it
was quickly dispatched and promptly converted into flathead

x x x
Keith Egan also merits applause for his performance catching
a nice large mullet by hand without the aid of hook, line or
net. Keith merely bent down. from the Church Point wharf,
tickled the mullet's tummy for a second and then lifted it
out all lively and kicking. If in doubt ask the ferry load
of passengers who witnessed the incident on Monday 21st.

Pittwater Heritage Festival 9 to 17 April 2005
Pittwater Heritage Cruise
Enjoy a relaxing three hours’ cruise on Pittwater and Broken
Bay. Listen to local historian Jim Macken’s tales of the
past in Pittwater. Discover all about World War II
constructions on West Head, and houses on the waterfront
Fish and Chips will be taken aboard at lunchtime, tea and
coffee available.
Wednesday 13 April
10.30am to 1.30pm
Cost $28 Fish & Chips $8.50
Booking essential Phone 9970 1613 or 1607

Built and Buried at the Basin
Catch the ferry from Palm Beach wharf to the Basin. Join the
guided tour with local historian, Jim Macken who will show
early constructions and burial sites at the Basin and tell
about the sailors and Sally who once lived there.
Friday 15 April
10am to 1pm
BYO picnic lunch Easy level walking (optional short steep
Cost $10
Booking essential Phone 9970 1613 or 1607

Rock Works at Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park
Have an outing to West Head in Ku-ring-gai Chase National
Park and learn how the park was established. Visit
aboriginal rock engravings and enjoy wide panoramas across
Pittwater and the land surrounding West Head. Next visit a
trigonometrical station and see the cairn made from rocks.
Local historian, Tony Dawson, will explain the significance
of these surveying points scattered across the Pittwater
area. Afterwards stay and enjoy a picnic or BBQ at West Head
Lookout or other spots in the park
Tuesday 12 April
9.45 to 11.30am
Cost $11 to enter National Park.
Booking essential Phone 9970 1613 or 1607
Barrenjoey Lighthouse and Head Keeper’s Cottage
Take a 40 minute walk along Barrenjoey Beach beside
Pittwater and climb the track to Barrenjoey Lighthouse. The
track is steep in places. Meet at the summit for a tour of
the lighthouse and see the exhibition of photographs in the
Head Keeper’s Cottage.
Sundays 10 &17 April
11am to 3pm
BYO Water. There are no toilets on the headland
Cost Adult $3 Children $2
No need to book
30-Second Stress
Buster Exercise
Do you display Rooster characteristics, and find yourself
working too hard sometimes?< li>Do you find yourself
immersed in the modern day development of ENIAC: your
desktop PC?
Do you sometimes feel that you are fighting against the
world and your work colleagues, instead of working with
Follow the great military strategist Sun-Zi’s advice: “The
year of the Wood Rooster teaches the lessons of order,
scrutiny and strategic planning…achieve psychological
advantage over the adversary and use force only as a last
Use organisation products / skills to prioritise and manage
your to do list.
Take breaks from your PC, and use this time to get to know
you enemy…
Your enemy is not everyone else: it is inside you and it is
Take a break from the PC for 30-seconds.
Close your eyes.

Breath in and out of your belly.
Empty all the thoughts out of your head, just for now.
Focus on one thought for a few seconds: “What is the nature
of my stress?”
Then let it go…
Clear your head of thoughts and just watch the breath come
in and out of your nostrils.
Don’t expect an answer; if a thought pops up, don’t follow
it, just put it to one side for a few more seconds.
After 30-seconds or so, open your eyes, and notice how much
calmer your mind is.
Questions raised in this manner lodge deep into your
Carry on with your day, but watch for ideas or insights that
arise over the next 24 hours. Make sure you act on what ever
you discover.
The more this exercise is practised, the clearer the answers
Pittwater Community Association
Notice Of AGM
Elvina Bay Fireshed Sunday 13 March 2005 10.00 Am
AGM Agenda Includes an Update On Events That Have Taken
Place During The Year
Election Of Office Bearers
Future Issues
A General Meeting to Propose Amendment Of The WPCA
Constitution will Precede The AGM
Note: Annual Membership Fees
$20 (Twenty Dollars) Per Household Are Due and Can Be Paid
At The Meeting
Enquiries To:
Larry Eastwood, President (Tel: 9979 5026) Or
Alison Turnure, Secretary (Tel: 9979 5393)
Walk Against

