ItsAboutThyme_logo[1] by you.         It's About Thyme                      
         tel:  512-280-1192                                                          Oct 1, 2010 
This Sunday's Free Lecture: ‘Native Tree Clinic: Texas Trees for
Texas Landscapes.’ C
olumnist /  nursery owner  Chris Winslow will
you choose between all the Chinquapins, Shumards, Bur and the
white oaks...and many more. 2 p.m. Oct 3. See below for
Chris's article: 'A Guide to Native Oaks.'
Who is growing Apples in Texas? Renee Studebaker (Austin Amer-
Statesman) discovered 3 flourishing orchards. click here: apples
Rain Barrel Rebates: save water, save money! the City of Austin will
pay homeowners 50 cents per gallon (non-
pressurized) and $1 per gallon
(pressurized). More details here: barrel rebates Thanks to Scott Stewart
(Bushman Rainwater Harvesting) for sharing
info at last Sunday's lecture. 
Among the folks enjoying Kurt Hudgeon's pond lecture last Sunday
was Terry Ross, along with her beautiful standard poodle Pippin.
On KLRU's Central Texas Gardener this weekend: a visit to the Hutto
garden of Donna and Mike Fowler, who have created a little outdoor
church in their garden; and Tom Spencer chats with Michael Shoup (the
Antique Rose Emporium) about these 'ultimate' garden plants. Saturday: noon / 4 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m.
                  A Guide to Native Oaks  
                                  by Chris Winslow
With fall in the air comes that deep-seated desire for us to plant. The
changing  of seasons leaves the stressful heat and drought of summer
behind and brings promise of cooler temperatures and rainfall.

All gardeners should know that autumn is the best time to plant trees.
My favorites are the shade trees, and I especially love all the oaks. Planted
and watered properly, young trees will grow fast and can dramatically
enhance our landscapes.

Apart from their beauty, there is a practical consideration too. If you plant
them in the right place, shade trees will cool off the air around your home
and help offset costly utility bills.

We have two native Texas oaks that are considered evergreen: the live oak
and the Mexican white oak. Both hold their foliage throughout the winter
months, but then shed their leaves around the end of February-early March.
Spring growth follows in 2 to 3 weeks.
Evergreen oaks are also highly effective as  windbreaks and privacy screens.
In addition, when planted on the east, south, and west sides of a house,
they’ll provide you with winter shade.

We also have some deciduous oaks to choose from: the Chinquapin,
Shumard and Bur Oak. For fall color, the Shumards (commonly known
as the Texas red oak) are hard to beat. They carry their brilliant red/
orange fall colors  throughout November and December, and late trees
can hold these colors even into January.
The Chinquapin’s fall color is yellow/rust to dark bronze/red.
The stately Bur oak sheds its big leaves without fall color change.  However
during the winter months you can enjoy the stark beauty of their bark and
branching structure.
Considered slow growing, the oaks have often been overlooked by home-
owners and property developers in their quest for  fast growing shade trees.

People have often made the mistake of choosing soft-wooded trees like
Arizona ash, only to find a few years later that they are short lived and
expensive to remove.
The oaks, however, when planted properly and watered on a regular basis,
can grow as much as 3 feet a year in height and width. That’s fifteen feet in
five years. Now that’s shade!.
Happy Gardening Everyone! 
[© Chris Winslow 2010]  
Coming soon:  ‘It’s Easy to Make Compost Tea.’  2 p.m.  Oct  17. 
Russ Rudd will share his ingredients and techniques on how to create a brew
that will transform your garden. Free
  ItsAboutThyme_logo[1] by you.  Visit the website at  Visit the
nursery at 11726 Manchaca Road, Austin 78748 facebook-thyme 