A Memorial for Joe Leckie
A much-loved member of this
community and dear friend to many.
To be held at Joe's house
69 Robertson Road Scotland Island
2nd house on the water West of Tennis Wharf
Saturday 19th March 2016
From 2.00pm-4.00pm
Food will be provided
BYO alcohol
All Welcome
RSVP to suzievboyd@gmail.com
or text to 0408 22 99 31.

Council Communication
Tender awarded for Church Point works
Council has approved the
tender for the next stage of the Church Point Plan of Management
including, the realignment of McCarrs Creek Road, a new seawall,
boardwalk and a 120 space car park.
Pittwater Mayor Jacqueline Townsend said that she was pleased that
Council is ready to commence the design and construction of this major
project after working closely with the Church Point and offshore
communities for a number of years.
“These works will help to alleviate parking issues in the area as well
as improve connections to the commuter wharf and foreshore access via a
new boardwalk. It’s a complex project that has drawn varied community
views, but we are working towards achieving a good balance for all
involved in the outcome of this project.
The project will be funded through loan funding, income generated from
user pays car parking, a low interest loan from the state government
via the Local Infrastructure Renewal Scheme (LIRS) and from the Special
Rate Variation.
Mayor Townsend said the project will address a range of issues
identified in the Plan of Management including safety concerns raised
by residents on McCarrs Creek Road and the shortage of parking in the
“Council will continue to meet the interests of both the on-shore and
off-shore communities. The project will now move into the delivery
phase and we will be inviting representation from key community
stakeholders on the final aesthetics of the project such as landscape
treatments, walkways, lighting and facades.
“We are committed to creating infrastructure that can address the
future demands of this important local and regional transport hub and
tourist destination,” she added.
Construction work is expected to commence in May 2016.
For more information about this project visit www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/major_projects
Contact: Media contact:
Phone: 9970 1172 or 9970 1119
Switch off to protect places we love
In the lead up to Earth
Hour, Pittwater Council invites residents to a free Citizen Science
event at the Coastal Environment Centre on Thursday 17 March from 7-9pm.
Residents will hear from four expert speakers who’ll share their
knowledge about our local waterways, marsupials, birds and marine life.
Earth Hour, originally an Australian campaign, is now celebrated in
over 162 countries and over 7000 cities and towns worldwide.
Pittwater Mayor, Jacqui Townsend said our natural environment makes
Pittwater unique and this year’s Earth Hour campaign urges us to switch
off and protect the places we love!
“So I encourage all our residents to celebrate Earth Hour, come along
to our Citizen Science event on Thursday 17 March or switch off the
power on Saturday 19 March from 8.30pm," said Cr Townsend.
The free Citizen Science presentation is followed by a Q&A session
and light refreshments.
The event is being held at Pittwater Council’s Coastal Environment
Centre, Lake Park Road, North Narrabeen.
Bookings are essential and can be made by calling 1300 000 232 or
Find more about the global Earth Hour initiative at www.earthour.org
Contact: Community Relations
Phone: 9970 1172, 9970 1119
Dynamic Yoga
Saturdays in the Community
Dog Sitter Wanted
Looking for someone to mind my dog during work hours on the Island on
week days.
Please contact Jean for more info on 0449 101 680
Savage commuter
boat for sale

Classic savage fibre glass hull with Yamaha 70 2 stroke and hydride
355 hours on motor.
$4,900.00 ono
Ring Chuck at 0417 023 373
Free Bunk Beds 
Steel frame Ikea bunk bed with ladder.
Good condition.
All screws, tools and instruction manual available.
Call Anne on 0431 149 182
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://ymlp.com/archive_gesgjgm.php or
by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au
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contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)