In This Issue:



Congratulations to members who have passed their Advanced Test recently:
 Paul Smith (M)
 Mike Wilson (M)

A warm welcome to new group members:
 Andrew Griffin (C)
 Paul Kelly-Fursdon (C)
Articles needed
If you have interesting snippets or would like to write a short article for this newsletter then please let us know. 
All contributions welcome.
Second editor found!
A volunteer newsletter editor has come forward and will be trained in December. More details next month.
Just one more volunteer editor would make our team complete as we would then each only need to produce a newsletter once every four months. 
Many hands make light work as they say.
Call Stephen Wilkinson-Carr on 07976 644485 for more details.
December 2021
Chair's Introduction
Dear Member

I would like to wish our volunteers a very happy Christmas and thank Tutors and Committee members for all your dedication to helping individuals train for, take and pass the RoSPA Advanced Drivers and Riders test in 2021.

Your hard work, commitment and passion is second to none. We are incredibly proud of all our volunteers who have made a difference to Road Safety and Advanced Driving and Riding this year and we look forward to continuing to make a difference with you in 2022.
Here's video jingle, one of my favourites, to put a seasonal smile on your face.

I wish you all the safest and best possible Christmas.

Best wishes 


Christmas Markets
Spending December in the UK and want to visit some tempting Christmas Markets?
Some of UK’s best are listed here: Best UK Christmas Markets
Here are some that may be worth a day trip (see the links below for more detail).

Bath's 2021 physical Christmas Market has been cancelled. 
Full list of UK Christmas Markets going ahead is here
Operation Snap
In the UK there’s usually someone with a dashcam filming your riding / driving.
In 2018 The police set up a national campaign, Operation Snap, that invites the public to submit dashcam video evidence of poor driving / cycling / riding etc.
There have been many prosecutions since Op Snap began in 2018 and some areas have put videos on YouTube to highlight examples of outrageous driving and the outcomes of prosecution. 
Protect yourself by using the acronym SLAP to think before beginning a manoeuvre and ask yourself: “Is it…
 Appropriate / Advantageous
 Professional (i.e. Will it make
     me look like a plonker)?“
Use this link if you have video of someone’s poor riding or driving you’d like to submit to Op Snap.
Please be aware that many police forces require two minutes video before and after the alleged offence.
Recommended Books (Clickable)

Highway Code update
The Highway Code was updated on 14 September 2021 and published on 1 October 2021.
The updated online version is available here 
As yet there do not appear to be any hardcopy 2021 versions on sale.
Unfortunately there are some rogue sellers online who will try to fool you into thinking they're selling the 2021 version when in fact you'll end up with the 2015 version (don't ask me how I know ).
Why Advanced Driving / Riding?