West Pittwater Community Association has organised two local
events for anyone who wants to participate in this years
Oxfam Community Aid Abroad 'Walk Against Want'. Join more
than 10.000 people around
Australia and raise funds to help poor communities in over
30 developing countries worldwide.
You can do this by either going on a bushwalk with us or
kayak/row on beautiful Pittwater on Sunday 13 March.
meet us at Elvina Bay Fireshed at 1pm and enjoy a guided
walk to the top of Elvina Bay's waterfall with beautiful
views over Pittwater or if you are interested in a longer
walk come up all the way with us via the fire trail to see
the impressive Aboriginal carvings.
[the ferry leaves Tennis Wharf at 12.40 and arrives at
Elvina Bay South at 12.55]
Upon return you'll be hungry and thirsty - so come and
socialise while enjoying a BBQ at the fireshed - profits
will go to "Community Aid Abroad Walk Against Want".
grab your kayak, rowing boat or whatever you have that
floats and meet at 8am at Tennis Wharf on Scotland Island -
suggested destination is Treharne Cove.
Register TODAY to get your sponsorship book by calling 1800
034 034 or visit www.oxfam.org.au/walk if you want to
register online.
You can register just yourself or form a walking group. You
can get sponsored by friends, family members, work mates etc
or sponsor yourself - if you raise over $200 you or your
walking group can go into the draw to win a 'Spirit of
Vietnam' trip for two people with Intrepid Travel.
For more information on the walk and details on where the
money raised goes have a look at their website :
If you have any enquiries, please contact Brigitte Mills at
Lovett Bay on 9997 2307or 0419 692010.
Local Resident
to work with Medicine Sans Frontier
Lesli Bell is a resident of
Towlers Bay. She has been working with Oxfam for the relief
of tsunami victims in Indonesia, she is now about to go to
Africa, to the Congo, to work there for Medicine Sans
Frontier (Doctors Without Borders) to help in a crisis which
we should all be made aware of, here is a brief summary:
Amid Rapidly deteriorating security situation in DRC, the
international rescue Committee issued a mortality survey Dec
9 2004 which finds that more than 3.8 million people have
died there since the start of the war August 1998 and more
than 31,00 civilians continue to die monthly as a result of
the conflict. DRC remains by far the deadliest crisis in the
world but year after year the conflict festers and the
international community fails to take effective action.
Half of the estimated 55 million Congolese are under the age
of 18. Children are particularly affected by the crisis: one
out of five does not reach the age of five; 38 per cent
suffer from malnutrition (20 per cent severely); 50 per cent
between 6 and 11 do not attend school, some 9.3 per cent are
believed to have lost one or both parents to the AIDS
pandemic; countless thousands of other children have been
recruited in armed groups or have been victims of grievous
human rights abuses including killing and rape.
MSF, urges the international community to adopt a proactive
attitude with regard to the current situation in the
Democratic Republic of Congo. For more information visit
I will be going to South Kivu in the eastern part of DRC, I
will be doing logistics for a hospital and rape crisis
centre for victims of the conflict.
Seniors Week
Activities in Pittwater
Pittwater Council is offering a wealth of interesting
activities for residents to enjoy in Seniors Week. There's
something for everyone at these events, so get out and about
from 13 to 20 March and enjoy the activities!
• Monday 14 March, 10am: Launch of Seniors Week and the
Avalon Active Seniors Group – Meet the team leaders of the
new Avalon Active Seniors Group and join as a member, while
being entertained by Helles Belles singing a selection of
songs from Chicago; listen to inspirational speaker Bill
Conroy; try your hand at some craft and enjoy a flamenco
dance demonstration.
• Monday 14, Tuesday 15 & Wednesday 16 March, various times:
Introduction to the Internet at Mona Vale Library, Park
Street, Mona Vale.
• Monday 14-Friday 18 March: Narrabeen Seniors Club Open
Days at the Nelson Heather Centre. Try your hand at Mahjong,
New Vogue Dance, Music & Song, Table Tennis, Indoor Bowls
and the Swing Timers Band.
• Tuesday 15 & Friday 18 March: Introduction to Bowls at
Newport - A free introduction to Lawn Bowls at Newport
Bowling Club.
• Wednesday 16 March, 9:30: Winnererremy Bay Walk – Join the
Coastal Environment Centre staff for an interesting
saltmarsh and mangrove tour of the restoration works at
Winnererremy Bay.
• Wednesday 16 March, 1pm: Making Friends with a Computer –
Come along to the Avalon Computer Pals Open Day.
• Wednesday 16 March, 1:30pm: Classic Movie Afternoon -
showing at Nelson Heather Centre, ‘Destry Rides Again’. A
comedy satire on Westerns with music (ice cream, tea &
coffee provided).
• Friday 18 March, 11:30am: Showcasing Seniors in Pittwater
Photographic Competition - Come along to a prizegiving lunch
for the announcement of the winner and take your time to
look at all the entries. Prizes donated by Newport Camera
and Imaging, Vital Peripheral Supplies, Pittwater RSL,
Warriewood Shopping Centre and Warriewood Cinemas.
• Friday 18 March, 10am: Comedy Hour at Avalon – Enjoy ‘Only
Joking’, a series of comedy sketches performed by Judy and
Seniors Week events are listed in a program, which is
available from Mona Vale and Avalon Customer Service
Centres, as well as Mona Vale and Avalon Libraries and
Community Centres. Programs can also be posted to residents
- please contact Jennifer Walker, Tel: 9970 1199.
Bookings are essential for most of these activities - please
check the program for booking information.
From the
Desk of the President of SIRA 
Do you have a problem getting to the Church Point Post
Office when it’s open?
If so please let us know so that we can make representations
to Australia Post
If you would like to become involved in caring for and
developing the Carroll’s Wharf
area please contact
SIRAPittwater@hotmail.com . If enough people are
interested we’ll
call a meeting to discuss strategies.
The Pittwater Offshore Directory is brought to all off-shore
residents free courtesy of SIRA. We are planning a new one
this year. Can YOU help to put the new directory together so
that that this important service can continue ?
SIRAPittwater@hotmail.com OR phone 9999 1346 0r 9997
Communities, what a life!
Only one
problem........mosquitoes, millions of them!
Mozzie free living is an elusive dream for many and that’s
how it was for Robert from Byron Bay until he bought his
Mega-Catch™ mosquito trap on 24th December.

