IAHF List:
IAHF is working closely with several other people and groups to draft an injunction which will need to be filed in all 50 states and US Territories directly opposing the coming effort to force this killer "Mexican Flu" vaccine on us this coming fall or winter when we anticipate martial law will be declared.
We need your help before hand to mass educate all Americans to the extreme dangers of vaccines in general and to the specific danger of the emeging so called "Mexican Flu vaccine" (which is intended to kill millions) so that when the time comes we can all fight back together!
We need you to forward this alert widely! In addition to educating everyone around us to these facts, we must take steps immediately to develop a slightly alkaline ph and other steps to safeguard our health in the face of this threat, see this health information at the end of this alert.
Watch this:
Mexican Flu Outbreak 2009 Special Report by Dr.Leonard Horowitz
Speaking of the US Centers for Disease Control, in conjunction with Novavax Inc., in a press release dated April 25, 2009, Dr.Leonard Horowitz implicates an Anglo- American "vaccine pipleline" in committing conspiracy to commit mass genocide.
The last sentence in his press release tells it all: "No other group in the world takes H5N1 Asian flu infected chickens, brings them to Europe, extracts their DNA,combines their proteins with H1N1 viruses from the 1918 Spnaish flu isolate, additionally mixes in swine flu genes from pigs, then 'reverse engineers' them to infect humans."
This seems surreal, doesn't it? Here we have our US Government Centers for Disease Control working directly with Novavax Inc., a vaccine manufacturer, helping them to create a global pandemic, so they can make money off a vaccine that is going to perpetuate and worsen the pandemic which is being created purposely to kill millions of people....As I type this, Novavax's stock is going through the roof....
Do I hear you ask how something as evil as this could be happening in America, alleged "home of the free"? The answer is as close as a one dollar bill where you will find a slew of Masonic imagery such as the All Seeing Eye of Horus atop an unfinished pyrimid and the words "Novus Ordo Seclorum" ("New World Order") under it.
"Novus Ordo Seclorum"= New WorldOrder
33rd degree Mason President Roosevelt put these satanic images on our currency, and we must all realize fully that our government is both evil, and the enemy.- the street layout of Washington DC is laid out on a grid of Masonic Sacred Geometry: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/chapter3/
Our government is controlled by the ruling elite vermin who erected the Georgia Guidestones with its bloodthirsty genocidal message which flat out states their intention to kill 12 out of 13 people on the earth to radically reduce our numbers, but we aren't going to take this, we're going to fight back and we're going to WIN!!
Together, we will thwart these genocidal plans by working together to educate and alert our family, friends and neighbors, and by taking appropriate proactive offensive and defensive actions.
Our country is not what it appears to be. It has never been about freedom, it has never been anything but the tip of the Illuminati's spear, their primary vehicle for forcing the whole world into bondage. It is up to us all to expose this lie, as we revolt against this emerging genocide.
33rd degree Mason President Roosevelt put these images on our currency, and we must all realize fully that our government is both evil, and the enemy. Our government is controlled by the ruling elite vermin who erected the Georgia Guidestones with its bloodthirsty genocidal message which flat out states their intention to kill 12 out of 13 people on the earth to radically reduce our numbers, but we aren't going to take this, we're going to fight back and we're going to WIN!! Together, we will thwart these genocidal plans by working together to educate and alert our family, friends and neighbors, and by taking appropriate proactive offensive and defensive actions.
A good friend of mine is one of only 17 survivors out of the 500 people from Ft.Dix who were injected with the Swine Flu vaccine in 1976. http://www.newswithviews.com/Tenpenny/sherri121.htm He is disabled, and the DoD has done nothing to help him. All they do is give him the run around. One day they say they're going to give him some sort of treatment he needs, then when he shows up for an appointment they tell him "you were not scheduled for an appointment today." His Senators and Congressman only go through the motions when responding. This is why there are so many homeless veterans living in the streets, panhandling- the DoD and our government have turned their backs on them.
The Army owes him over $80,000. that they refuse to pay, and they clearly hope he'll just die and go away like the others. I just visited this friend, and he is not going away. He is an inspiration to me because he's doing all he can to try to rebuild his health that was damaged by our evil government which used him as part of a population reduction experiment, an experiment that they're clearly soon planning on extending to ALL of us, but it won't work- because we're going to monkeywrench their plans.
Watch this You Tube of a marine corps soldier who has to go on a dialysis machine due to kidney failure due to being subjected to an experimental flu vaccine:
Notice how the DoD has done nothing to help him. Do you fully grasp now that the Government is your ENEMY? What happened to him is the same thing that happened to my friend and hundreds of others who was given the swine flu vaccine at Ft.Dix in 1976.
Flu shots were added to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Table in 2003, meaning, if anyone is injured, a claim needs to be filed through the Federal Court of Claims and it will be years before it is adjudicated. And that is just the basic layer of protection. All the drug companies have to do is whisper that this may be a “terrorist attack” and they are home free. See http://www.newswithviews.com/Tenpenny/sherri121.htm
The Mexican government is covering up the truth about whats happening there right now to protect their tourist industry.Yesterday I was the guest of Bill Deagle, MD on his radio show. If you missed it, you can hear the archive at http://gcnlive.com/Archives2009/may09/Nutrimedical/0511091.mp3 Dr. Deagle has sources inside all the biggest Mexican hospitals. As of a week ago there were over a thousand dead inside the biggest hospital in Juarez, but you never heard that on the news because you weren't supposed to know about it.
