'Art Wars' works currently available for purchase by Antony Micallef, Paul Fryer, Mat Collishaw, Hayden Kays, Ben Moore, and Alison Jackson.
We are now accepting offers on the following artworks (see below).
Please email your offers and any enquiries to info@artwars.net
Proceeds from 'Art Wars' go to the ‘Missing Tom’ fund, which was started up specifically to raise money to support the search for Thomas Moore who has been missing for 10 years. www.missingtom.com
‘Peace Keeper’ 2013
310 x 310 x 325 mm, Oil Paint on Stormtrooper helmet.
Stormtrooper helmet provided by Andrew Ainsworth of Shepperton Design Studios using the original moulds he used for the first Star Wars movie in 1976. Signed by Antony Micallef and Andrew Ainsworth.
About the artist
Having won the BP Portrait Award in 2000, Anthony Micallef moved away from strict portraiture preferring to combine his exquisite draughtsmanship with a dark and passionate exploration of colour and contemporary expressionism as a means of dissecting what he sees as the frivolities of pop culture. He says, "The trouble with pop imagery is that it doesn’t really go deeper than the surface, you have to drag it down and challenge it to make it interesting. When you put two contrasting images together it causes friction and that is the bit I’m interested in." In the present work, the dark, Bacon-esque smears to the face conjure unlooked for associations when combined with the delicately alluring roses, the juxtaposition revealing at once the saccharine seduction of colourful pop imagery and consumerism alongside its dark and troubling underbelly. This complexity and brutal beauty explain why Anthony Micallef has become one of the most promising young artists working in Britain today. www.antonymicallef.com

Photocredit Bran Symondson, 2013
‘Mud Trooper’ 2013
310 x 310 x 325 mm, Papier Mache and Air-dry Clay
Stormtrooper helmet provided by Andrew Ainsworth of Shepperton Design Studios using the original moulds he used for the first Star Wars movie in 1976. Signed by Paul Fryer and Andrew Ainsworth.
About the artist
Paul Fryer’s work has been bought by some of the most well-heeled collectors in the world, including Damien Hirst and Karl Lagerfeld. Damien Hirst kick-started his career when he convinced the artist to remake a piece of his work from the 80s seven years ago.
He says about 'Mud Trooper'
I made the Mud Trooper because the stormtrooper helmet reminded me of the Papua New Guinea Mudmen and their strange headgear. I like the archetypal, inhuman element of the stormtrooper mask. It suggested ritual and magic, and the wonder and fear this imbues.
I recalled the wonder and fear of seeing Star Wars as a boy and the feeling of amazement that Lucas had managed to bring the future to us so comprehensively. But everything must pass, and even that galaxy far away must see it's wonders eventually crumble and become obsolete and forgotten. I thought on the twilight of the Gods and the books of Von Daniken. That said the image of the Mudman seems somehow outside of time and space, and as such is not diminished by the superficial anachronism inherent in the idea of a Mud Trooper.

‘StormOffSki’ 2010
310 x 310 x 325 mm, 6000 Swarowksi Xilion Rose Crystals
Stormtrooper helmet provided by Andrew Ainsworth of Shepperton Design Studios using the original moulds he used for the first Star Wars movie in 1976. Signed by Ben Moore and Andrew Ainsworth.
Ben Moore is the founder of Art Below, and the creator of 'Art Wars'. He first teamed up with Andrew Ainsworth, maker of the original Stormtrooper from
Star Wars in 2007, and began using the iconic figure as a force for art. The most notorious of his 'Art Wars' work is arguably the 'pink stormtrooper' which famously appeared in the London city riots in 2009, and in December 2010 carried out a 'Stormtrooper strip tease' in front of the Houses of Parliament to a screaming audience of student protestors.
His 'Art Wars' works and installations have been exhibited at the Tate Modern, Somerset House, the V&A, and Moore most recently organised, curated and took part in 'Art Wars' at the Saatchi Gallery featuring artists including Damien Hirst, Yinka Shonibare MBE, and Jake and Dinos Chapman to raise money to support the search for his brother Thomas Moore who has been missing for 10 years.
‘May the Fork be with You’ 2013
310 x 310 x 1425 mm, Pitchfork into Stormtrooper helmet
Stormtrooper helmet provided by Andrew Ainsworth of Shepperton Design Studios using the original moulds he used for the first Star Wars movie in 1976. Signed by Jason Brooks and Andrew Ainsworth.

