IAHF List: See the Prison Planet Article & Photos below my comments. Every time I board a plane, I NEVER remove my shoes or sandals when going through the metal detector, and from now on, I am going to flat out REFUSE to relinquish my ever present WATER BOTTLE when I board planes, and I urge you to DO THE SAME!! The article below which explodes the latest pack of mainstream news LIES must be carried with you and handed to TSA employees as we engage in civil disobediance en masse every time we board planes from now on. WHAT THIS HAS TO DO WITH THE UN CODEX GENOCIDE INITIATIVE & WITH THE PLAN TO FORCE AMERICA INTO A NORTH AMERICAN UNION WITH CANADA & MEXICO False flag terrorism is being used as a manipulation technique to herd the masses into a collectivist global totalitarian prison planet where the end goal is not only to block our access to vitamins and minerals within the therapeutic range and to all the most effective dietary supplements but to microchip us all, so as to monitor our individual whereabouts at all times by GPS, and to track every single thing we buy, do, or say. The European Union is a collectivist dictatorship, and the planned N.American Union which IAHF is in a process of monkeywrenching is being patterned after it. Lest you scoff at this seemingly "outrageous" assertion, I urge you to read the book MASS CONTROL- THE ENGINEERING OF HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS by my friend Jim Keith who was murdered for writing this expose on the CIA's MKULTRA Mind Control Program. You can get a used copy on amazon.com dirt cheap. You should also spend some time perusing http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/ and the Mind Control archive on the old IAHF site at http://www.iahf.com Below this Prison Planet article, please see what you can do to help IAHF continue to roll the boulder uphill in defense of your most cherished civil liberties. We did a radio show last night, and we'll be doing another one next thursday night on a much bigger show which reaches 400 radio markets as well as being broadcast over the web, but we really need your help to return to DC this fall for additional meetings with congressional offices...... see below this article for details Terror Plot Mirrors Bojinka: Run By US Government Agent |
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Terror Plot Mirrors Bojinka: Run By US Government Agent Prison Planet | August 10 2006 MSNBC reports that the dastardly new terror plot is a re-hash of Operation Bojinka - a 1995 plot to blow up 10 Western airliners simulteneously. What they don't report is that its ringleader - Ramzi Youssef - was protected by the US government in 1992. In September of 1992 Youssef enetered the US with Ahmad Ajaj. Ajaj's luggage contained documents on how to make bombs and was stuffed with fake passports and ID's. Ajaj was arrested - amazingly Youssef was released. Youssef later masterminded the WTC '93 bombing after FBI agents provided the terrorists with real explosives under cover of a supposed sting operation. Ramzi Youssef is a US government agent and his Bojinka plot - supposedly foiled by his intelligence agency bosses - is now being used as the latest monster under the bed to scare US and UK citizens into surrending what's left of their rights. Isn't it amazing that US government officials claimed ignorance of any Bojinka style plans before 9/11 and yet now they re-hash one for a faux terror alert. Government enforcers and frightened slaves are all hot and bothered about the latest supposed terror plot targeting UK flights inbound to the US. Ridiculous restrictions have been slapped on travelers, with mother's having to taste baby milk before they board planes and all hand luggage, including liquid drinks, being banned. The new alert arrives with the 9/11 truth movement on the cusp of a wave of media exposure. Evidence of government sponsored terror and how they use the fear of terror to control society is bursting out at the seams as editorials nationwide in the US are uniform in attempting to debunk research that questions the official version of 9/11.
Statistical analysis has proven that every time Blair and Bush sag in approval ratings, a fresh terror alert gives them a bounce back up the charts. Every single major terror alert issued by either the US, Canadian or UK governments has proven to be either a manufactured facade, an entrapment sting or an outright hoax. Recently, a supposed plan to hijack planes and fly them into London landmarks was exposed as a concoction of UK government lobbyists and news chiefs. The July 2005 London bombings were a British intelligence operation. The alleged ringleader, Mohammed Siddique Khan, was working for MI5. Here is a compendium list of other reports where the role of governments and security agencies in manufacturing artificial terror plots is exposed - within these stories are links to even more. Sears Tower: US Government Creates Another Al-Qaeda Cell Cooked Canary Wharf Terror Plot Recycled Canadian 'Terror Plot' Begins To Unravel Hyped Terror Raid Proves To Be Paper Tiger Toledo Terrorists and Government Entrapment Twenty-Three Intel Experts Say LA Terror Plot a Sham Bush Plays Terror Card With Bogus LA Attack Plot NYC Subway "Plot": Just Another Fake Terror Alert ALSO SEE: FAKE TERROR ALERTS ARCHIVE ---------------------------------------- BBC: 'Plot to blow up planes' disrupted Prison Planet.tv: The Premier Multimedia Subscription Package: Download and Share the Truth! IAHF LIST: WHATS NEXT: WHAT YOU CAN DO IN THE FACE OF THIS MADNESS: Two weeks ago IAHF visited 18 congressional offices on Capital Hill, got congressman Paul to put a letter generated by Scott Tips,JD and myself onto his letterhead and sign it after making a few modifications, and I got it bipartisanly signed with FOUR other signatures on short notice. This TRIPWIRE LETTER was then sent to Acting FDA Commissioner Von Echenbach's office, DEMANDING TO KNOW what he thinks his congressional mandate is for engaging in clearly ILLEGAL conferencing with his regulatory counterparts in Canada and Mexico in total violation of the Administrative Procedures Act, the Federal Advisory Committee Act, and other laws. GRASPING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THIS LETTER Please realize fully that America was hijacked by a coup on 911, and that we're now in a desperate struggle to get our COUNTRY back. This letter may not seem like much, but think of it like a splitting wedge used in conjunction with a SLEDGEHAMMER to bust up FIREWOOD. (I heat with wood, so this analogy comes naturally to me.) Short of marching on Washington with our guns, what PEACEFUL MEANS do we still have at our disposal to try to stop the planned destruction of our country? ANSWER: We can push, en masse, for a congressional oversight hearing on the FDA's illegal Trilateral Cooperation Charter with Canada & Mexico because via that means we can blow the LID of the collectivists plans to force us into the planned N.American Union with Canada and Mexico which is patterned after the EU Dictatorship. While the news is filled with Zionist garbage about whats supposedly happening in the Middle East, and while Con-gress continues to be massively manipulated by AIPAC, I am focusing laser like on this ONE ISSUE because I view it as our only chance to preserve our access to dietary supplements. I have no ILLUSIONS about what it would mean to be slammed together with Canada and Mexico because I live right on the Canadian border in a disconnected part of the State of Washington attached to the BC Canada Mainland. Were you aware that Canadians are FIVE TIMES as likely to be victims of violent crime as AMERICANS are?? Shocked by this statement? Its TRUE and my statistics are coming straight from the Vancouver Board of Trade
Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:36 am
"Paul Joseph Watson" <watson@...>
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