Hello Cat Lover!

I just wanted to let you know I appreciate you being on
my list to get my newsletter. I have fun writing it, and it's
great to know someone enjoys reading it!

Mostly, it is heartwarming to know there are people who
love animals, especially cats, as much as I do, and I enjoy
hearing from you, too.

Well, it's Christmas in the U.S. tomorrow, and I didn't get
you a present. But it's not too late to send you one you
can download!

My friend wrote a Holiday Pet Recipes ebook last year and
said I could give it to my friends. So, I want to share it
with you. Maybe you will find a tasty treat in it that your
kitty will like. (There are treats for dogs in there, too!)

I put the book here, on my website:

(If you right click that, it will download to your hard drive.
If you left click it, it will open up and you can read it right now.
However, remember to do a SaveAs or it will go away as soon
as you close it. Also, she put some links to her website on
the last few pages you might enjoy.)

I also wanted to share these holiday greetings with you:

http://ezyas123.com. You'll have to scroll at least half way
down the page, to the line that says, Amazing, Incredible,
Unbelievable Christmas Lights Displays.
This *will* amaze you! But only if you can watch videos on
your computer. If not, let me know. Maybe I can send you
a CD...

And last but not least,