Our government has not put HEPA filters aboard all planes coming into the USA, they have not closed the border with Mexico, they have not put sensors in place in immigration lines in airports to detect people's temperatures, and they're not quarantining people who have temperatures who are coming from overseas (as they have been doing all over Asia in airports ever since the SARS epidemic a few years ago) for the simple reason that they're working to DELIBERATELY TRIGGER a pandemic in order to cull our numbers and to trigger martial law.
Grasp that the first wave of this flu strain won't be the worst, successive waves will be more and more deadly as the virus continues to mutate. Grasp that before it was not able to mutate at 98.6 F, but now it can. Grasp that Novavax and the CDC collaborated to create this "Mexican Flu", and that we are going to see serious fallout from it come fall and winter as it continues to spread and mutate around the world unless we take the following steps to protect ourselves:
Computer models have shown that in a pandemic, more deaths are caused by societal upheaval than by the pandemic itself. The first to die in large numbers are "first responder" medical personnel and police.
You will therefor need to take steps to be your own doctor, and to provide for your own self defense. If you live in or near a large metropolitan area, I recommend you consider moving, and if you can't move, consider what it would be like if trucks weren't resupplying supermarkets with food, and if no one were responding to 911 calls for help.
The Governor of Montana has just signed a law there that repeals all Federal Gun Control legsislation for firearms and ammunition manufactured in that state. See http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2245330/posts If the Feds attempt to challenge this law, it could result in Montana seceeding from the Union.
Obama is the most anti second amendment President in history. He is pulling out all stops to try to disarm us in anticipation of martial law. Montana is a place where it would be easier to defend yourself, but it could also become the center of attention in a martial law scenario with US Army troops sent there en masse. I recommend everyone on the IAHF joining Gun Owners of America and assisting with their legislative alerts: http://gunowners.org/ Congress is now trying to pass a Medical Records gun ban which would retroactively ban numerous military veterans and others who should not be blocked from possessing firearms. http://gunowners.org/a042709.htm
Obviously I recommended getting well armed in anticipation of martial law, and I recommend stocking up on food, and other supplies.
3. Grasp that the whole Germ Theory of Disease is flawed. Pasteur, who developed it, capitulated on his death bed to his biggest critic, Antoine Beauchamp by saying "Its not the GERM, its the TERRAIN." He was right. By maintaining a slightly alkaline ph, we can absorb maximum amount of oxygen into our cells, and thats the best way to prevent any flu. Read The Battle for Health is Over Ph by Gary Tunsky http://www.amazon.com/Battle-Health-Over-pH/dp/0972063617
4. Sulfur increases the permeability of cell membranes allowing for maximum absorption of oxygen into the cells. If you eat a lot of organic vegetables you'll get sulfur via that means. You can also get organic sulfur in one pound cannisters from Patrick McGean in Utah at 801-290-2013.
5. The most bioavailable silver in the world is manufactured by www.silver100.com This is ionic silver complexed with citrate ions for a vastly improved delivery system. It kills antibiotic resistant staph infections, and even the MERSA virus. I have seen thousands of unsolicited testimonials sent to the owner of the company from satisfied customers and have used it myself for years. I wouldn't want to be caught without it this fall and winter when this lab created virus mutates and triggers martial law.
6. Megadoses of vitamin C, Vitamins A & D also have powerful immune boosting properties. The Life Extension Foundation www.lef.org is a good source of supplements and information about them.
A. True Ott, ND sent me a draft for an injunction to be filed in all 50 states against mandatory vaccination. It needs work, and I am helping fine tune it. We will need to approach some public interest law firms such as The Thomas More Law Center, and the American Center for Law and Justice to help get it filed.
Obviously no one should take a vaccine, and if they try to force it on you, you must resist and oppose our criminal government with everything you have. The vaccines are intended to kill us.
You can clearly see that by watching this You Tube to see the marine who had to go on a dialysis machine after flu vaccine destroyed his kidneys:http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=GB&hl=en-GB&v=npWPwLcUyw0 Notice how the DoD has done nothing to help him. Do you fully grasp now that the Government is your ENEMY?
We must rapidly generate massive awareness of the collusion between the Centers for Disease Control and Novavax Inc. to trigger off this pandemic, and to foist these tainted vaccines off on us for population control purposes:
Mexican Flu Outbreak 2009 Special Report by Dr.Leonard Horowitz
We must push for Congressional oversight on FDA's Trilateral Cooperation Charter with Canada and Mexico to defend our access to dietary supplements. This is how FDA is trying to usher genocidal UN Codex vitamin dictates into North America: http://www.nocodexgenocide.com/page/page/3113337.htm
IAHF 556 Boundary Bay Rd., Point Roberts WA 98281 USA
For Health Freedom,
John Hammell, President