Hayden Kays is the screaming voice of an angry Britain. In a world where we are spoon fed mediocrity from the media and the government, Hayden is kicking back and saying what everybody wishes they could. Exploring themes of terrorism, prostitution and tabloid culture with his tongue planted firmly in his cheek, his subtle use of humour perfectly puts his message across. A painter, sculptor and printmaker, Kays has developed a body of works that focus upon delivering challenging messages that range from the hard-hitting to the absurd, you can't escape his abrasive in your face statements. He was recently featured in The Independent newspaper as one of ‘a new generation of Pop artists’ and his work is collected by art alumni Jake Chapman and pop royalty Harry Styles. This year culminates for Kays in the publication of his first artists book, ‘Hayden Kays is an Artist’. A selected collection of work from his career to date, Banksy is quoted as commenting “a seriously good looking book.” The book launch took place on 5th December at the Freud Museum. www.haydenkayshq.co.uk
‘Star F*cker’ 2013
C-type glossy print. (edition 1 of 1)
100 x 135.78 cm (print size)
Mat Collishaw received his BFA from Goldsmith College, London, in 1989 and began his career exhibiting the acclaimed work Bullet Hole alongside his Goldsmiths contemporaries at the legendary show “Freeze” in 1989, and at “Modern Medicine” in 1990. Both shows were curated by Collishaw’s long-term friend Damien Hirst and are renowned for the rise to prominence of the YBAs (Young British Artists).
Over the past decade, his work has been exhibited in numerous solo shows around the world, including: Cohen Gallery, New York (1992); Camden Arts Centre, London (1996); Duty Free Spirits, Lisson Gallery, London (1997); Galeria d’Arte Moderne, Bologna, Italy (1999); Museum of Contemporary Art, Warsaw (2000); Mat Collishaw, Art & Public, Geneva (2004); Shooting Stars, Haunch of Venison, London (2008); Hysteria, Freud Museum, London (2009); and Retrospectre, BFI Southbank, London (2010). Collishaw's monumental site-specific work, Magic Lantern, was commissioned by The Victoria & Albert Museum and was installed in the cupola above the entrance from November 2010 - April 2011. www.matcollishaw.com
‘Helmet’ 2013
Framed C-Type print. Limited edition of 10. Dimensions: 40”x 36”
Alison Jackson is renowned for her elaborate ‘spoof’ productions which give an imaginary and amusing behind- the-scenes look into the world of celebrities and royals.
She became notorious in England in 1999 for producing black-and-white photographs including images that apparently showed Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed with a mixed-racelove child. The photographs were part of her graduation series entitled Mental Images. She has gone on to produce similarly obscured photos and films of celebrity look-alikes in surprising, shocking or strange situations, portraying them, as she has described it, 'depicting our suspicions'.
As part of the Art Wars collection, Jackson has created this stunning photograph inspired by the work of Helmut Newton.
Art Below are releasing a special edition of 100 posters on semi matt art paper, size 500mm x 1029mm, featuring a selection of the helmets from the 'Art Wars' collection unveiled at the Saatchi gallery in October 2013, and signed by the founder of the project Ben Moore. Priced at £95 each.
This poster design was featured as a 3 meter wide billboard by Art Below at Regents Park throughout October.
A free mobile App was made specially by artist Erin Ko to enable tube users at Regent’s Park station to view and explore the artwork in 3D with their phones. You can see a clip of the app in action here. The app is still available to use with the limited edition poster now on offer.
To go ahead and make a purchase of this limited edition poster please contact postersales@artbelow.org.uk
Andrew Ainsworth, David Bailey, Mr.Brainwash, Jason Brooks, Jake and Dinos Chapman,
Mat Collishaw,
D*Face, Matt Farina, Paul Fryer, Damien Hirst, Inkie, Alison Jackson,
Hayden Kays, Antony Micallef, Ben Moore, Yinka Shonibare MBE, Bran Symondson, Joana Vasconcelos
'Art Wars' was unveiled at the inaugural Strarta Art Fair at the Saatchi Gallery from 9 to 13th October, and was showcased on billboard posters by Art Below throughout Regent's Park Station throughout October.
2013 marks the 10th year that Moore’s brother Tom has been missing. Proceeds from 'Art Wars' go to the ‘Missing Tom’ fund, which was started up specifically to raise money to support the search for Thomas Moore.
Tom left his family home in 2003. He was aged 31 years old. His friends and family have not heard from him since then. Now ten years on and with the support of the Missing People Charity, his family are reopening the search for Tom and have started up a website www.missingtom.com A short narrated film about Tom can be viewed here.
Jake and Dinos Chapman Stormtrooper helmet for Art Wars 
Ben Moore and Georgie West. (above) Bianca Brigitte Bonomi and friends. (below)
Joana Vasconcelos 'Crochet Vader' 2013
Jason Brooks 'Ayrton' 2013 (above)
Photography of Art Wars Exhbition by Sandy Lee. © Art Wars 2013.
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