SIRA Notice
Scotland Island Traffic Management Plan
The Scotland Island Road Reserve Strategy adopted by Pittwater Council
in 2011 recommended adoption of a Traffic Management System to ease
future traffic problems on our roads.
Currently, all roads on Scotland Island are classified by Roads &
Maritime Services (RMS) as “Residential,” which by default have a 50
kph speed limit, allow any registered vehicle regardless of size or
weight, and prohibit unregistered vehicles (including all “recreational
vehicles” such as mules, golf buggies, quad bikes, etc.). We need to consider if this is what we want
or whether some other options are desired.
Toward that end, Pittwater Council is conducting a survey of property
owners (their constituents) on Scotland Island to determine whether or
not there is a consensus for developing a Traffic Management Plan to
address the major issues. You will receive the survey soon.
The SIRA Committee of Management (SIRAC) urges all members to respond
to this survey. If you are a resident, but do not own the property,
please contact the owner and ask them to respond or to allow you to
respond on their behalf. How you respond is up to you, but Council
needs to be convinced that the majority of the community has expressed
an opinion, otherwise they will assume that we are happy with the
current situation.
If there is consensus that some Plan is desired, there will be
extensive consultation regarding the content and details.
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)