Issue 420                  

                                                28 January 2021
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:  
Hello, Firstname
Wednesday 3 February
Next week we see Bob Johnson ARPS on our screens when he will be presenting his talk: The Kingdom of the Ice Bear.
Bob tells us the story of his four week trip photographing polar bears from the Havsel, an old seal hunting boat. We will hear all about this famous old boat and her equally well known captain Bjorn Kvernmo and, of course, we will see the many bears that they found on the polar ice cap.

Bob says: 'This talk tells the story of my four weeks in the Arctic on an old seal hunting boat. The talk covers the story behind the trip, life on the ‘Havsel' and of course the many polar bears that we encountered amongst the ice flow. Our journey took us into the polar ice pack and within 450 miles of the North Pole. I knew from the start that I would eventually be telling the story of both the famous old ship, her equally well-known captain and of course the polar bears. And so I spent time photographing the whole story.'
You can see some of Bob's images by visiting his website, although it doesn't look as if Bob is really a website type of person as the pictures are quite old - click here.
The meeting starts at 19:30hrs but will be open from 19:15hrs.

Zoom meeting details:
  • Join the Zoom Meeting by following this link:  LINK 
  • Meeting ID: 869 6885 2568
  • Password: 736810
John Long
It is with much regret that we have to inform you that John Long, President of Kingswood Photographic Society passed away in Southmead Hospital last week. John will have been known to a great many BPS members as both a friend and a judge, and had been a prominent figure in the Photographic Community of Bristol and beyond for many years. John was heavily involved with the Bristol Salon for many years when it was run by BPS, Bristol CC and Kingswood PS, a relationship that lasted until 1971 Our condolences go to John's family and to Kingswood Photographic Society who have lost a long standing member but most importantly a friend.
If you feel that you would like to send a card to his son Nick, I am sure he would appreciate your thoughts. His address is :
3 The Reddings, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 4SB.
Projected Image Competition - Round 3
Last Wednesday saw Round 3 of the Projected Image Competition, which was judged by Rob Heslop from Lydney CC. The results are shown below:
Jenny Wood Before The Storm 1st
Jenny Wood Ringed Plover 2nd
Sue Swift Above The Snow 3rd
Lance Allen Connecting With Mother Earth HC
Jenny Wood Sweet Spot HC
Howard Thomas Glos Cathedral 1st
Nick Snell Misty Morning Clifton 2nd
Mick Jupp Exeter Cathedral 3rd
Anita Fullerton Past It's Prime HC
Joe Jancar Early Morning Mist HC
Nigel Owen Caribbean Cornwall HC
Nick Snell Jetty Loch Ard HC
Andy Tandy Across The Vale HC
Andrew Wood Football Crazy 1st
Jeff Hargreaves Havana Passtime 2nd
Ashwin Chauhan Enjoy A Life 3rd
Sandie Cox Rwandan Traditional Game HC
Steve Field In The Net HC
Derwood Pamphilon Chasing The Ball HC
Mike Martin Descent Into The Unknown 1st
Andrew Wood St George's Church Lalibela 2nd
John Hudson Red Squirrel With Hazelnut 3rd
Sandie Cox Malachite Kingfisher Preening HC
Beryl Heaton Rosemary Beetle On Lavender HC
Ann Mead Leafcutter Bee On Ragwort HC
Ann Mead Zebra Back Spider Ready To Jump HC
Derwood Pamphilon It's My Kitchen HC
Mary Pears Goldfinch And Siskin Spat HC
Winning Images
Before The Storm
Jenny Wood
Glos Cathedral
Howard Thomas
Football Crazy
Andrew Wood
Descent Into The Unknown
Mike Martin
Situations Vacant
Someone with a knowledge of the insurance industry to look after the insurances for BPS. We have had a poll of members of Council and none of them have any solid experience or knowledge of the insurance world. We are therefore looking for a Society member who would be prepared to look after our insurances. This is not a very onerous job, but it is important to get right.
At present we have the following insurance to cover:
  • The building
  • Building contents
  • Building liability 
  • Public Liability
  • Trustees'/Managers' Liability
You would be required to check that the existing policies cover all that we need and liaise with the Treasurer to ensure that premiums are paid by the due date. 
Someone to oversee charitable matters relating to the Society. We are a registered charity and you would be required to advise Council of any requirements of the Charity Commission, either current or in the future.
Neither of these posts is likely to be particularly time consuming, but they are important to the effective running of the Society. If you feel that you can help in any of these matters, would you please contact the Chairman, Ralph Snook, at 
Masters of Print Competition
Keep the files coming. 

There is no panic at the moment if you are still deciding on which of your award winning images to enter.  You have until 24 Feb to email me the files.  I am also planning to make the 24th the print pick up date - probably from outside the club rooms at 10:00am.  I will confirm this

I will also collect entry fees on the 24th - £3 per print entered

I will then label them, pay the entry fee and get them off to the Comp Secretary.

Still time if you want to join in with Team MOP!

FIAP Colour Biennial Selection
Thank you everyone for your submissions for this selection. Whilst I knew they were seeking 30 images, 20 for PDIs and 10 to be printed, I hadn’t appreciated that the print entry would be in one of the three classes and PDIs in another and no entry in to the third category.  I also failed to appreciate that each of the entries had to sit as a panel; as such, and in the words of the judges, some excellent individual images had to be omitted to ensure panel cohesiveness.  So no one should be disheartened by not being selected. 

I’ve just seen the post copied below from Adrian Lines on behalf of the selectors for team PAGB (England) and am pleased to see that four of our images made the selection into the 20 PDIs put forward to the FIAP Colour Biennial  to be judged in France on 27 March.   
Within the Minimalistic category, they have chosen to present Landscapes – none of our images really fitted that theme. 
However, in the Creative Portraits we had four images selected as part of the England 20 image submission:
  • Black Look – Mike Martin
  • Face Off – Mike Martin
  • Last Look Back – Barry Mead
  • Wheels of Time – Barry Mead
After the judging, Adrian Lines will display the England Entry in full and create a slide show including some of the excellent additional images not selected.

Bristol Salon
Entry for the Salon closed last weekend and I'm really pleased at the large entry we had, the total number of images received was nearly 50% up on 2020 with getting on for 13,000 images. BPS put in a really good show, with 47 members submitting entries, so here's hoping for a bumper crop of club acceptances. The judging takes place over the next week to ten days, so you should know your fate pretty soon. 
WCPF DPIC Competition
DPIC 2021 - Put Sunday 7 February in your Diary
This event will be held on Sunday 7 February and judged remotely by Brian Swinyard ARPS DPAGB EFIAP/b, Graham Walton DPAGB, Rod Wheelans MPAGB HonPAGB MFIAP FIPF
All WCPF members will be able to view the event via Zoom. Full details (including the Zoom link) and a timetable will be posted as soon as possible.
Photography Show
Following on from September’s Virtual Festival, there will be another ‘Photography Show’ online event on 6 & 7 March 2021 with a refreshed format. Visitors can expect an extensive programme of exclusive tutorials and masterclasses; plus product demos and interactive advice clinics hosted by kit specialists and big brands. The show will also feature exclusive deals and offer the chance to purchase kit and accessories from a range of outlets. Register your interest here
I know that the highlight of your week is reading the wonderful words from yours truly, but would you please note, that owing to the pressure of Salon work, the weekly Zoom meeting reminders, normally sent out on Tuesdays, will stop for the foreseeable future. You are going to have to save your weekly edition of the full newsletter until at least the following Wednesday for the meeting links. Failing that, the links are always in the Members' section of the BPS website. 
To gain access to the Members' section, you will need the log in details that you created when the new website was launched - I'm sure that you can all remeber those! If you can't remember these, please contact the Webmaster (Matt) at
You didn't need reminding to turn up at Unit 13 on a Wednesday - so you shouldn't need reminding to log in to Zoom each week.
Download issue 274 of PAGB eNews here.
Here is a suplpliment to e-News 275, which is due for publication on 1 February. This suppliment contains details of the recent PAGB on-line adjudication - click here.
Download the issue 84 of Photography News here.
WCPF AV Bulletin
AV Competition
The AV Competition will be held via Zoom on 10th April. Malcolm Imhoff (MCPF) will be the judge. There is no charge to enter the competition this year, and no charge to be an observer. Please download an Entry Form here
PAGB AV Adjudication
Exmouth Photo Group are hosting this on behalf of the WCPF. It will be conducted as a Zoom event on Sunday 14th February. There has been a fantastic response, and we have seven CPAGB applications, six ‘D’s and four ‘M’s. Nine of the applicants are from WCPF clubs. The panel will be Rod Wheelans, Robert Albright, Howard Bagshaw, Richard Speirs, Martin Fry and Gordon Jenkins. Howard Tate (PAGB President) will introduce the event.
This event is free of charge to observe – to get a Zoom link please email
New AV Competition – the Jurassic Coast AV Salon
Exmouth Photo Group have taken over the running of the previous Bridgend 5-8 AV Competition. The event has been extended into two categories, Photo Harmony and Open, and has patronage from the PAGB and the PSSA. This is an international high-profile event, so a great initiative by a WCPF club.
Ian Bateman
AV Secretary, WCPF
WCPF Members' Exhibition
The 2021 WCPF Members' Exhibition (MX) is now open for entries it will close on Saturday 6 March. 
Terms and Conditions
The entry classes are restricted to 4 PDI classes (Open, Nature, Creative, Photo Travel) due to social distancing restrictions. If it becomes possible to judge prints, the 2020 print entry will be used. The class definitions will be available on the entry website.  
Carry-over from the 2020 Entry
