A call for volunteers
Scotland Island’s
volunteer fire brigade is always looking out for new
members, but now we have three particular needs: a new
treasurer, new auditor and a new secretary.
Just because there hasn’t been a major fire on the
island for a number of years doesn’t mean that brigade
members haven't been busy.

medical evacuation from the island (using
a manikin)
Last year the brigade attended around 40 emergency
incidents. That’s almost one per week. Common reasons
for call outs include boat fires, medical evacuations
and trees blocking roads.
Besides responding to
emergencies, brigade members are also engaged in
preventative and preparatory tasks such as hazard
reduction burns, plus the constant need to update
training, maintain equipment, etc.
When the brigade was set up in 1955 it was made clear
that every able-bodied man on the island was expected to
join. These days the RFS is just as interested in
applications from women, as well as teenagers aged 16
If firefighting doesn't
appeal then our need for additional Community First
Responders is just as pressing. CFRs assist with medical
emergencies pending the arrival of paramedics from the
mainland. Training is provided.
If you feel able to take
part in our activities please contact Captain Peter
Lalor at
Peter's phone number is 0401 716194.

Hasell, the brigade's retiring treasurer
Non-operational support is also needed
If you feel more inclined to support the brigade
administratively, the brigade is looking for a new
treasurer, secretary and auditor. Our current secretary
Vanessa Barry can no longer commit time to helping us,
while our treasurer Lara Hasell, after many years of
service, also wants a break.
Similarly, after a solid 20
years of service to the brigade, our current auditor, Mr
David Sutherland, would also like to step down. All
three are thanked for their tremendous support.
None of these positions need be particularly
time-consuming. The treasurer prepares monthly financial
statements, as well as an annual report. This is checked
by the auditor, who doesn’t need to be a qualified
auditor: the work could be done by any accountant or
someone with accounting or small business experience.
The treasurer needs to have basic bookkeeping skills,
while the secretary maintains very brief minutes of our
monthly meetings.
If you feel able to help, please contact Peter Lalor
(details above) or myself at
Roy Baker, President, SIRFB
How do we stop this
On the weekend of 12-13 October vandals caused damage to
the Recreation Centre. It seems that they were trying to
break into the shed used to store toys for young children.
Not only did the vandalism damage the lowest plank of the
mural by Nettie Lodge, for the third time the toy shed
doors were bashed in.
Previous acts by vandals had already made the store doors
difficult to open and close, but this attack probably
finishes them off.
To be clear: there's nothing kept in that store except
little children's toys. Those toys have minimal monetary
value, but are greatly enjoyed by our children.
So who does this vandalism hurt? Our littlest Island
The police and Northern Beaches Council have been
informed. If anyone knows anything about this latest
incident, please contact the Halls Manager at
Teenager & Family
Enhancement Program
Mick Miller is a
Pittwater offshore resident with a graduate diploma in
coaching (hons). As part of his work as a performance
coach Mick is offering the following program, designed
to create successful teenagers and families who thrive
Community Hall, Scotland
Saturdays 2 & 30
November, 7 pm
The Recreation
Club asks for $5 per person per attendance to
defray expenses.
Scotland Island Recreation
Tuesday 19 November, 11 am
- 12.30 pm
The Recreation Club runs a
discussion group, meeting on the third Tuesday of each
month, from 11 am to 12.30 pm in the Recreation Centre.
Everyone is welcome.
members take it in turn to design a session. For the
August session Chris Baynes invited the group to
consider aged car in Australia today.
For the November meeting,
Sarah Polomka, Kathy James and Jane Rich will lead an
open session, inviting members to bring along something
(most likely a piece of writing) that they have found
inspiring, amusing, interesting or moving this month.
The group is administered via a WhatsApp group, which will
be used to distribute further information about this and
future discussions. If you would like to be added to the
group, send your mobile phone number to
Alternatively, contact Jane Rich ( for more
information or to express your interest in participating.
The Recreation Club
asks for $5 per person per attendance to defray
Sunday 24 November, 10 am
- 1 pm
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views expressed in this newsletter are not
necessarily those of the Scotland Island
Residents Association (SIRA),
or the Western Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA)