Tuesday, January 22, 2008

John 10:14 "I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me --"


Most modern people are fairly ignorant about farm and ranch life. During the time of Jesus' earthly ministry, however, the average person was very familiar with the world of horticulture and the care of domestic animals. Jesus used many word pictures from outdoor life to teach people important truths about His person and work. One of those is His reference to Himself as the Good Shepherd.

To capture the beauty of that picture we need to know something about sheep. Sheep are perhaps the most needy creatures on earth. Sheep have no natural defenses -- no fangs or claws -- and so are easy prey to all kinds of predators. Sheep are naturally very timid. They have been known to stampede at the sound of thunder, or at a rabbit rushing out from behind a tumbleweed. Nor are sheep known for their intelligence. They are famous for drinking from parasite polluted mud holes, for eating poisonous weeds, and for grazing on pasture land infested by their own body waste. Sheep aren't the kindest of creatures either. In the desire to be top sheep they will butt and bite at each other, causing a great deal of unrest within the entire flock.

Notice any similarities? It's no accident that Scripture repeatedly refers to people as sheep. We have no natural defenses against the great soul predator, Satan, nor against the wolves who try to bite into our faith with their false teachings. We, too, are timid creatures filled with many worries and fears. And when it comes to knowing the way to heaven, we have no innate intelligence. People, if left to themselves, will always opt for the polluted water and contaminated food of worldly philosophy and man-made religion. By nature we are also unkind, unloving, and entirely selfish.

How blessed we are as Jesus' little lambs. He is the Good Shepherd Who laid down His life for the sheep. Who took His life back that we may live with Him forever in heaven. The One Who guides us down good and true paths as we make our way through this life. He is the shepherd who meets our every need, keeps us safe, who loves us with an everlasting love! He is our Shepherd-Savior -- Who forgives our sins and gives us new and loving hearts.