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Sell Your Jewellery Online
Marketing Jewellery Onlins
Easter Beads
Diamond For April
Cubic Ziconia
Quartz Crystal
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Can only be used at the NEW shop & not with any other coupon. To get the discount Key QUARTZ at checkout now, as offer ends Friday 5th March 2021. Use at https://mrbeadshop.com.
You MUST establish an online presence to sell your designs. Either through an established jewellery selling market like Etsy, eBay or Not On The High Street. Or through your own site with third-part software like Wix, IONOS, SquareSpace, GoDaddy or Shopify.
Website builders make it easy using templates to construct a site to sell. Even with no experience working online. The software does everything for you – all you need is the imagination to choose an appropriate style for your brand.
However, the hard part is getting customers to see it. It’s like opening a brick-and-mortar store in a back street. Unless you market your own website, you won’t sell anything.
Niche Within a Niche
You must enter this colossal market in a tiny niche – or better still, a niche within a niche. That way you can compete and beat the big boys.
Making a good cup of tea takes many steps. First you have to choose the type of tea, the tea’s brand, then loose or in bags. Next you have to boil the water, heat the pot, let the tea brew – and finally mix with the right amount of milk in the cup. Even the shape of the cup can influence the flavour. I hate tea in a wide coffee cup: it always seams to taste better in a porcelain tea cup.
If you skip any of the steps, the final drink will suffer. Same with a website. You have a few choices and steps to take – and the tea cup can be liked to your selling market and your design’s photograph.
A nice cup of tea in a Mayfair tearoom will cost more than the same brew in an open market. Because the ‘perceived value’ of the product is different. Sell in boxes.
I’ll try to keep it simple. To sell your jewellery online you must first:
A good photogrpah is the most important aspect to sell well online. It must show your jewellery close and clear, and will usually need editing and contrast boosting. However, most mobile phones and tablet computers do the job.
Go For It!
Don’t wait until you get around to it. What you put off: never gets done. Take advantage of lockdown and use extra free time and creativity to sell online! Once you get a system that works, it’s easy to duplicate and scale-up – as long as you can make enough designs.
Choose pastel colours and mix them to make a bright, light, design. Pearls are also popular this time of year, along with all types of crystal and jade. These all produce a bright, high-key look. White, yellows, greens and pinks look good, giving a spring-like feel. Colourful seed beads can be used to cover eggs for Easter.
Give a loved one a necklace for an Easter present – she’ll look so good wearing it on Easter Day. Plus, flower bead bracelets and earrings are so easy to make too. Happy Easter!
For ideas, see what others are making this Easter on Elsy
Click for our Flower Beads
Click for our Pearl Beads
Diamonds are similar to graphite, both crystalline forms of carbon. The difference in their properties is because of the way carbon atoms are bonded together. Graphite atoms are in sheets that easily slide past each other. Diamond crystals, are a tight-fisted network of carbon atoms securely held in four directions.
Diamonds were formed over 3-billion years ago deep within the Earth’s crust. The majority are extracted in Africa using extreme labour, with miners paid less than a dollar a day.
More Ethnical Diamonds
Up until a few years ago De Beers controlled all the worlds diamonds. By stockpiling, they increased the value of a relatively-common crystallized rock. However, it’s now possible to artificially grow diamonds, similar to how they’re formed in nature. Using high pressure and temperature in growth chambers, the size of a washing machine.
A sliver of natural diamond is bathed in molten graphite with a catalyst at 1,500 C. Slowly, carbon precipitates onto the diamond seed. A gem-quality, 2.8-carat rough yellow diamond grows within three-and-a-half days. This can then be cut and polished to over 1.5 carats.
Chemically these’re identical to mined diamonds – but have different growth patterns and a lack of inclusions that would draw suspicions to a jeweller. However, a lack of inclusions can be a good thing.
When melted at high-temperature with electrical current, the compound crystallizes, forming chunks similar to rough diamonds, which can be cut and polished.
Using the naked eye, even a trained jeweller can’t detect the difference between good cubic zirconia, genuine or cultured diamonds. All are faceted, cut and polished the same.
Click for our cubic zirconia rings.
The Mayans, Druid priests, and Tibetan monks all knew the spiritual power of crystal. The ancients used it to strengthen the sun’s rays to bring heat, and the Chinese science of feng-shui teaches that arranging crystals around the home retains positive energy.
Crystals became important to these people because of the belief in their capacity to store and amplify any power source fed into them – physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.
Today’s crystal therapists say that the stones’ ability to work as a conductor allows energy to be focused via a person’s thoughts to stimulate healing. Many people use crystal to focus attention on what they want. With a little imagination, you too can use crystal’s energy to access a higher level of consciousness and turn a desire into reality.
All types of crystal have this magical power, but individual colour crystal is believed to have other uses too.
Rose quartz, the stone of unconditional love, is great for emotional healing. Red, yellow, and orange stones are said to produce energy; clear and aquamarine stones are healers; and lavender and blue-violet are calming stones. Pure rock crystal is clear, but usually quart comes in a variety of opacity. Rutilated quartz has tiny inclusions inside the rock.
Milky quartz is cloudy because of fluid embodied in the crystal – creating an attractive effect of a crystal within a crystal, giving the interior a ghostly appearance. Smoky Quartz is caused by natural radiation from nearby granite rocks.
Click for our Crystal Beads
Our Quartz Beads
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Can only be used at the NEW shop & not with any other coupon. To get the discount Key QUARTZ at checkout now, as offer ends Friday 5th March 2021. Use at https://mrbeadshop.com.
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