What are the benefits? 
These are some of the benefits enjoyed by advanced drivers and riders after training with Gloucestershire Advanced Drivers And Riders:
    Increased safety; keep yourself, your
    passenger(s) and other road users safe
    Reduced risk; using anticipation and
    planning skills
    Increased awareness; being more
    observant and using enhanced handling
    skills to anticipate changes around you
    Increased passenger comfort; with
    good forward planning and anticipation,
    your driving / riding will become
    smoother and more relaxed
    More enjoyment; experience the
    satisfaction of driving / riding from A to B
    more smoothly with more time to react to
    the unexpected
    Greater control; by understanding and
    knowing how to deal with the various
    forces that affect your vehicle
    Increased confidence; learn how to
    anticipate and deal with expected and the
    unexpected road and traffic situations
    Reduced wear and tear; get more out
    of your vehicle by learning advanced
    machine control methods 
    Discounted insurance; many insurance
    companies offer a discount to advanced
    drivers / riders
    Save money on fuel; using defensive
    driving / riding and forward planning
    techniques to achieve greater control and
    better fuel efficiency 
    Enhance your CV; gain a professional
    qualification you can put on your CV
What is advanced driving / riding?
Advanced driving / riding is the ability to control the position and speed of the vehicle safely, systematically and smoothly, using road and traffic conditions to progress unobtrusively with skill and responsibility.  
This skill requires a positive but courteous attitude and a high standard of driving / riding competence based on concentration, effective all-round observation, anticipation, and planning.  This must be co-ordinated with good handling skills.
An advanced driver / rider will always have their vehicle in the right place on the road, at the right time, travelling at the right speed with the correct gear engaged and can always stop safely on their own side of the road in the distance they can see to be clear (DSA, RoADAR, IAM, 1997).
What will you learn?
Our driver / rider training is provided on a one-to-one basis. All our tutors are volunteers and have passed the advanced driving / riding test, hold a current tutor qualification and are registered with RoADAR HQ.
You will learn how to drive / ride:
    Safely – By being safer you give yourself more time to react, to both expected
    and unexpected situations, and improve your own and passenger confidence in
    your ability.
    Systematically – By doing things in a systematic way, one thing at a time,
    you will learn how to ensure your vehicle is in the right place, at the right speed,
    in an appropriate gear and capable of being stopped, on your own side of the road,
    in the distance you can see to be clear.  We use the Police System of Car /
    Motorcycle Control acronym IPSGA (Information, Position, Speed, Gear, Acceleration).
    Smoothly – By learning how to use vehicle controls in a smoother, and more
    controlled, way you and any passenger will feel more comfortable and relaxed.
    At an appropriate Speed – Learn how to drive at the appropriate speed, making
    progress and showing restraint when necessary.
What does it cost?
Training is free for car drivers who use their own vehicle with an assigned Tutor. 
Motorcyclists pay a £10 contribution toward the Tutor’s costs per training session.
It’s important that you to commit time to regular training sessions.
Car and Motorcycle Tests
The RoSPA advanced test is widely regarded as the highest civilian driving / riding standard available. The test is based on the Police Foundation publication 'Roadcraft: The Police Drivers Handbook' or 'Motorcycle Roadcraft: The Police Riders Handbook' and the Highway Code. A thorough understanding of both Roadcraft and the Highway Code will be required to pass the test at a high standard.
Test Standards 
Gold is only awarded to the driver / rider who shows a consistently high standard of driving / riding throughout the test. The driver / rider will demonstrate a confidence in their ability together with a thorough understanding of the principles contained in Roadcraft / Motorcycle Roadcraft and how to apply those principles to situations that occur during the test.
Silver is awarded to candidates who display a skill level well above the average. They will show a thorough understanding of the principles contained in Roadcraft / Motorcycle Roadcraft and how to apply those principles to situations that occur during the test. The driver / rider will make safe systematic progress however not demonstrating the consistency, final polish and smoothness of the Gold grade candidate.
A Bronze grade will be awarded to those candidates who show that they have an understanding of, and the ability to apply, the principles of advanced driving / riding demonstrating a good level of observations and anticipation, but not doing so consistently throughout the test. They will however drive / ride in a safe and legal manner, to a standard that is significantly above that required to pass the appropriate DVSA test.

Did You Know?
Mandatory Speed Limiters
Currently, vehicles with more than 8 passenger seats and goods vehicles with a maximum laden weight of more than 3.5 tonnes must have a speed limiter fitted.
New cars sold in the UK will be fitted with mandatory speed limiters from 6 July 2022, after the Department for Transport confirmed it will follow a ruling from the European Commission on safety technology, regardless of whether the UK is in the European Union. 
Speed limiters, also known as Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA), use traffic-sign-recognition cameras and / or GPS data to determine the speed limit in a particular area, automatically limiting engine power and a vehicle’s speed to the prevailing limit if the driver does not slow down to the limit themselves. They do not apply the brakes; instead they reduce the fuel reaching the engine.
The European Transport Safety Council believes that the technology could reduce road collisions by 30% and deaths by 20%.
More information here.
A Quiz

The Magic Square
Can you solve the 3 x 3 magic square by using the numbers 1 to 9, once each, to make each row, column and diagonal add up to 15 (without using the internet)?
Solution next month.
The Committee
Chair - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Secretary - Rebekah Yarranton

Treasurer - Geoff Brown

Membership Secretary - Mike Ibbitson

Acting Car Coordinator - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Motorcycle Coordinator - Paul Smith

Chief Instructor: Car - Adam Slaughter

Chief Instructor: Motorcycle - Tony Dix

SkillShare Coordinator - Phil Wesley
WebMaster - Phil Wesley
Newsletter Editor - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr
Regional Coordinator (RoSPA) - Martin Powell
Membership Secretary: Mike Ibbitson
Secretary: Rebekah Yarranton