To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:
Hello, Firstname |
Next week our speaker will be Jim Holmes, who will be presenting his talk entitled ‘Humanitarian Vision’. This will explore the extraordinary work done around the world by agencies and charities that specialise in humanitarian emergency interventions and long-term development projects. Uplifting and insightful, this presentation includes images from Afghanistan, Mongolia, Laos, Indonesia and Burma shot on assignment for Oxfam, Save the Children the United Nations and many other organisations. From rural education to basic healthcare, natural disasters and the need for clean water, this presentation illustrates the picture gathering process and lifts the lid on the needs, solutions and outcomes of the development process.
Jim is a professional documentary photographer that has lived and worked around the world for over 30 years. Assignments have taken him to over 50 countries where he worked extensively on humanitarian projects for numerous international agencies. Making S.E. Asia his home for over 20 years he used this base to work around the region for commercial and not-for-profit clients. Jim has also worked on the visual documentation of mineral exploration (copper and gold), large river hydropower projects, as well as for well-respected travel guide and educational publishers.
Zoom details:
- Meeting link - click LINK
- Meeting ID: 861 4515 3763
- Passcode: 983613
Next Monday, 14 June, it is time for the monthly Digital Group meeting where every BPS member is invited to join in. With the lockdown easing you may have ventured out or else busy with processing/refining your images ready for the next year’s competitions. A reminder - there is still one more competition yet to come, the Creative Competition with the deadline of 16 June. (Don’t worry about Barry, he is judging and so out of that competition.)
If you would like to have comments from others on your work or would just like to show off what you have been doing please send your images to me for presentation at the DI meeting in an informal atmosphere. If you have been experimenting with new techniques with your camera or processing your images you may want to share them.
Please send your images to me by Sunday 13 June, 6 pm.
Images: JPG format, sRGB colour space, 1600 x 1200 pixels (same as competitions but not strict), prefix filenames with 01, 02, 03 etc. if you wish to show them in that order. Email attachment size - max 20Mb per email.
I look forward to seeing you on Monday.
- Meeting Link -Click HERE
- Meeting ID: 824 7517 3911
- Password: 263401
Ashwin Chauhan
Digital Imaging Group
Creative Competition - Bob Faris Trophy |
The closing date for the Creative Competition is Wednesday, 16 June.
Coronavirus put paid to the competition last year, but we are now hoping for a bumper crop of entries to celebrate the late Bob Faris who instigated the competition and designed and donated the splendid trophy.
Now could be your chance to wrest that trophy from the hands of Barry Mead, who will not be competing but will be the judge.
As with all our competitions this year, all entries must be digital images. Here are the rules:
For this competition, a submitted image must have originated as a photographic image or images, produced either in camera or by post processing. All images must be original and may not incorporate elements produced by anyone else. Artwork or computer graphics generated by the entrant may be incorporated so long as the original photographic content predominates. Digital skills should be seen as the tools to compose photographic images into one new single image. The final composition will show the photographer’s artistic interpretation.
This is an Open competition, with no levels of entry.
Images may have been entered into any previous club competition and may be entered into any subsequent bi-monthly or annual competition, other than this one.
The Trophy winner will not be eligible to enter the next two Creative Competitions.
Each entrant may submit up to three images.
Please submit your images in the usual way to by 16 June. We hope to see everything from the profoundly deranged to the delicately strange. Penguins are not obligatory.