After 7 weeks Robert called in to ABC radio on 16th February
saying, ‘now, for the first time, I can go outside and enjoy
my barbeque’
Outperforming all other systems, independently tested
Mega-Catch™ mosquito traps are recorded catching an
incredible 10,000 mosquitoes in one night.
Dreams do come true.
Ph: 1300 739 928 or 0415 421 040
The local
As our newsletter continues to grow
(nearly 800 readers) we are including some links to other
nearby organisations and events that may be of interest.
If you would like to contribute, please send a message to
the editor by
clicking here.
Local Real
Estate Agents:
Government Organisations:
Pittwater Council, or email them at
pittwater_council@pittwater.nsw.gov.au or by
clicking here.
John Brogden, Member for Pittwater, or email him
jbrogden@nswcoalition.com or by
clicking here
Bronwyn Bishop, Member for Mackellar, or email her
Bronwyn.Bishop.MP@aph.gov.au or by
clicking here
Local Transport:
Church Point Ferries (02-9999-3492)
Manly Warringah Cabs
Palm Beach Cruises (02-9997-4815)
Pink Water Taxi (0428-238-190) Scotland
Island Community Vehicle (1800-069-592)
Local Pittwater
Studies Website: http://www.pittlink.net/ls/index.html
Emergency Contact
- NSW Police:
000, general information 9281 0000
- Broken Bay
Water Police 9979 4944 or 0412 162 093
- NSW Fire
Service: 000, general information 9265
- NSW Ambulance
Service: 000, general information 9320
- Rural Fire
Service: 000, general information 9450
- State
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater
SES: 9486 3399
- National
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000,
general information 9457 9322
- Dept of
Community Services: general information
9977 6011
- Sydney Water:
132 090
- Energy
Australia: 131 388, (ah) 131 909
Emergency Scotland
Island Water Contacts:
click here for information (while online)
Airlines, Buses and
Join SIRA You can now join the Scotland
Island Residents Association by clicking here. Please print the page you see and
return the completed form to SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point 2105.
Please NO CASH. Contact SIRA at
sirapittwater@hotmail.com |
Join WPCA To join the Western
Pittwater Community Association, contact Larry at
larrye@aftrs.edu.au or click here or phone 02-9979-5026 for more
information. |
Archived Newsletters A complete set of past electronic
newsletters since May 2000 can be found and read at http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/newsletters/archive.html or by clicking here or by visiting
the Mona Vale Library.
The future of this newsletter is in
your hands. More than 700 residents and friends read this
electronic newsletter monthly. Please tell your friends
and neighbours to subscribe. If you are particularly
literate in matters computing, you might like to help
them follow the very simple path to subscription. It is
easy to join. Simply click here to
join, leave or change options or go to following address:

If you would like to contribute to
this newsletter it's easy!. Send an e-mail to the
editor by clicking here.
Type your
short contribution (100 words would be fine) and assuming
it is of general interest to the community, does not
include matter of a political nature and is not offensive
to your neighbours, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off this newsletter,
or to change your options, - click here or
got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
The views expressed in this newsletter are
not necessarily the views of the Scotland Island
Residents Association (SIRA), or any of the associated Pittwater
Offshore Resident's Committees