Dear ,
In this newsletter:
- Dutch Events (Coaching with Horses, Who are You?, Winter Walk & Talk, Dutch Boot Camps and more...)
- Looking for linguists (for research)
- New Webinar (Send in your Questions)
- Sinterklaas
- App: Woordwolk
- Reminder: Would you like me to be Trainer of the Year?
Dutch Events are events in which you can use your Dutch with my help and learn something new, unless stated otherwise.

Coaching with Horses: Thursday, December 4th, Bussum, 14:00-16:00, €30,-
Meet a horse and discover more about yourself! Experience the power of working with horses. A horse is like a mirror! Horses can teach us the skills that move us beyond our current reality into a greater level of consciousness and connection to all things.
If there is any fear for horses, no worries, the skilled team of 2PK will deal with that first. This training doesn't involve horseback riding. You will work with the horse from the ground.
Asta, Linda and their horses will give us a warm welcome. You can sign up here.
Who are you? Friday, December 12th, 10:30-12:00, Bussum, €20,-
Fun training about finding your personal qualities, taught by Isebrand Kremer. Useful at work and in your private life and good for your Dutch. You can sign up here.
Winter Walk & Talk Friday, December 19th, 10:00-13:00, Bussum, €7,50 pp
You can come alone or bring your tandem partner (€13,- per tandem). Dutch & German teacher wil be available. If it is too cold, we can chat inside. You can sign up here.
Ladies Only (No Dutch Teacher Available!) Wednesday, January 7th, 19:30-22:00, Bussum, only €5,- p.p.
A variety of workshops to chose from. For info, please mail (And remember, with the Dutch code words "Geniet en Ontspan" you can get a 10% discount on your beauty treatments or massages at Wellness en Meer in Bussum!)

You can find our immersion courses (any level, small groups) right here.
Are you a linguist? Do languages come easily to you? Would you like to participate in my research? Please send me a mail if you would be interested: (A meeting is planned for January 20th, for about 2 hrs, in or near Bussum)
Now that I have a better internet connection, I'm planning to have webinars on a regular basis. The next one will be held on January 11th, 17:00-18:00. You can send in the questions you would like to be answered:
Sinterklaas is having his birthday, and therefore he gives presents ;-) If you order an e-voucher for Dutch Lessons at Learn Dutch Fast in December, you only pay 90% of the value. Send me a mail:
Most of you will know by now that one of my favorite Dutch movies is: "Het paard van Sinterklaas". It is for sale at for €5,- (used, new €10,-). You can mail me ( for the complete text of the dialogues.
Need more Dutch gifts for Sinterklaas or Christmas? Check my favorite site for "not so touristic but still real Dutch" gifts. Or you can order e-vouchers at Wellness en Meer in Bussum ( Don't forget to use your secret code "Geniet en Ontspan" for a 10% discount. I have been there for a massage, and I can tell you: it was wonderful!
If you would like to learn some of the Sinterklaas songs, this link will bring you to a nice collection of songs with karaoke text in Dutch.
I have translated one of them for you: "Hoor Wie Klopt Daar Kind'ren" (starts at 15:54)
Hoor wie klopt daar kind'ren,
Hoor wie klopt daar kind'ren.
Hoor wie tikt daar zachtjes tegen 't raam.
't Is een vreemd'ling zeker, die verdwaald is zeker.
'k Zal eens even vragen naar zijn naam...
Sint Nicolaas, Sint Nicolaas
Breng ons vanavond een bezoek
En strooi dan wat lekkers in de één of andere hoek.
Hear who knocks there children,
Hear who knocks there children,
Hear who taps softly against the window.
It's a stranger surely,
Who is lost surely,
I will ask him for his name.
Saint Nicholas, Saint Nicholas,
Pay us a call tonight,
And thow some candy
In one or the other corner.
Have a great December 5th!
APP: WOORDWOLK (word cloud)
Check out this free app... If a word is on the tip of your tongue, but you can't seem to remember, you can fill in an associated word and the app will find the word you were thinking of.
Tip for self study: how many of the
words that were found did you already know?

Just a reminder that it would be super if you could spend 30 seconds of your time to fill out the poll about Learn Dutch Fast... Good for me and good for your Dutch ;-) (Only for prior clients. Beoordelen = to evaluate, 1 is not good, 10 is perfect). Thank you!
Met vriendelijke groet,
Sylvia Clements