Last Wednesday saw the running of Part 2 of the Annual Competition and the announcement of all the winners. The results are shown below:
Lance Allen |
Portishead Through The Eye |
1st |
Nick Snell |
Misty Morning Clifton Bridge |
1st |
Jenny Wood |
Dreaming of a Better World |
2nd |
Jenny Wood |
Broken Jawed Captain's Olympic Medal Winning Moment |
3rd |
Suzanne Allen |
Ready For The Bin Men |
HC |
Ramesh Chauhan |
Masai Mother And Baby |
HC |
Ramesh Chauhan |
Relaxing |
HC |
Joe Jancar |
Foggy Bridge |
HC |
Joe Jancar |
Sunnet |
HC |
Nick Snell |
People Reflecting |
HC |
Howard Thomas |
Things are Looking Up |
HC |
Andrew Wood |
Ernesto, Trinidad, Cuba |
1st |
Andrew Whettam |
A Point in Time |
2nd |
Barry Mead |
Lagoon Platoon |
3rd |
Colin Dixon |
Gender Transition |
HC |
Colin Dixon |
Unmasked |
HC |
Colin Dixon |
Enchanted |
HC |
Steve Field |
Full Strike |
HC |
Mike Martin |
Mind Cage |
HC |
Mike Martin |
Heartbeat |
HC |
Peter McCloskey |
Generation Gap |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Puppeteer |
HC |
Barry Mead |
Enforcer |
HC |
Sue O'Connell |
Blue Boy |
HC |
Sue O'Connell |
Shell Papoose |
HC |
Sue O'Connell |
Trio of Eagle Hunters |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon |
The Demolition Man |
HC |
Derwood Pamphilon |
Dahzai Villager Smoking |
HC |
Alan Searle |
The Mine Work Shop |
HC |
Joanne Searle |
Catch of The Day |
HC |
Andrew Whettam |
Weather at Perch Rock Lighthouse |
HC |
Andrew Whettam |
Skye Fire |
HC |
Andrew Wood |
Plague Doctor |
HC |
Andrew Wood |
Omo Valley Sundown |
HC |
Andrew Wood |
Football Crazy |
HC |
Graham Pears |
Osprey with Trout |
1st |
Mary Pears |
Vixen at Water's Edge |
2nd |
Ann Mead |
Wasp Stealing Fly on Web |
3rd |
Sandie Cox |
Alaskan Red Fox 3 |
HC |
John Hudson |
Red Squirrel with Hazelnut |
HC |
Richard Kay |
Tails First |
HC |
Graham Pears |
Pine Marten with Kit |
HC |
Graham Pears |
Mountain Hare Running |
HC |
Graham Pears |
Jay Feeding Juvenile in Rain |
HC |
Mary Pears |
Hare interaction |
HC |
Mary Pears |
Cuckoo about to Land |
HC |
Andrew Wood |
Ernesto, Trinidad, Cuba |
Graham Pears |
Osprey with Trout |
Andrew Whettam |
Skye Fire |
Andrew Whettam |
A Point in Time |
Andrew Wood |
Ernesto, Trinidad, Cuba |
Andrew Wood |
Omo Valley Sundown |
Andrew Wood
Ernesto, Trinidad, Cuba
Lance Allen
Portishead Through The Eye
Nick Snell
Misty Morning Clifton Bridge
Graham Pears
Osprey with Trout
Andrew Whettam
Skye Fire
Andrew Whettam
A Point in Time
Andrew Wood
Omo Valley Sundown
NEW - Download issue 284 of PAGB eNews here. This includes information about the Masters of Print competition and the PAGB Inter Federation Competition
Download Issue 88 of Photography News here.
Click on image for futrther details:
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes |
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell us we can't possibly know!
Well done to the following for successes in the recent competitions
Robin Hood Photography Exhibition in Nottingham
Steve Field - 2 acceptances
Mike Martin - 2 acceptances
Sue O'Connell - 9 Acceptances including 2 awards
Graham Pears - 2 Acceptance
Mary Pears - 2 acceptances
PAGB Masters of Print Exhibition
5 BPS members were successful in this exhibition and had prints accepted, they were:
Barry Mead (2)
Mary Pears
Sue O'Connell
Ralph Snook
Sandie Cox
Salon acceptances: BPS photographers are now achieving large numbers of salon acceptances and constraints on time and space mean we can't include them all. So please only advise of awards or other milestones.
Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Make Money For BPS Every Time You Shop On Amazon! |
Now we're all still in lockdown, the thought of on-line shopping must be looming large in many members' minds. It's worth remembering that if you so wish, each and every one of you can support BPS with every purchase you make on Amazon by using Amazon Smile. Click on the link below – then it’s self-explanatory.
Shopping using Smile is no different to your normal Amazon shopping and costs you nothing, it's just that you need to tell it that you wish to use Smile and then we get some pennies!
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in" |
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following:
Username - Your Membership Number Password - Created by you
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE