Galschiøt has designed Amnesty International Denmark's new award. Amnesty International awards the media prize to journalists who, during the year, have distinguished themselves by sticking to a story/issue where human rights are central.
In addition to delivering the award, Galschiøt participated in an on-stage conversation with Amnesty's communications and press manager. Here he told about how he has used his artwork, The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong, to focus on the Tiananmen massacre and set freedom lovers, politicians and activists across continents in motion in the fight for freedom of expression in China.
The newly opened museum FLUGT (fleeing) in Denmark has started a collaboration with Galschiøt to create a sculpture for the museum's foyer. If the project is completed, the refugee sculpture will stand in the middle of the beautiful BIG-designed foyer in the museum.
The Refugee Museum is hugely important for Denmark. The country has had an extremely tough immigration policy for the past several years. The museum helps to put a face on the people who are forced to flee and we hope the museum can help to create a more tolerant approach towards refugees. You can read more about the entire museum on their website
The Pillar of Shame that was taken down from the University in Hong Kong last December is currently locked in a container in an unknown location in Hong Kong.
Handing over the sculpture should be a technicality. But the university and its lawyers have delayed the process for a year. After standing at Hong Kong University for 25 years, the university removed the sculpture last year in the dead of night. Without even notifying Galschiøt, who is the sculpture's rightful owner.
Now, in collaboration with NGOdei from Hong Kong, we have started a campaign to get the sculpture back. Among other things, the focus here will be on the use of 3D-printed Pillars of Shame and 'Augmented Reality'. You can read more about this in future newsletters, and follow the link to the campaign here.
Artist talk in Amsterdam
In October, Galschiøt and two employees traveled to the Netherlands to participate in a debate about art and democracy, with offset in Hong Kong. Watch the debate here. In this connection, there was a screening of the highly praised documentary film 'The HongKonger' about the now imprisoned media mogul Jimmy Lai. It was a great trip, which also gave us the opportunity to plan the further work with The Pillar of Shame.
The Pillar of Shame in Berlin
On November 27, Axel Springer Freedom Foundation officially opens. It is celebrated with a major ceremony to pay tribute to the Russian dissident Vladimir Kara-Murza and his tireless fight for a more democratic Russia.
In this connection, Galschiøt has been asked to exhibit the large Pillar of Shame sculpture in front of Axel Springer's head office in the middle of Berlin.
Taiwan - visit in Feb./March
Galschiøt had actually been invited to Taiwan this month by the organization New School of Democracy, where he, among other things, should have met with Taipei's mayor and have attended an exhibition with China-critical artist Kacey Wong. But since the visit came at the same time as The Pillar of Shame exhibition in Berlin, and the Qatar6500 happening, Galschiot has chosen to postpone the visit to February or March.