Between flooding and fires, it seems there are few places on earth that are safe anymore. While the eastern United States and South Asia are inundated with unprecedented amouints of water from rain and seawater surges from recent storms, the western U.S. is burning up with a high number of fires that are yet to be under control.
Hurricane Harvey has monopolized the news outlets, however, and many people are unaware of the other disasters, or at least their extent, as people are losing their homes, property, possessions, their animals and their lives by fire or flood.
Now, as Harvey begins to settle, another, even bigger disaster is on the way. Hurricane Irma, already slamming the Caribbean islands, will hit the U.S. soon, too. That storm is the largest hurricane in recorded history and will completely cover the state of Florida, wreaking more destruction, perhaps, than Harvey just did in Texas.
Many agencies are at work to assist in rescue and support of victims, including the animals caught in the devastation.

Here are some links to stories about the struggles:
And here are some links to sites that have useful information and advice as to houw you can help:
Foster a Hurricane Pet to help match Hurricane Harvey pets in need with temporary foster homes. http://chewonthis.maddiesfund.org/2017/09/foster-a-hurricane-pet/
Find a foster home for your pet or to offer your home to a pet in need. https://fosterahurricanepet.org/
You can also donate to the various charities, especially humane societies, that help disaster victims. |