AshGPS: Firmware, Software Update Notification
for Spectra Precision, Ashtech, Magellan Professional, Thales Navigation
Mon 25 October 2012
In This Issue:
 MobileMapper Field V3.0 and MobileMapper Office V4.0 Released
    for MM6, MM10, MM100 (NOT FOR MMPro, MMCX or MMCE)
GNSS Solutions Version 3.80.4 Released
New Stuff and Gossip
GNSS Solutions Version 3.80.4

The latest version of GNSS Solutions supporting PM120 and PM220 has been released. 

Some of the items I am most excited about: 
  Correctly imports jobs that earlier version broke into multipe occupations
  RINEX 3.01 support 
  Updated Antenna Database (from NGS) 
  Updated RGP and IGS Station Lists 
  RINEX Convertor 4.2.1  Latest GEOIDS tool 1.1.0 
  Fixed: 'Land Survey Report' failure under Vista and Win7 
  Fixed: Partially imported Stop and Go files 
  Fixed: Dynamic jobs errantly made from Static files 
  Fixed: Antenna Heights not automatically set from imported files 
  Fixed: Errant import of some Hatanaka compressed files 
  Fixed: Antenna name not imported correctly on some files 
  Fixed: GNSS Solutions won't work on some Win7 computers

Information is available
  [ here ]

The folder containing the latest installation tools is
  [ here]

Because the tool is distributed as multiple files in an FTP folder, and will present problems for many users I have made a single ZIP file installation tool available:
  [ here: ZIPed Installer ] << Best link if you are inexperienced with FTP!


MobileMapper Field 3.0 and MobileMapper Office 4.0

Note: this is for MobileMapper 6, MobileMapper 10, MobileMapper 100; it is NOT for MobileMapper Pro, MMCX or MMCE!

I am really excited about this latest release! It is a big deal and every single issue that I have reported or requested is fully addressed. It is my opinion that MMField 3.0 is the best all-around tool for collecting precision GIS data available. It is easy to train new and inexperienced users, easy to use in the field and produces the most accurate data.

I have already completed a four-video training suite for this updated product! You can link to the videos (on YouTube) from [ here: video link ] In the videos, I cover installation, setting up template jobs, collecting data in the field, exporting (using data) and post-processing. I am quite sure the videos will save you time.

Here is a link to the ftp site folder:
Here are direct links to the new User's Manual:
  [ English: MMF / MMO User Manual ] [ Spanish ] [ French ] [ German ]
it is worth the read!

There are a lot of files (841MB) and if you are not familiar with FTP downloads, you will have difficulty getting the whole file set. I have provided a single ZIPed file:
  [ here: ZIPed File ] << Best link if you are inexperienced with FTP!
MobileMapper Field Changes

If you used MobileMapper Field and MobileMapper Office in the past, here are the new changes in Version 3 (MMO V4):
  1. Large virtual keyboard, click in an entry and use the full screen keyboard. (Small embedded keyboard still works too.)
  2. Single setting for English / Metric.
  3. Magnetic variation is taken into account for improved e-compass accuracy.
  4. Improved units management (single setting now).
  5. Crazy elevations in foot display fixed.
  6. Enhanced voice guidance (reporting distance and turn direction in MobileMapper Field  “go to” mode; reporting one major distance and direction to move in “go to” mode instead of two distances and two directions.) Voice guidance is now available in French, German, and Russian languages besides English.
  7. AXF improvements (supported limits for attribute values, text attributes can now contain quotation characters, performance/refactoring.)
  8. MMO: Office program allows re-projecting results into another export job folder. So data collected in one projection, and optionally post-processed, can be exported to a new folder in another projection.
  9. MMO: Office program now allows exporting to .GPX files. (In addition to .KML and .CSV files.)
  10. MMO: Office program does not crash when post-processing files that crashed previous versions.
  11. MMO: Office program now imports ATOM files directly as reference RAW data.
  12. Improved “go to” mode for close navigation in MobileMapper Field
  13. ECW background map format support.
  14. RTK initialization in MobileMapper Field.
  15. Possibility to re-occupy and update existing point feature coordinates with GPS position in the field. (Points only, not polylines or polygons.)
  16. Records raw data to the job folder (the same folder where the .MAP file is located) in MobileMapper Field.
  17. GPS metadata (STATUS, Number of SV’s, PDOP, HRMS, VRMS) as feature attributes in MobileMapper Field. These values are filled in automatically when new features are stored.
  18. Vertical offset in MobileMapper Field. Allows storing inverts to features from measurement point.
  19. Attribute editing during feature logging in MobileMapper Field. You can now edit feature attributes while averaging is active.
  20. Low memory warning in MobileMapper Field. When you nearly fill up the destination storage location, a warning is shown.
  21. GPS status display during averaging in MobileMapper Field.
  22. Showing GPS status when PDOP filter is being applied.
  23. Stop logging confirmation in MobileMapper Field.
  24. GPX data file recording in MobileMapper Field. Checkbox is found under ‘Options: Recording.’ (When enabled, GPX data is stored to \My Documents\Ashtech\gpx.gpx.) Setting is persistent when MobileMapper Field is restarted.
  25. Possibility to stop averaging early in MobileMapper Field.
  26. Reduced application startup time when using OSM map (loading it in background.) Yeah!
  27. Displaying coordinates of a location that user tap on a map. When you tap on the display screen, the coordinates where you taped are shown.
  28. Position status voice information.
  29. Reference station ID display, when using real time corrections.
  30. Displaying current RAW data file path/name in “Options: Recording” screen. Makes it easier to associate the correct RAW file with collected data.
  31. RAW data file is now automatically placed in the project folder, making it easier to keep raw data files with a project.
  32. International feet support
  33. OK soft key on the logged point screen
  34. L2 SNR display.
  35. ...and much, much more!
Again, watch the videos and read the manual, they will save you time.
ProMark 200 Sale

As I mentioned the ProMark 200 has been replaced by the ProMark 220. The new receiver will track L1-L2 and G1-G2! The new product has the same list price as the PM200.

We have several brand new ProMark 200 receivers in inventory that we are selling with a killer deal ($2,685 discount!.) Details [ here ].

Drop me a note if your interested and I will get you a written quotation. We also have several discounted ProMark 100's too.
This AshGPS Mail List
If you have any Ashtech questions, don't hesitate to email them to me. I will do my best to get you an answer. 

Hopefully you will continue to find these notifications a valuable resource, however if this message has found you in error, you can use the link at the bottom of this message to get off the list (really, it does work.) 

There is a complete list of all of the past notifications [ here ]. If you know of anyone with Ashtech equipment who might benefit from these update notifications you can add them to this list with this link: [ Add or Delete a user ].

If you would like a real-time, slightly less refined, more gossip oriented experience my BLOG at might do. And, while I don't understand what twitter is, I suppose you could follow me #tmapper

Good survey and mapping to you all! 

Mark Silver,
Igage Mapping Corporation,, +1 801-412-0011 x16
iGage Mapping Corporation, 1545 S 1100 E, Salt Lake City UTAH USA