As the 2020 exhibition did not take place, by default all entries and entry fees will be carried forward to the 2021 exhibition. Once the entry system opens, entries in the PDI classes can be changed with no further entry fee. Additional PDI images and/or classes can be entered with the payment of the appropriate entry fee.
The exhibition has PAGB Patronage and PAGB Gold, Silver and Bronze medals plus Selector Ribbons will be awarded in each class.  Highly commended certificates  will also be awarded in each class.
The ‘Margaret Aven’ trophy for the entrant who gains the most acceptances across all 4 classes, and ‘Best Wildlife’ trophy in the Nature classe will also be awarded again this year.
  •   Richard Spiers DPAGB APGAB BPE2
  •   Mike Sharples MPAGB ARPS EFIAP ABPE
  •   David Gibbins ARPS APAGB EFIAP/g BPE5
We hope that members of WCPF clubs will continue to support the exhibition and submit their entries in good time.
For full details, click here.
If anything is unclear or there are any questions then please get in touch with the Exhibition Secretary by email at
Zoom Council Meeting, Knightshayes Trophy and Afternoon Lecture
Saturday 6 March, 2021
Schedule for the Day
10.00 am Council Meeting open to all WCPF Club Members followed by the
Knightshayes Trophy Competition judged by Nick Bodle, President of the WCPF                         Set subject  “Togetherness” to win the Superb Knightshayes Trophy for a year
2.00 pm Chris Palmer FRPS DPAGB APAGB EFIAP 
Talk “The Eloquent Landscape
Zoom Meeting Admission
Full login instructions will be sent to all Club Reps and competition entrants two weeks
 before the event. There will be no charge for the Judging or the Afternoon Lecture
Competition Entry requirements for Knightshayes Trophy
WCPF Club members, may enter up to TWO DIGITAL IMAGES on “Togetherness”
JPEG format, up to 1200 x 1600 pixels, files to be titled as follows –
1_Title up to 30 characters_Photographers Name inc distinctions_Club
2_Title up to 30 characters_Photographers Name inc distinctions_Club
Entries to be e-mailed as attachments to -
by closing date Saturday 13th February 2021. NO FEE FOR ENTERING IMAGES
            Queries - Contact Pam and Eddy Lane Knightshayes Trophy Competition Secretaries 
2.00 pm Chris Palmer FRPS EFIAP DPAGB APAGB Afternoon Speaker
Talk “The Eloquent Landscape”
The title indicates that I’ll be talking about my pictures, but in addition I like to think that my images ‘talk’, or communicate with the viewer.  Emphasising my own philosophy of getting an image right when I shoot it, I’ll discuss camera craft, the importance of light, and the way I photograph when out on location - I will be relating the actual taking experiences.  Although predominantly landscape, I will also include urban, and monochrome photography, mostly captured in the UK and Ireland, although not entirely.
I take pictures for me, (not any judge), and to satisfy my own creative desires, increasingly shooting thematically in sets of images, rather than gathering individual competition images.
Chris’s Background
Chris confesses to being a “photo-holic”, embracing all aspects of photography, but regards himself primarily as a pictorialist, and loves working in the landscape.  He particularly enjoys the thrill of discovery out on location, whether in the countryside, on a beach, in a town, or city. A busy national PAGB judge and popular lecturer, Chris has visited many different Camera Clubs, and judged regional, national and international exhibitions.  He is a Fellow of the RPS and serves on the Visual Art Panel as Deputy Chair, and also provides advice at RPS distinction advisory days.
He holds a Distinction of the PAGB and has received an APAGB award for his services to photography.  Chris has had success and gained awards in international exhibitions when working for his AFIAP & subsequent EFIAP qualifications. Chris is a member of Amersham Photographic Society, and is delighted to be a member of the prestigious London Salon.
Trumpet Blowers' Corner
Salon acceptances: BPS photographers are now achieving large numbers of salon acceptances and constraints on time and space mean we can't include them all. So please only advise of awards or other milestones.

Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.

Make Money For BPS Every Time You Shop On Amazon!
Now we're all in Tier 3 lockdown again, the thought of on-line shopping must be looming large in many members' minds. It's worth remembering that if you so wish, each and every one of you can support BPS with every purchase you make on Amazon by using Amazon Smile. Click on the link below – then it’s self-explanatory.
Shopping using Smile is no different to your normal Amazon shopping and costs you nothing, it's just that you need to tell it that you wish to use Smile and then we get some pennies!
For Sale
That Pandora's Box, also known as Bob Faris' office has opened up again, this time with a set of Canon bellows. Anyone interested in making an offer for these (proceeds to club funds), please email me at bpsnewsletter@bristolphoto,org,uk 
25 Canon Auto Bellows (in original  box) with Macro Auto Ring, Macro Photo adapter MA-52 and Double Cable Release
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
Photographic Acronyms
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in"
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following:
Username - Your Membership Number            Password - Created by you
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:  
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE